Apache Johnzon Releases

This page contains download links to the latest Apache Johnzon releases.

All maven artifacts are available in the Maven.Central repository with the groupId org.apache.johnzon. The dependencies you can use are listed at the bottom of this page: Maven Dependencies.

should be addressed to the mailing list.

KEYS for verifying Apache releases

Please use the Johnzon KEYS file to validate our releases. Read more about how we sign Apache Releases


Apache Johnzon 2.0.x implements the JSON-P 2.1 and JSON-B 3.0 specifications which on a level of JavaEE 10. This version is not backward compatible due to the namespace change from javax to jakarta. Apache Johnzon does not implement Jakarta EE 9 per se, because there was no change in terms of APIs except the namespace change. So we decided to use Apache Johnzon 1.2.x bellow and publish a Jakarta compatible version using bytecode transformation. All artifacts can be used with the classifier jakarta.


This version is currently only available as snapshot. We are still actively working on passing the TCK but so far most of the implementation is ready.


Apache Johnzon 1.2.x implements the JSON-P 1.1 and JSON-B 1.0 specifications which on a level of JavaEE 8.


Should you want to build any of the above binaries, this source bundle is the right one and covers them all.


Apache Johnzon 1.0.x implements the JSON-P 1.0 specification and a preliminary version of the JSON-B 1.0. This corresponds to JavaEE 7 level.


The binary distribution contains all Johnzon modules.


Should you want to build any of the above binaries, this source bundle is the right one and covers them all.

Maven Dependencies

APIs for Johnzon-2.0.x (Jakarta EE 10)

Since Java EE got open sourced to become Jakarta EE, the APIs can be used without license restrictions, so we moved away from our Apache APIs.


APIs for Johnzon-1.1.x (JavaEE 8)



APIs for Johnzon-1.0.x (JavaEE 7)



Note that you should set the scope of those dependencies to either provided or compile depending on whether your environment already provide them or not.