blob: 71bf872336ecd3e1ca8101d7b3a6c618563961da [file] [log] [blame]
// The script generates a random subset of valid jdk, os, timezone, and other axes.
// You can preview the results by running "node matrix.js"
// See
let fs = require('fs');
let os = require('os');
let {MatrixBuilder} = require('./matrix_builder');
const matrix = new MatrixBuilder();
name: 'java_distribution',
values: [
{value: 'corretto', vendor: 'amazon', weight: 1},
{value: 'liberica', vendor: 'bellsoft', weight: 1},
{value: 'microsoft', vendor: 'microsoft', weight: 1},
{value: 'oracle', vendor: 'oracle', weight: 1},
{value: 'semeru', vendor: 'ibm', weight: 4},
{value: 'temurin', vendor: 'eclipse', weight: 1},
{value: 'zulu', vendor: 'azul', weight: 1},
const eaJava = '22';
name: 'java_version',
// Strings allow versions like 18-ea
values: [
name: 'tz',
values: [
name: 'os',
title: x => x.replace('-latest', ''),
values: [
// TODO: X11 is not available. Un-comment when is resolved
// 'ubuntu-latest',
// Test cases when Object#hashCode produces the same results
// It allows capturing cases when the code uses hashCode as a unique identifier
name: 'hash',
values: [
{value: 'regular', title: '', weight: 42},
{value: 'same', title: 'same hashcode', weight: 1}
name: 'locale',
title: x => x.language + '_' +,
values: [
{language: 'de', country: 'DE'},
{language: 'fr', country: 'FR'},
// TODO: fix :src:dist-check:batchBUG_62847
// Fails with "ERROR o.a.j.u.JMeterUtils: Could not find resources for 'ru_EN'"
// {language: 'ru', country: 'RU'},
{language: 'tr', country: 'TR'},
matrix.setNamePattern(['java_version', 'java_distribution', 'hash', 'os', 'tz', 'locale']);
// Semeru uses OpenJ9 jit which has no option for making hash codes the same
matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, hash: {value: 'same'}});
// Semeru 8 fails when Semeru 17 is on the PATH (we use 17 for build)
matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, java_version: '8'});
// Microsoft Java has no distribution for 8
matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'microsoft'}, java_version: '8'});
// Oracle JDK is only supported for JDK 17 and later
matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'oracle'}, java_version: ['8', '11']});
// Ignore builds with JAVA EA for now, see
matrix.exclude({java_version: eaJava})
matrix.imply({java_version: eaJava}, {java_distribution: {value: 'oracle'}})
// TODO: Semeru does not ship Java 21 builds yet
matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, java_version: '21'});
// Semeru 11 and 17 has issues with tr_TR locale:
// It is not clear what is the source of the issues, however, we can exclude the combination
matrix.exclude({java_distribution: {value: 'semeru'}, locale: {language: 'tr', country: 'TR'}});
// Ensure at least one job with "same" hashcode exists
matrix.generateRow({hash: {value: 'same'}});
// Ensure at least one Windows and at least one Linux job is present (macOS is almost the same as Linux)
matrix.generateRow({os: 'windows-latest'});
// TODO: un-comment when xvfb will be possible
// matrix.generateRow({os: 'ubuntu-latest'});
// Ensure there will be at least one job with Java 8
matrix.generateRow({java_version: "8"});
// Ensure there will be at least one job with Java 11
matrix.generateRow({java_version: "11"});
// Ensure there will be at least one job with Java 17
matrix.generateRow({java_version: "17"});
// Ensure there will be at least one job with Java 21
matrix.generateRow({java_version: "21"});
// Ensure there will be at least one job with Java EA
// matrix.generateRow({java_version: eaJava});
const include = matrix.generateRows(process.env.MATRIX_JOBS || 5);
if (include.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Matrix list is empty');
include.sort((a, b) =>, undefined, {numeric: true}));
include.forEach(v => {
// Pass locale via Gradle arguments in case it won't be inherited from _JAVA_OPTIONS
// In fact, _JAVA_OPTIONS is non-standard and might be ignored by some JVMs
let gradleArgs = [
if (v.hash.value === 'same' && v.java_version <= 8) {
// processSiteXslt fails with VerifyError when running with Java 8 and the same hashcode
// Skip the task in that case
//java.lang.VerifyError: (class: website_style, method: issue_separator signature: (Lcom/sun/org/apache/xala...)
// Illegal target of jump or branch
gradleArgs.push('-x :src:dist:processSiteXslt');
// javadoc tool seems take too much CPU when there are many hash collisions
gradleArgs.push('-x :src:dist:javadocAggregate');
v.extraGradleArgs = gradleArgs.join(' ');
include.forEach(v => {
let jvmArgs = [];
// Extra JVM arguments passed to test execution
let testJvmArgs = [];
if (v.hash.value === 'same') {
testJvmArgs.push('-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions', '-XX:hashCode=2');
// Gradle does not work in tr_TR locale, so pass locale to test only:
v.java_distribution = v.java_distribution.value;
v.java_vendor = v.java_distribution.vendor;
if (v.java_distribution === 'oracle') {
v.oracle_java_website = v.java_version === eaJava ? '' : '';
v.non_ea_java_version = v.java_version === eaJava ? '' : v.java_version;
if (v.java_distribution !== 'semeru' && Math.random() > 0.5) {
// The following options randomize instruction selection in JIT compiler
// so it might reveal missing synchronization += ', stress JIT';
v.testDisableCaching = 'JIT randomization should not be cached';
if (v.java_version >= 8) {
// Randomize instruction scheduling in GCM
// share/opto/c2_globals.hpp
// Randomize instruction scheduling in LCM
// share/opto/c2_globals.hpp
if (v.java_version >= 16) {
// Randomize worklist traversal in IGVN
// share/opto/c2_globals.hpp
if (v.java_version >= 17) {
// Randomize worklist traversal in CCP
// share/opto/c2_globals.hpp
v.extraJvmArgs = jvmArgs.join(' ');
v.testExtraJvmArgs = testJvmArgs.join(' ::: ');
delete v.hash;
let filePath = process.env['GITHUB_OUTPUT'] || '';
if (filePath) {
fs.appendFileSync(filePath, `matrix<<MATRIX_BODY${os.EOL}${JSON.stringify({include})}${os.EOL}MATRIX_BODY${os.EOL}`, {
encoding: 'utf8'