| # |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| # |
| |
| org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx512m -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m |
| org.gradle.parallel=true |
| # Build cache can be disabled with --no-build-cache option |
| org.gradle.caching=true |
| #org.gradle.caching.debug=true |
| |
| # See https://github.com/gradle/gradle/pull/11358 , https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-14923 |
| # repository.apache.org does not yet support .sha256 and .sha512 checksums |
| systemProp.org.gradle.internal.publish.checksums.insecure=true |
| kotlin.code.style=official |
| kotlin.parallel.tasks.in.project=true |
| |
| # This is version for Apache JMeter itself |
| # Note: it should not include "-SNAPSHOT" as it is automatically added by build.gradle.kts |
| # Release version can be generated by using -Prelease or -Prc=<int> arguments |
| jmeter.version=5.4 |
| |
| # Tools |
| checkstyle.version=8.35 |
| errorprone.version=2.4.0 |
| jacoco.version=0.8.5 |
| spotbugs.version=4.1.2 |
| velocity.version=1.7 |
| |
| # Plugins |
| com.github.autostyle.version=3.0 |
| com.github.spotbugs.version=4.5.0 |
| com.github.vlsi.checksum-dependency.sha512=4D1A76F38F327CEA0C723D9BDD9ABFE16933769052F47BCECD555DDD1A6CD0A9C21E3CC8F9E1B92780F9B443070D4844889EE9ECB0690D30E50AAB085096D8E1 |
| com.github.vlsi.checksum-dependency.version=1.70 |
| com.github.vlsi.vlsi-release-plugins.version=1.70 |
| net.ltgt.errorprone.version=1.2.1 |
| org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext.version=0.5 |
| org.nosphere.apache.rat.version=0.7.0 |
| org.sonarqube.version=3.0 |
| |
| # Dependencies |
| accessors-smart.version=1.2 |
| activemq.version=5.16.0 |
| apache-rat.version=0.13 |
| apiguardian-api.version=1.1.0 |
| asm.version=7.3.1 |
| bouncycastle.version=1.66 |
| bsf.version=2.4.0 |
| bsh.version=2.0b6 |
| caffeine.version=2.8.0 |
| cglib-nodep.version=3.2.12 |
| commons-codec.version=1.14 |
| commons-collections.version=3.2.2 |
| commons-collections4.version=4.4 |
| commons-dbcp2.version=2.8.0 |
| commons-io.version=2.7 |
| commons-jexl.version=2.1.1 |
| commons-jexl3.version=3.1 |
| commons-lang.version=2.6 |
| commons-lang3.version=3.11 |
| commons-math3.version=3.6.1 |
| commons-net.version=3.7 |
| commons-pool2.version=2.9.0 |
| commons-text.version=1.9 |
| darklaf.version=2.4.10 |
| darklaf.extensions.version=0.3.4 |
| dec.version=0.1.2 |
| dnsjava.version=2.1.9 |
| equalsverifier.version=3.4.2 |
| freemarker.version=2.3.30 |
| ftplet-api.version=1.1.1 |
| ftpserver-core.version=1.1.1 |
| geronimo-jms_1.1_spec.version=1.1.1 |
| groovy.version=3.0.5 |
| hamcrest.version=2.2 |
| hamcrest-date.version=2.0.7 |
| hsqldb.version=2.5.0 |
| httpasyncclient.version=4.1.4 |
| httpclient.version=4.5.12 |
| httpcore-nio.version=4.4.13 |
| httpcore.version=4.4.13 |
| httpmime.version=4.5.12 |
| jackson.version=2.10.3 |
| jackson-databind.version=2.10.3 |
| javax.activation.version=1.2.0 |
| jcharts.version=0.7.5 |
| jdom.version=1.1.3 |
| jmespath-core.version=0.5.0 |
| jmespath-jackson.version=0.5.0 |
| jodd.version=5.0.13 |
| json-path.version=2.4.0 |
| json-smart.version=2.3 |
| jsoup.version=1.13.1 |
| jtidy.version=r938 |
| junit4.version=4.13 |
| junit5.version=5.7.0 |
| log4j.version=2.13.3 |
| mail.version=1.5.0-b01 |
| miglayout.version=5.2 |
| mina-core.version=2.0.19 |
| mongo-java-driver.version=2.11.3 |
| neo4j-java-driver.version=4.2.0 |
| objenesis.version=2.6 |
| oro.version=2.0.8 |
| ph-commons.version=9.4.1 |
| ph-css.version=6.2.2 |
| rhino.version=1.7.13 |
| rsyntaxtextarea.version=3.1.1 |
| Saxon-HE.version=9.9.1-7 |
| slf4j.version=1.7.30 |
| spock-core.version=2.0-M2-groovy-3.0 |
| springframework.version=4.3.17.RELEASE |
| svgSalamander.version= |
| tika.version=1.24.1 |
| xalan.version=2.7.2 |
| xercesImpl.version=2.12.0 |
| xml-apis.version=1.4.01 |
| xmlgraphics-commons.version=2.3 |
| xmlpull.version= |
| xpp3_min.version=1.1.4c |
| xstream.version=1.4.14 |
| wiremock-jre8.version=2.24.1 |