| # Directory trees to ignore |
| /backups/ |
| /build/ |
| /buildSrc/build/ |
| /buildSrc/subprojects/*/build/ |
| /buildSrc/subprojects/*/bin/ |
| /buildSrc/subprojects/*/out/ |
| /src/build/ |
| /src/bin/ |
| /src/out/ |
| /src/*/build/ |
| /src/*/bin/ |
| /src/*/out/ |
| /src/protocol/*/build/ |
| /src/protocol/*/bin/ |
| /src/protocol/*/out/ |
| /dist/ |
| /docs/ |
| /local/ |
| /printable_docs/ |
| /reports/ |
| /site/ |
| /target/ |
| |
| !/bin/report-template/**/dist |
| /bin/temp/ |
| /bin/testfiles/testReport* |
| |
| # Ignore Gradle project-specific cache directory |
| .gradle |
| |
| # macOS |
| .DS_Store |
| |
| # specific files to ignore |
| *.log |
| .ant-targets-build.xml |
| .checkstyle |
| .classpath |
| .externalToolBuilders |
| .fbwarnings |
| .fbprefs |
| .pmd |
| .project |
| .settings |
| |
| # bin/ folder is used to launch JMeter, so we ignore certain files there |
| /bin/ApacheJMeter.jar |
| # Below are the results of "batch test" execution |
| /bin/*.csv |
| /bin/*.jmx |
| /bin/*.jtl |
| /bin/*.xml |
| # We need log4j2.xml even though we want to exclude xml created by batch tests |
| !/bin/log4j2.xml |
| |
| build-local.properties |
| jmeter-fb.* |
| |
| # ignore generated keystore and certs |
| /bin/proxyserver.jks |
| /bin/ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.crt |
| /bin/ApacheJMeterTemporaryRootCA.usr |
| |
| # ignore jar's in lib/ |
| /lib/**/*.jar |
| |
| # ignore default report output directory |
| /bin/report-output |
| /output/ |
| |
| # IDEA |
| /out/ |
| .idea/* |
| !/.idea/icon.png |
| *.iml |
| |
| # virtual machine crash logs, see http://www.java.com/en/download/help/error_hotspot.xml |
| hs_err_pid* |
| # other jvm related files |
| .attach_* |