blob: 0fb73091f55d6a77665512afdf5e301f1ffecb18 [file] [log] [blame]
What is it?
Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java application designed to test
and measure performance. It may be used
as a highly portable server benchmark as well as multiclient
load generator.
The Latest Version
Details of the latest version can be found on the Java Apache
Project web site (
The following requirements exist for installing Apache JMeter:
o Java Interpreter:
A fully compliant Java 1.3 Runtime Environment is required (a Java 1.4
Runtime Environment is recomendend) for Apache JMeter to execute.
Since Apache JMeter uses _only_ standard Java APIs (java.*), please,
do not file in a bug report if your JRE fails to execute Apache JMeter
because a class implementation is missing, or not fully compliant.
o Java JFC (Swing components):
These GUI extentions are required for proper functioning.
Due to incompatibility in the package names, the precompiled version
works only with Swing placed under the packages "javax.swing.*" while
other placing are not supported because considered non-standard.
o SAX 1.0 Compliant Parser [OPTIONAL]:
A Java SAX 1.0 Parser is required to restore HTTPSamples You can save
samples without the parser but you will not be able to restore them.
you can specify the parser class in the xml.parser property in
o Java Compiler [OPTIONAL]:
A Java compiler is not needed since the distribution includes a
precompiled java binary archive. Note that a compiler is required
if you plan to build plugin classes for Apache JMeter.
Installation Instructions and Documentation
The documentation available as of the date of this release is
also included, in HTML format, in the docs/ directory, and it may
be browsed starting from the file called index.html.
If you have downloaded a nightly build, please cd to the jakarta-jmeter
directory and type "./" (Unix/Linux) or "build" (Windows). This
should compile the application and enable you to run jmeter from the /bin
Changes since 1.8
- Bug Fix Release. Many bugs were fixed.
- Removed redundant "Root" node from test tree.
- Re-introduced Icons in test tree.
- Some re-organization of code to improve build process.
- View Results Tree has added option to view results as web document
(still buggy at this point).
- New Total line in Aggregate Listener (still buggy at this point).
- Improvements to ability to change JMeter's Locale settings.
- Improvements to SSL Manager.
Licensing and legal issues
For legal and licensing issues, please look in the legal section of
the documentation.
Thanks for using Apache JMeter.