| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| # Warning: JMeterUtils.getResString() replaces space with '_' |
| # and converts keys to lowercase before lookup |
| # => All keys in this file must also be lower case or they won't match |
| # |
| |
| # Please add new entries in alphabetical order |
| |
| about=About Apache JMeter |
| active_total_threads_tooltip=Running threads / Total number of threads to run |
| add=Add |
| add_host=Add static host |
| add_as_child=Add as Child |
| add_from_clipboard=Add from Clipboard |
| add_from_suggested_excludes=Add suggested Excludes |
| add_parameter=Add Variable |
| add_pattern=Add Pattern\: |
| add_test=Add Test |
| add_user=Add User |
| add_value=Add Value |
| addtest=Add test |
| add_think_times=Add Think Times to children |
| aggregate_graph=Statistical Graphs |
| aggregate_graph_choose_color=Choose color |
| aggregate_graph_choose_foreground_color=Foreground color |
| aggregate_graph_color_bar=Color\: |
| aggregate_graph_column=Column\: |
| aggregate_graph_column_selection=Column label selection\: |
| aggregate_graph_column_settings=Column settings |
| aggregate_graph_columns_to_display=Columns to display\: |
| aggregate_graph_dimension=Graph size |
| aggregate_graph_display=Display Graph |
| aggregate_graph_draw_outlines=Draw outlines bar? |
| aggregate_graph_dynamic_size=Dynamic graph size |
| aggregate_graph_font=Font\: |
| aggregate_graph_height=Height\: |
| aggregate_graph_increment_scale=Increment scale\: |
| aggregate_graph_legend=Legend |
| aggregate_graph_legend.placement.bottom=Bottom |
| aggregate_graph_legend.placement.left=Left |
| aggregate_graph_legend.placement.right=Right |
| aggregate_graph_legend.placement.top=Top |
| aggregate_graph_legend_placement=Placement\: |
| aggregate_graph_max_length_xaxis_label=Max length of x-axis label\: |
| aggregate_graph_ms=Milliseconds |
| aggregate_graph_no_values_to_graph=No values to graph |
| aggregate_graph_number_grouping=Show number grouping? |
| aggregate_graph_response_time=Response Time |
| aggregate_graph_save=Save Graph |
| aggregate_graph_save_table=Save Table Data |
| aggregate_graph_save_table_header=Save Table Header |
| aggregate_graph_size=Size\: |
| aggregate_graph_style=Style\: |
| aggregate_graph_sync_with_name=Synchronize with name |
| aggregate_graph_tab_graph=Graph |
| aggregate_graph_tab_settings=Settings |
| aggregate_graph_title=Aggregate Graph |
| aggregate_graph_title_group=Title |
| aggregate_graph_use_group_name=Include group name in label? |
| aggregate_graph_user_title=Graph title\: |
| aggregate_graph_value_font=Value font\: |
| aggregate_graph_value_labels_vertical=Value labels vertical? |
| aggregate_graph_width=Width\: |
| aggregate_graph_xaxis_group=X Axis |
| aggregate_graph_yaxis_group=Y Axis (milli-seconds) |
| aggregate_graph_yaxis_max_value=Scale maximum value\: |
| aggregate_report=Aggregate Report |
| aggregate_report_xx_pct1_line={0}% Line |
| aggregate_report_xx_pct2_line={0}% Line |
| aggregate_report_xx_pct3_line={0}% Line |
| aggregate_report_90=90% |
| aggregate_report_bandwidth=Received KB/sec |
| aggregate_report_sent_bytes_per_sec=Sent KB/sec |
| aggregate_report_count=# Samples |
| aggregate_report_error=Error |
| aggregate_report_error%=Error % |
| aggregate_report_max=Max |
| aggregate_report_median=Median |
| aggregate_report_min=Min |
| aggregate_report_rate=Throughput |
| aggregate_report_stddev=Std. Dev. |
| aggregate_report_total_label=TOTAL |
| ajp_sampler_title=AJP/1.3 Sampler |
| algorithm_string=Digest algorithm |
| als_message=Note\: The Access Log Parser is generic in design and allows you to plugin |
| als_message2=your own parser. To do so, implement the LogParser, add the jar to the |
| als_message3=/lib directory and enter the class in the sampler. |
| analyze=Analyze Data File... |
| anchor_modifier_title=HTML Link Parser |
| appearance=Look and Feel |
| apply_naming=Apply Naming Policy |
| argument_must_not_be_negative=The Argument must not be negative\! |
| arguments_panel_title=Command parameters |
| ask_existing_file=The file {0} already exists, what do you want to do? \r\nNote you can avoid this popup by defining property ''resultcollector.action_if_file_exists''. |
| assertion_assume_success=Ignore Status |
| assertion_body_resp=Response Body |
| assertion_code_resp=Response Code |
| assertion_custom_message=Custom failure message |
| assertion_contains=Contains |
| assertion_equals=Equals |
| assertion_headers=Response Headers |
| assertion_matches=Matches |
| assertion_message_resp=Response Message |
| assertion_network_size=Full Response |
| assertion_not=Not |
| assertion_or=Or |
| assertion_pattern_match_rules=Pattern Matching Rules |
| assertion_patterns_to_test=Patterns to Test |
| assertion_regex_empty_default_value=Use empty default value |
| assertion_req_headers=Request Headers |
| assertion_req_data=Request Data |
| assertion_resp_field=Field to Test |
| assertion_resp_size_field=Response Size Field to Test |
| assertion_substring=Substring |
| assertion_text_document=Document (text) |
| assertion_text_resp=Text Response |
| assertion_textarea_label=Assertions\: |
| assertion_title=Response Assertion |
| assertion_url_samp=URL Sampled |
| assertion_visualizer_title=Assertion Results |
| attribute=Attribute |
| attribute_field=Attribute\: |
| attrs=Attributes |
| auth_base_url=Base URL |
| auth_manager_clear_per_iter=Clear auth on each iteration? |
| auth_manager_clear_controlled_by_threadgroup=Use Thread Group configuration to control clearing |
| auth_manager_options=Options |
| auth_manager_title=HTTP Authorization Manager |
| auths_stored=Authorizations Stored in the Authorization Manager |
| average=Average |
| average_bytes=Avg. Bytes |
| backend_listener=Backend Listener |
| backend_listener_classname=Backend Listener implementation |
| backend_listener_paramtable=Parameters |
| backend_listener_queue_size=Async Queue size |
| bind=Thread Bind |
| bouncy_castle_unavailable_message=The jars for bouncy castle are unavailable, please add them to your classpath. |
| boundaryextractor_empty_default_value=Use empty default value |
| boundaryextractor_leftboundary_field=Left Boundary: |
| boundaryextractor_render_no_text=Data response result isn't text. |
| boundaryextractor_rightboundary_field=Right Boundary: |
| boundaryextractor_tester_button_test=Test |
| boundaryextractor_tester_title=Boundary Extractor Tester |
| boundaryextractor_title=Boundary Extractor |
| browse=Browse... |
| bsf_sampler_title=BSF Sampler |
| bsf_script=Script to run (variables: ctx vars props SampleResult sampler log Label FileName Parameters args[] OUT) |
| bsf_script_file=Script file to run |
| bsf_script_language=Scripting language\: |
| bsf_script_parameters=Parameters to pass to script/file\: |
| bsh_assertion_script=Script (see below for variables that are defined) |
| bsh_assertion_script_variables=The following variables are defined for the script:\nRead/Write: Failure, FailureMessage, SampleResult, vars, props, log.\nReadOnly: Response[Data|Code|Message|Headers], RequestHeaders, SampleLabel, SamplerData, ctx |
| bsh_assertion_title=BeanShell Assertion |
| bsh_function_expression=Expression to evaluate |
| bsh_sampler_title=BeanShell Sampler |
| bsh_script=Script (see below for variables that are defined) |
| bsh_script_file=Script file |
| bsh_script_parameters=Parameters (-> String Parameters and String []bsh.args) |
| bsh_script_reset_interpreter=Reset bsh.Interpreter before each call |
| bsh_script_variables=The following variables are defined for the script\:\nSampleResult, ResponseCode, ResponseMessage, IsSuccess, Label, FileName, ctx, vars, props, log |
| busy_testing=I'm busy testing, please stop the test before changing settings |
| cache_manager_size=Max Number of elements in cache |
| cache_manager_title=HTTP Cache Manager |
| cache_session_id=Cache Session Id? |
| cache_clear_controlled_by_threadgroup=Use Thread Group configuration to control cache clearing |
| cancel=Cancel |
| cancel_exit_to_save=There are test items that have not been saved. Do you wish to save before exiting? |
| cancel_new_from_template=There are test items that have not been saved. Do you wish to save before creating a test plan from selected template? |
| cancel_new_to_save=There are test items that have not been saved. Do you wish to save before clearing the test plan? |
| cancel_revert_project=There are test items that have not been saved. Do you wish to revert to the previously saved test plan? |
| change_case_string=String to modify |
| change_case_mode=Change case mode UPPER(default),LOWER,CAPITALIZE |
| change_parent=Change Controller |
| char_value=Unicode character number (decimal or 0xhex) |
| check_return_code_title=Check Return Code |
| choose_function=Choose a function |
| choose_language=Choose Language |
| clear=Clear |
| clear_all=Clear All |
| clear_cache_each_iteration=Clear cache each iteration |
| clear_cache_per_iter=Clear cache each iteration? |
| clear_cookies_per_iter=Clear cookies each iteration? |
| clipboard_node_read_error=An error occurred while copying node |
| close=Close |
| closeconnection=Close connection |
| collapse_tooltip=Click to open / collapse |
| column_delete_disallowed=Deleting this column is not permitted |
| column_number=Column number of CSV file | next | *alias |
| command_config_box_title=Command to Execute |
| command_config_std_streams_title=Standard streams (files) |
| command_field_title=Command: |
| compare=Compare |
| comparefilt=Compare filter |
| comparison_differ_content=Responses differ in content |
| comparison_differ_time=Responses differ in response time by more than |
| comparison_invalid_node=Invalid Node |
| comparison_regex_string=Regex String |
| comparison_regex_substitution=Substitution |
| comparison_response_time=Response Time: |
| comparison_unit=\ ms |
| comparison_visualizer_title=Comparison Assertion Visualizer |
| compile_menu=Compile JSR223 Test Elements |
| compilation_errors={0} element(s) with compilation errors have been marked in red. Check jmeter.log. |
| concat_result=Append to existing file |
| config_element=Config Element |
| config_save_settings=Configure |
| confirm=Confirm |
| constant_throughput_timer_memo=Add a delay between sampling to attain constant throughput |
| constant_timer_delay=Thread Delay (in milliseconds)\: |
| constant_timer_memo=Add a constant delay between sampling |
| constant_timer_title=Constant Timer |
| content_encoding=Content encoding\: |
| content_type=Content-Type |
| controller=Controller |
| cookie_implementation_choose=Implementation: |
| cookie_manager_policy=Cookie Policy: |
| cookie_manager_title=HTTP Cookie Manager |
| cookie_options=Options |
| cookies_stored=User-Defined Cookies |
| cookie_clear_controlled_by_threadgroup=Use Thread Group configuration to control cookie clearing |
| copy=Copy |
| counter_config_title=Counter |
| counter_per_user=Track counter independently for each user |
| counter_reset_per_tg_iteration=Reset counter on each Thread Group Iteration |
| countlim=Size limit |
| critical_section_controller_label=Lock name |
| critical_section_controller_title=Critical Section Controller |
| cssjquery_attribute=Attribute\: |
| cssjquery_empty_default_value=Use empty default value |
| cssjquery_tester_error=An error occurred evaluating expression:{0}, error:{1} |
| cssjquery_impl=CSS/JQuery implementation\: |
| cssjquery_render_no_text=Data response result isn't text. |
| cssjquery_tester_button_test=Test |
| cssjquery_tester_field=Selector\: |
| cssjquery_tester_title=CSS Selector Tester |
| csvread_file_file_name=CSV file to get values from | *alias |
| curl_create_failure=Error creating HTTP Request, error:{0} |
| curl_create_request=Create Test Plan |
| curl_create_success=Successfully created HTTP Request(s) |
| curl_import=Create Test Plan from cURL |
| curl_import_from_file=Read cURL commands from file |
| curl_add_cookie_header_to_cookiemanager=Add cookie header to Cookie Manager |
| curl_import_menu=Import from cURL |
| cut=Cut |
| cut_paste_function=Function syntax\: |
| database_conn_pool_max_usage=Max Usage For Each Connection\: |
| database_conn_pool_props=Database Connection Pool |
| database_conn_pool_size=Number of Connections in Pool\: |
| database_conn_pool_title=JDBC Database Connection Pool Defaults |
| database_driver_class=Driver Class\: |
| database_login_title=JDBC Database Login Defaults |
| database_sql_query_string=SQL Query String\: |
| database_sql_query_title=JDBC SQL Query Defaults |
| database_testing_title=JDBC Request |
| database_url=JDBC URL\: |
| database_url_jdbc_props=Database URL and JDBC Driver |
| date_end=End date |
| date_format_old=Source format of date |
| date_format_new=Target format of date |
| date_start=Start date (optional) (default: now) |
| date_string=Date to be formatted |
| date_to_shift=Date to shift (optional) (default \: now ) |
| ddn=DN |
| de=German |
| debug_off=Disable debug |
| debug_on=Enable debug |
| default_parameters=Default Parameters |
| default_value_field=Default Value\: |
| delay=Startup delay (seconds)\: |
| delayed_start=Delay Thread creation until needed |
| delete=Delete |
| delete_parameter=Delete Variable |
| delete_host=Delete static host |
| delete_test=Delete Test |
| delete_user=Delete User |
| deltest=Deletion test |
| deref=Dereference aliases |
| description=Description |
| detail=Detail |
| directory_field_title=Working directory: |
| disable=Disable |
| dn=DN |
| dns_cache_manager_title=DNS Cache Manager |
| dns_hostname_or_ip=Hostname or IP address |
| dns_host=Host |
| dns_hosts=Static Host Table |
| dns_servers=DNS Servers |
| domain=Domain |
| done=Done |
| dont_start=Don't start |
| down=Down |
| duplicate=Duplicate |
| duration=Duration (seconds)\: |
| duration_assertion_duration_test=Duration to Assert |
| duration_assertion_failure=The operation lasted too long\: It took {0} milliseconds, but should not have lasted longer than {1} milliseconds. |
| duration_assertion_input_error=Please enter a valid positive integer. |
| duration_assertion_label=Duration in milliseconds\: |
| duration_assertion_title=Duration Assertion |
| duration_tooltip=Elapsed time of current running Test |
| edit=Edit |
| email_results_title=Email Results |
| en=English |
| enable=Enable |
| encode=URL Encode |
| encode?=URL Encode? |
| encoded_value=URL Encoded Value |
| entry_dn=Entry DN |
| entrydn=Entry DN |
| environment_panel_title=Environment Variables |
| eolbyte=End of line(EOL) byte value: |
| error_indicator_tooltip=Show the number of errors in log, click to open Log Viewer panel |
| error_loading_help=Error loading help page |
| error_occurred=Error Occurred |
| error_title=Error |
| es=Spanish |
| escape_html_string=String to escape |
| escape_xml_string=String to escape |
| eval_name_param=Text containing variable and function references |
| evalvar_name_param=Name of variable |
| example_data=Sample Data |
| example_title=Example Sampler |
| exit=Exit |
| find_target_element=Find target element |
| expected_return_code_title=Expected Return Code: |
| expiration=Expiration |
| export_transactions_exported_property=Dashboard report property value |
| export_transactions_menu=Export transactions for report |
| # Command name translation required |
| export_transactions_names_action=Export transactions for report |
| export_transactions_title=Export Transactions Result |
| expression_field=CSS Selector expression\: |
| field_name=Field name |
| file=File |
| file_already_in_use=That file is already in use |
| file_visualizer_append=Append to Existing Data File |
| file_visualizer_auto_flush=Automatically Flush After Each Data Sample |
| file_visualizer_browse=Browse... |
| file_visualizer_close=Close |
| file_visualizer_file_options=File Options |
| file_visualizer_filename=Filename |
| file_visualizer_flush=Flush |
| file_visualizer_missing_filename=No output filename specified. |
| file_visualizer_open=Open |
| file_visualizer_output_file=Write results to file / Read from file |
| file_visualizer_submit_data=Include Submitted Data |
| file_visualizer_title=File Reporter |
| file_visualizer_verbose=Verbose Output |
| filename=File Name |
| follow_redirects=Follow Redirects |
| follow_redirects_auto=Redirect Automatically |
| font.sansserif=Sans Serif |
| font.serif=Serif |
| fontstyle.bold=Bold |
| fontstyle.italic=Italic |
| fontstyle.normal=Normal |
| foreach_controller_title=ForEach Controller |
| foreach_end_index=End index for loop (inclusive) |
| foreach_input=Input variable prefix |
| foreach_output=Output variable name |
| foreach_start_index=Start index for loop (exclusive) |
| foreach_use_separator=Add "_" before number ? |
| format=Number format |
| fr=French |
| ftp_binary_mode=Use Binary mode ? |
| ftp_get=get(RETR) |
| ftp_local_file=Local File: |
| ftp_local_file_contents=Local File Contents: |
| ftp_put=put(STOR) |
| ftp_remote_file=Remote File: |
| ftp_sample_title=FTP Request Defaults |
| ftp_save_response_data=Save File in Response ? |
| ftp_testing_title=FTP Request |
| function_dialog_menu_item=Function Helper Dialog |
| function_helper_dialog_result_warn=If function uses variables or a running context, results will not reflect reality |
| function_helper_dialog_variables=Current JMeter Variables |
| function_helper_reset_vars=Reset Variables |
| function_helper_title=Function Helper |
| function_name_param=Name of variable in which to store the result (required) |
| function_name_paropt=Name of variable in which to store the result (optional) |
| function_params=Function Parameters (Fill in Values below and click Generate) |
| functional_mode=Functional Test Mode (i.e. save Response Data and Sampler Data) |
| functional_mode_explanation=Selecting Functional Test Mode may adversely affect performance. |
| gaussian_timer_delay=Constant Delay Offset (in milliseconds)\: |
| gaussian_timer_memo=Adds a random delay with a gaussian distribution |
| gaussian_timer_range=Deviation (in milliseconds)\: |
| gaussian_timer_title=Gaussian Random Timer |
| generate=Generate & Copy to clipboard |
| generator=Name of Generator class |
| generate_report_ui.directory_not_empty=The directory {0} isn't empty |
| generate_report_ui.no_such_directory=The specified directory {0} doesn't exist |
| generate_report_ui.cannot_create_directory=Cannot create output folder {0} |
| generate_report_ui.user_properties_file=user.properties file \: |
| generate_report_ui.csv_file=Results file (csv or jtl) \: |
| generate_report_ui.html_report=HTML report |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_error=Error generating report |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_file_not_found=File not found at \: {0} |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_menu=Generate HTML report |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_processing=Generating report |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_request=Generate report |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_success=Report created ! |
| generate_report_ui.html_report_unknown_error=Error \: {0} |
| generate_report_ui.no_such_file=The specified file {0} doesn't exist |
| generate_report_ui.output_directory=Output directory \: |
| generator_cnf_msg=Could not find the generator class. Please make sure you place your jar file in the /lib directory. |
| generator_illegal_msg=Could not access the generator class due to IllegalAccessException. |
| generator_instantiate_msg=Could not create an instance of the generator parser. Please make sure the generator implements Generator interface. |
| graph_apply_filter=Apply filter |
| graph_choose_graphs=Graphs to Display |
| graph_full_results_title=Graph Full Results |
| graph_pointshape_circle=Circle |
| graph_pointshape_diamond=Diamond |
| graph_pointshape_none=None |
| graph_pointshape_square=Square |
| graph_pointshape_triangle=Triangle |
| graph_resp_time_interval_label=Interval (ms): |
| graph_resp_time_interval_reload=Apply interval |
| graph_resp_time_not_enough_data=Unable to graph, not enough data |
| graph_resp_time_series_selection=Sampler label selection: |
| graph_resp_time_settings_line=Line settings |
| graph_resp_time_settings_pane=Graph settings |
| graph_resp_time_shape_label=Shape point: |
| graph_resp_time_stroke_width=Stroke width: |
| graph_resp_time_title=Response Time Graph |
| graph_resp_time_title_label=Graph title: |
| graph_resp_time_xaxis_time_format=Time format (SimpleDateFormat): |
| graph_results_average=Average |
| graph_results_data=Data |
| graph_results_deviation=Deviation |
| graph_results_latest_sample=Latest Sample |
| graph_results_median=Median |
| graph_results_ms=ms |
| graph_results_no_samples=No of Samples |
| graph_results_throughput=Throughput |
| graph_results_title=Graph Results |
| groovy_function_expression=Expression to evaluate |
| grouping_add_separators=Add separators between groups |
| grouping_in_controllers=Put each group in a new controller |
| grouping_in_transaction_controllers=Put each group in a new transaction controller |
| grouping_mode=Grouping\: |
| grouping_no_groups=Do not group samplers |
| grouping_store_first_only=Store 1st sampler of each group only |
| header_manager_title=HTTP Header Manager |
| headers_stored=Headers Stored in the Header Manager |
| heap_dump=Create a heap dump |
| help=Help |
| help_node=What's this node? |
| html_assertion_file=Write JTidy report to file |
| html_assertion_label=HTML Assertion |
| html_assertion_title=HTML Assertion |
| html_extractor_title=CSS Selector Extractor |
| html_extractor_type=CSS Selector Extractor Implementation |
| http_implementation=Implementation: |
| http_response_code=HTTP response code |
| http_url_rewriting_modifier_title=HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier |
| http_user_parameter_modifier=HTTP User Parameter Modifier |
| httpmirror_max_pool_size=Max number of Threads: |
| httpmirror_max_queue_size=Max queue size: |
| httpmirror_settings=Settings |
| httpmirror_title=HTTP Mirror Server |
| id_prefix=ID Prefix |
| id_suffix=ID Suffix |
| if_controller_evaluate_all=Evaluate for all children? |
| if_controller_expression=Interpret Condition as Variable Expression? |
| if_controller_expression_label=Expression (must evaluate to true or false) |
| if_controller_label=Condition (evaluated with javascript) |
| if_controller_title=If Controller |
| if_controller_warning=<html>For performance it is advised to check "Interpret Condition as Variable Expression"<br> and use __jexl3 or __groovy evaluating to true or false or a variable that contains true or false.<br> ${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok} can be used to test if last sampler was successful<br></html> |
| ignore_subcontrollers=Ignore sub-controller blocks |
| include_controller=Include Controller |
| include_equals=Include Equals? |
| include_path=Include Test Plan |
| increment=Increment |
| infinite=Infinite |
| initial_context_factory=Initial Context Factory |
| insert_after=Insert After |
| insert_before=Insert Before |
| insert_parent=Insert Parent |
| interleave_control_title=Interleave Controller |
| interleave_accross_threads=Interleave across threads |
| intsum_param_1=First int to add. |
| intsum_param_2=Second int to add - further ints can be summed by adding further arguments. |
| invalid_data=Invalid data |
| invalid_mail=Error occurred sending the e-mail |
| invalid_mail_address=One or more invalid e-mail addresses detected |
| invalid_mail_server=Problem contacting the e-mail server (see JMeter log file) |
| invalid_variables=Invalid variables |
| iteration_counter_arg_1=TRUE, for each user to have own counter, FALSE for a global counter |
| iterator_num=Loop Count\: |
| ja=Japanese |
| jar_file=Jar Files |
| java_request=Java Request |
| java_request_defaults=Java Request Defaults |
| java_request_warning=<html>Classname not found in classpath, ensure you add the required jar and restart. <br/> If you modify "Classname" before you may lose the parameters of the original test plan.<html> |
| javascript_expression=JavaScript expression to evaluate |
| jexl_expression=JEXL expression to evaluate |
| jmes_extractor_title=JSON JMESPath Extractor |
| jmes_path_expressions=JMESPath expressions\: |
| jms_auth_required=Required |
| jms_bytes_message=Bytes Message |
| jms_client_caption=Receiver client uses MessageConsumer.receive() to listen for message. |
| jms_client_caption2=MessageListener uses onMessage(Message) interface to listen for new messages. |
| jms_client_id=Client ID |
| jms_client_type=Client |
| jms_communication_style=Communication style |
| jms_concrete_connection_factory=Concrete Connection Factory |
| jms_config=Message source |
| jms_config_title=JMS Configuration |
| jms_connection_factory=Connection Factory |
| jms_correlation_title=Use alternate fields for message correlation |
| jms_dest_setup=Setup |
| jms_dest_setup_dynamic=Each sample |
| jms_dest_setup_static=At startup |
| jms_durable_subscription_id=Durable Subscription ID |
| jms_error_reconnect_on_codes=Reconnect on error codes (regex) |
| jms_error_pause_between=Pause between errors (ms) |
| jms_expiration=Expiration (ms) |
| jms_file=File |
| jms_initial_context_factory=Initial Context Factory |
| jms_itertions=Number of samples to aggregate |
| jms_jndi_defaults_title=JNDI Default Configuration |
| jms_jndi_props=JNDI Properties |
| jms_map_message=Map Message |
| jms_message_title=Message properties |
| jms_message_type=Message Type |
| jms_msg_content=Content |
| jms_object_message=Object Message |
| jms_point_to_point=JMS Point-to-Point |
| jms_priority=Priority (0-9) |
| jms_properties=JMS Properties |
| jms_properties_name=Name |
| jms_properties_title=JMS Properties |
| jms_properties_type=Class of value |
| jms_properties_value=Value |
| jms_props=JMS Properties |
| jms_provider_url=Provider URL |
| jms_publisher=JMS Publisher |
| jms_pwd=Password |
| jms_queue=Queue |
| jms_queue_connection_factory=QueueConnection Factory |
| jms_queueing=JMS Resources |
| jms_random_file=Path of folder containing random files suffixed with .dat for bytes messages, .txt or .obj for text and Object messages |
| jms_receive_queue=JNDI name Receive queue |
| jms_request=Request Only |
| jms_requestreply=Request Response |
| jms_sample_title=JMS Default Request |
| jms_selector=JMS Selector |
| jms_send_queue=JNDI name Request queue |
| jms_separator=Separator |
| jms_stop_between_samples=Stop between samples? |
| jms_store_response=Store Response |
| jms_subscriber_on_message=Use MessageListener.onMessage() |
| jms_subscriber_receive=Use MessageConsumer.receive() |
| jms_subscriber_title=JMS Subscriber |
| jms_testing_title=Messaging Request |
| jms_text_area=Text Message or Object Message serialized to XML by XStream |
| jms_text_message=Text Message |
| jms_timeout=Timeout (ms) |
| jms_topic=Destination |
| jms_use_auth=Use Authorization? |
| jms_use_file=From file |
| jms_use_non_persistent_delivery=Use non-persistent delivery mode? |
| jms_use_properties_file=Use jndi.properties file |
| jms_use_random_file=Random File from folder specified below |
| jms_use_req_msgid_as_correlid=Use Request Message Id |
| jms_use_res_msgid_as_correlid=Use Response Message Id |
| jms_use_text=Textarea |
| jms_user=User |
| jmespath_assertion_title=JSON JMESPath Assertion |
| jmespath_assertion_path=Assert JMESPath exists\: |
| jmespath_assertion_validation=Additionally assert value |
| jmespath_assertion_regex=Match as regular expression |
| jmespath_assertion_expected_value=Expected Value\: |
| jmespath_assertion_null=Expect null |
| jmespath_assertion_invert=Invert assertion (will fail if above conditions met) |
| jmespath_renderer=JSON JMESPath Tester |
| jmespath_tester_button_test=Test |
| jmespath_tester_field=JMESPath expression |
| jmespath_tester_title=JMESPath Tester |
| jndi_config_title=JNDI Configuration |
| jndi_lookup_name=Remote Interface |
| jndi_lookup_title=JNDI Lookup Configuration |
| jndi_method_button_invoke=Invoke |
| jndi_method_button_reflect=Reflect |
| jndi_method_home_name=Home Method Name |
| jndi_method_home_parms=Home Method Parameters |
| jndi_method_name=Method Configuration |
| jndi_method_remote_interface_list=Remote Interfaces |
| jndi_method_remote_name=Remote Method Name |
| jndi_method_remote_parms=Remote Method Parameters |
| jndi_method_title=Remote Method Configuration |
| jndi_testing_title=JNDI Request |
| jndi_url_jndi_props=JNDI Properties |
| jsonpath_renderer=JSON Path Tester |
| jsonpath_tester_title=JSON Path Tester |
| jsonpath_tester_field=JSON Path Expression |
| jsonpath_tester_button_test=Test |
| render_no_text=No Text |
| json_post_processor_title=JSON Extractor |
| json_assertion_title=JSON Assertion |
| json_assertion_path=Assert JSON Path exists\: |
| json_assertion_validation=Additionally assert value |
| json_assertion_regex=Match as regular expression |
| json_assertion_expected_value=Expected Value\: |
| json_assertion_null=Expect null |
| json_assertion_invert=Invert assertion (will fail if above conditions met) |
| jsonpp_variable_names=Names of created variables\: |
| jsonpp_json_path_expressions=JSON Path expressions\: |
| jsonpp_default_values=Default Values\: |
| jsonpp_match_numbers=Match No. (0 for Random)\: |
| jsonpp_compute_concat=Compute concatenation var (suffix _ALL)\: |
| jsonpp_error_number_arguments_mismatch_error=Mismatch between number of variables, json expressions and default values |
| junit_append_error=Append assertion errors |
| junit_append_exception=Append runtime exceptions |
| junit_constructor_error=Unable to create an instance of the class |
| junit_constructor_string=Constructor String Label |
| junit_create_instance_per_sample=Create a new instance per sample |
| junit_do_setup_teardown=Do not call setUp and tearDown |
| junit_error_code=Error Code |
| junit_error_default_code=9999 |
| junit_error_default_msg=An unexpected error occurred |
| junit_error_msg=Error Message |
| junit_failure_code=Failure Code |
| junit_failure_default_code=0001 |
| junit_failure_default_msg=Test failed |
| junit_failure_msg=Failure Message |
| junit_junit4=Search for JUnit 4 annotations (instead of JUnit 3) |
| junit_pkg_filter=Package Filter |
| junit_request=JUnit Request |
| junit_request_defaults=JUnit Request Defaults |
| junit_success_code=Success Code |
| junit_success_default_code=1000 |
| junit_success_default_msg=Test successful |
| junit_success_msg=Success Message |
| junit_test_config=JUnit Test Parameters |
| junit_test_method=Test Method |
| action_check_message=A Test is currently running, stop or shutdown test to execute this command |
| action_check_title=Test Running |
| laf_quit_after_change=Changing LAF requires a restart to work correctly. Click yes to exit JMeter. |
| ldap_argument_list=LDAPArgument List |
| ldap_connto=Connection timeout (in milliseconds) |
| ldap_parse_results=Parse the search results ? |
| ldap_sample_title=LDAP Request Defaults |
| ldap_search_baseobject=Perform baseobject search |
| ldap_search_onelevel=Perform onelevel search |
| ldap_search_subtree=Perform subtree search |
| ldap_secure=Use Secure LDAP Protocol ? |
| ldap_trust_all=Trust All Certificates ? |
| ldap_testing_title=LDAP Request |
| ldapext_sample_title=LDAP Extended Request Defaults |
| ldapext_testing_title=LDAP Extended Request |
| library=Library |
| link_bug_tracker=Create an issue |
| link_comp_ref=Component Reference Documentation |
| link_func_ref=Functions Reference Documentation |
| link_nightly_build=Nightly builds |
| link_release_notes=Release notes |
| load=Load |
| locale_format=String format of a locale (ex\: fr_FR , en_EN) (optional) |
| log_errors_only=Errors |
| log_file=Location of log File |
| log_function_comment=Additional comment (optional) |
| log_function_level=Log level (default INFO) or OUT or ERR |
| log_function_string=String to be logged |
| log_function_string_ret=String to be logged (and returned) |
| log_function_throwable=Throwable text (optional) |
| log_only=Log/Display Only: |
| log_parser=Name of Log Parser class |
| log_parser_cnf_msg=Could not find the class. Please make sure you place your jar file in the /lib directory. |
| log_parser_illegal_msg=Could not access the class due to IllegalAccessException. |
| log_parser_instantiate_msg=Could not create an instance of the log parser. Please make sure the parser implements LogParser interface. |
| log_sampler=Tomcat Access Log Sampler |
| log_success_only=Successes |
| logic_controller_title=Simple Controller |
| login_config=Login Configuration |
| login_config_element=Login Config Element |
| longsum_param_1=First long to add |
| longsum_param_2=Second long to add - further longs can be summed by adding further arguments. |
| loop_controller_title=Loop Controller |
| looping_control=Looping Control |
| lower_bound=Lower Bound |
| mail_reader_account=Username: |
| mail_reader_all_messages=All |
| mail_reader_delete=Delete messages from the server |
| mail_reader_folder=Folder: |
| mail_reader_header_only=Fetch headers only |
| mail_reader_num_messages=Number of messages to retrieve: |
| mail_reader_password=Password: |
| mail_reader_port=Server Port (optional): |
| mail_reader_server=Server Host: |
| mail_reader_server_type=Protocol (e.g. pop3, imaps): |
| mail_reader_storemime=Store the message using MIME (raw) |
| mail_reader_title=Mail Reader Sampler |
| mail_sent=Mail sent successfully |
| mailer_addressees=Addressee(s): |
| mailer_attributes_panel=Mailing attributes |
| mailer_connection_security=Connection security: |
| mailer_error=Couldn't send mail. Please correct any misentries. |
| mailer_failure_limit=Failure Limit: |
| mailer_failure_subject=Failure Subject: |
| mailer_failures=Failures: |
| mailer_from=From: |
| mailer_host=Host: |
| mailer_login=Login: |
| mailer_msg_title_error=Error |
| mailer_msg_title_information=Information |
| mailer_password=Password: |
| mailer_port=Port: |
| mailer_string=E-Mail Notification |
| mailer_success_limit=Success Limit: |
| mailer_success_subject=Success Subject: |
| mailer_test_mail=Test Mail |
| mailer_title_message=Message |
| mailer_title_settings=Mailer settings |
| mailer_title_smtpserver=SMTP server |
| mailer_visualizer_title=Mailer Visualizer |
| match_num_field=Match No. (0 for Random)\: |
| max=Maximum |
| max_value=Maximum value |
| maximum_param=The maximum value allowed for a range of values |
| md5hex_assertion_failure=Error asserting MD5 sum : got {0} but should have been {1} |
| md5hex_assertion_label=MD5Hex |
| md5hex_assertion_md5hex_test=MD5Hex to Assert |
| md5hex_assertion_title=MD5Hex Assertion |
| mechanism=Mechanism |
| menu_assertions=Assertions |
| menu_collapse_all=Collapse All |
| menu_collapse_all_from_selected_node=Collapse All From Selected Node |
| menu_config_element=Config Element |
| menu_edit=Edit |
| menu_expand_all=Expand All |
| menu_expand_all_from_selected_node=Expand All From Selected Node |
| menu_fragments=Test Fragment |
| menu_generative_controller=Sampler |
| menu_listener=Listener |
| menu_logger_panel=Log Viewer |
| menu_logger_level=Log Level |
| menu_logic_controller=Logic Controller |
| menu_merge=Merge |
| menu_modifiers=Modifiers |
| menu_non_test_elements=Non-Test Elements |
| menu_open=Open |
| menu_post_processors=Post Processors |
| menu_pre_processors=Pre Processors |
| menu_recent=Open Recent |
| menu_response_based_modifiers=Response Based Modifiers |
| menu_save_before_run=Save automatically before run |
| menu_search=Search |
| menu_search_reset=Reset Search |
| menu_tables=Table |
| menu_threads=Threads (Users) |
| menu_timer=Timer |
| menu_toolbar=Toolbar |
| menu_zoom_in=Zoom In |
| menu_zoom_out=Zoom Out |
| metadata=MetaData |
| method=Method\: |
| mimetype=Mimetype |
| minimum_param=The minimum value allowed for a range of values |
| minute=minute |
| modddn=Old entry name |
| modification_controller_title=Modification Controller |
| modification_manager_title=Modification Manager |
| modify_test=Modify Test |
| modtest=Modification test |
| module_controller_module_to_run=Module To Run |
| module_controller_title=Module Controller |
| module_controller_warning=Could not find module\: |
| module_controller_warning_no_controller=You need to have at least 1 Controller (Module Controller are excluded) |
| name=Name\: |
| new=New |
| newdn=New distinguished name |
| next=Next |
| no=Norwegian |
| notify_child_listeners_fr=Notify Child Listeners of filtered samplers |
| number_of_threads=Number of Threads (users)\: |
| obsolete_test_element=This test element is obsolete |
| once_only_controller_title=Once Only Controller |
| opcode=opCode |
| open=Open... |
| option=Options |
| optional_tasks=Optional Tasks |
| paramtable=Send Parameters With the Request\: |
| password=Password\: |
| paste=Paste |
| paste_insert=Paste As Insert |
| path=Path\: |
| path_extension_choice=Path Extension (use ";" as separator) |
| path_extension_dont_use_equals=Do not use equals in path extension (Intershop Enfinity compatibility) |
| path_extension_dont_use_questionmark=Do not use questionmark in path extension (Intershop Enfinity compatibility) |
| patterns_to_exclude=URL Patterns to Exclude |
| patterns_to_include=URL Patterns to Include |
| keystore_desc=Keystore Files (*.p12, *.pfx, *.jks) |
| pl=Polish |
| poisson_timer_delay=Constant Delay Offset (in milliseconds)\: |
| poisson_timer_memo=Adds a random delay with a Poisson distribution |
| poisson_timer_range=Lambda (in milliseconds)\: |
| poisson_timer_title=Poisson Random Timer |
| port=Port\: |
| post_as_parameters=Parameters |
| post_body=Body Data |
| post_body_raw=Body Data |
| post_files_upload=Files Upload |
| post_thread_group_title=tearDown Thread Group |
| previous=Previous |
| property_as_field_label={0}\: |
| property_default_param=Default value |
| property_edit=Edit |
| property_editor.value_is_invalid_message=The text you just entered is not a valid value for this property.\nThe property will be reverted to its previous value. |
| property_editor.value_is_invalid_title=Invalid input |
| property_name_param=Name of property |
| property_returnvalue_param=Return Original Value of property (default false)? |
| property_tool_tip=<html>{0}</html> |
| property_undefined=Undefined |
| property_value_param=Value of property |
| property_visualiser_title=Property Display |
| protocol=Protocol [http]\: |
| protocol_java_border=Java class |
| protocol_java_classname=Classname\: |
| protocol_java_config_tile=Configure Java Sample |
| protocol_java_test_title=Java Testing |
| provider_url=Provider URL |
| proxy_assertions=Add Assertions |
| proxy_cl_error=If specifying a proxy server, host and port must be given |
| proxy_cl_wrong_target_cl=Target Controller is configured to "Use Recording Controller" but no such controller exists, \nensure you add a Recording Controller as child of Thread Group node to start recording correctly |
| proxy_content_type_exclude=Exclude\: |
| proxy_content_type_filter=Content-type filter |
| proxy_content_type_include=Include\: |
| proxy_daemon_bind_error=Could not create script recorder - port in use. Choose another port. |
| proxy_daemon_error=Could not create script recorder - see log for details |
| proxy_daemon_error_from_clipboard=from clipboard |
| proxy_daemon_error_not_retrieve=Could not add retrieve |
| proxy_daemon_error_read_args=Could not add read arguments from clipboard\: |
| proxy_daemon_msg_check_details=Please check the details below when installing the certificate in the browser |
| proxy_daemon_msg_created_in_bin=created in JMeter bin directory |
| proxy_daemon_msg_check_expiration=Certificate has a duration validity of {0} days, <br>if the created one (see below) is newer than the last one you installed, <br>ensure you remove the old one and install the new one. |
| proxy_daemon_msg_install_as_in_doc=You can install it following instructions in <i>Component Reference</i> documentation <br>See <i>Installing the JMeter CA certificate for HTTPS recording</i> paragraph. |
| proxy_daemon_msg_rootca_cert=Root CA certificate |
| proxy_default_encoding=Recording's default encoding |
| proxy_domains=HTTPS Domains\: |
| proxy_domains_dynamic_mode_tooltip=List of domain names for HTTPS url, ex. jmeter.apache.org or wildcard domain like *.apache.org. Use comma as separator. |
| proxy_domains_dynamic_mode_tooltip_java6=To activate this field, use a Java 7+ runtime environment |
| proxy_general_lifecycle=State |
| proxy_general_settings=Global Settings |
| proxy_headers=Capture HTTP Headers |
| proxy_pause_http_sampler=Create new transaction after request (ms)\: |
| proxy_recorder_dialog=Recorder\: Transactions Control |
| proxy_regex=Regex matching |
| proxy_sampler_settings=HTTP Sampler settings |
| proxy_sampler_type=Type\: |
| proxy_separators=Add Separators |
| proxy_settings_pause_error_digits=Only digits allowed |
| proxy_settings_pause_error_invalid_data=Invalid data |
| proxy_settings_port_error_digits=Only digits allowed |
| proxy_settings_port_error_invalid_data=Invalid data |
| proxy_target=Target Controller\: |
| proxy_test_plan_content=Test plan content |
| proxy_test_plan_creation=Test Plan Creation |
| proxy_test_plan_filtering=Requests Filtering |
| proxy_title=HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder |
| pt_br=Portuguese (Brazilian) |
| ramp_up=Ramp-up period (seconds)\: |
| random_control_title=Random Controller |
| random_order_control_title=Random Order Controller |
| random_multi_result_source_variable=Source Variable(s) (use | as separator) |
| random_multi_result_target_variable=Target Variable |
| random_string_chars_to_use=Chars to use for random string generation |
| random_string_length=Random string length |
| realm=Realm |
| record_controller_clear_samples=Clear all the recorded samples |
| record_controller_title=Recording Controller |
| redo=Redo |
| ref_name_field=Name of created variable\: |
| regex_extractor_title=Regular Expression Extractor |
| regex_field=Regular Expression\: |
| regex_params_names_field=Parameter names regexp group number |
| regex_params_ref_name_field=Regular Expression Reference Name |
| regex_params_title=RegEx User Parameters |
| regex_params_values_field=Parameter values regex group number |
| regex_source=Field to check |
| regex_src_body=Body |
| regex_src_body_as_document=Body as a Document |
| regex_src_body_unescaped=Body (unescaped) |
| regex_src_hdrs=Response Headers |
| regex_src_hdrs_req=Request Headers |
| regex_src_url=URL |
| regexfunc_param_1=Regular expression used to search previous sample - or variable. |
| regexfunc_param_2=Template for the replacement string, using groups from the regular expression. Format is $[group]$. Example $1$. |
| regexfunc_param_3=Which match to use. An integer 1 or greater, RAND to indicate JMeter should randomly choose, A float, or ALL indicating all matches should be used ([1]) |
| regexfunc_param_4=Between text. If ALL is selected, the between text will be used to generate the results ([""]) |
| regexfunc_param_5=Default text. Used instead of the template if the regular expression finds no matches ([""]) |
| regexfunc_param_7=Input variable name containing the text to be parsed ([previous sample]) |
| regexp_render_no_text=Data response result isn't text. |
| regexp_tester_button_test=Test |
| regexp_tester_field=Regular expression\: |
| regexp_tester_title=RegExp Tester |
| remote_error_init=Error initialising remote server |
| remote_error_starting=Error starting remote server |
| remote_exit=Remote Exit |
| remote_exit_all=Remote Exit All |
| remote_shut=Remote Shutdown |
| remote_shut_all=Remote Shutdown All |
| remote_start=Remote Start |
| remote_start_all=Remote Start All |
| remote_stop=Remote Stop |
| remote_stop_all=Remote Stop All |
| remove=Remove |
| remove_confirm_msg=Are you sure you want remove the selected element(s)? |
| remove_confirm_title=Confirm remove? |
| rename=Rename entry |
| replace_file=Overwrite existing file |
| report=Report |
| report_bar_chart=Bar Chart |
| report_bar_graph_url=URL |
| report_base_directory=Base Directory |
| report_chart_caption=Chart Caption |
| report_chart_x_axis=X Axis |
| report_chart_x_axis_label=Label for X Axis |
| report_chart_y_axis=Y Axis |
| report_chart_y_axis_label=Label for Y Axis |
| report_line_graph=Line Graph |
| report_line_graph_urls=Include URLs |
| report_output_directory=Output Directory for Report |
| report_page=Report Page |
| report_page_element=Page Element |
| report_page_footer=Page Footer |
| report_page_header=Page Header |
| report_page_index=Create Page Index |
| report_page_intro=Page Introduction |
| report_page_style_url=Stylesheet url |
| report_page_title=Page Title |
| report_pie_chart=Pie Chart |
| report_plan=Report Plan |
| report_select=Select |
| report_summary=Report Summary |
| report_table=Report Table |
| report_writer=Report Writer |
| report_writer_html=HTML Report Writer |
| reportgenerator_top5_error_count=#Errors |
| reportgenerator_top5_error_label=Error |
| reportgenerator_top5_label=Sample |
| reportgenerator_top5_sample_count=#Samples |
| reportgenerator_top5_total=Total |
| reportgenerator_summary_apdex_apdex=Apdex |
| reportgenerator_summary_apdex_samplers=Label |
| reportgenerator_summary_apdex_satisfied=T (Toleration threshold) |
| reportgenerator_summary_apdex_tolerated=F (Frustration threshold) |
| reportgenerator_summary_errors_count=Number of errors |
| reportgenerator_summary_errors_rate_all=% in all samples |
| reportgenerator_summary_errors_rate_error=% in errors |
| reportgenerator_summary_errors_type=Type of error |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_count=#Samples |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_error_count=KO |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_error_percent=Error % |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_kbytes=Received |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_sent_kbytes=Sent |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_label=Label |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_max=Max |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_mean=Average |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_min=Min |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_percentile_fmt=%dth pct |
| reportgenerator_summary_statistics_throughput=Transactions/s |
| reportgenerator_summary_total=Total |
| request_data=Request Data |
| reset=Reset |
| response_save_as_md5=Save response as MD5 hash? |
| response_time_distribution_satisfied_label=Requests having \nresponse time <= {0}ms |
| response_time_distribution_tolerated_label= Requests having \nresponse time > {0}ms and <= {1}ms |
| response_time_distribution_untolerated_label=Requests having \nresponse time > {0}ms |
| response_time_distribution_failed_label=Requests in error |
| restart=Restart |
| restart_error=Restart error |
| resultaction_title=Result Status Action Handler |
| resultsaver_addtimestamp=Add timestamp |
| resultsaver_errors=Save Failed Responses only |
| resultsaver_ignore_tc=Don't save Transaction Controller SampleResult |
| resultsaver_numberpadlen=Minimum Length of sequence number \: |
| resultsaver_prefix=Filename prefix (can include folders) \: |
| resultsaver_save_conditions=Save conditions |
| resultsaver_save_format=Save details |
| resultsaver_skipautonumber=Don't add number to prefix |
| resultsaver_skipsuffix=Don't add content type suffix |
| resultsaver_success=Save Successful Responses only |
| resultsaver_title=Save Responses to a file |
| resultsaver_variable=Variable Name containing saved file name \: |
| result_function=The result of the function is |
| retobj=Return object |
| return_code_config_box_title=Return Code Configuration |
| reuseconnection=Re-use connection |
| revert_project=Revert |
| revert_project?=Revert project? |
| root=Root |
| root_title=Root |
| run=Run |
| run_threadgroup=Start |
| run_threadgroup_no_timers=Start no pauses |
| running_test=Running test |
| runtime_controller_title=Runtime Controller |
| runtime_seconds=Runtime (seconds) |
| sample_name_prefix=Prefix |
| sample_name_transaction=Transaction name |
| salt_string=Salt to be used for hashing (optional) |
| sample_result_save_configuration=Sample Result Save Configuration |
| sample_scope=Apply to: |
| sample_scope_all=Main sample and sub-samples |
| sample_scope_children=Sub-samples only |
| sample_scope_parent=Main sample only |
| sample_scope_variable=JMeter Variable Name to use |
| sampler_label=Label |
| sampler_on_error_action=Action to be taken after a Sampler error |
| sampler_on_error_break_loop=Break Current Loop |
| sampler_on_error_continue=Continue |
| sampler_on_error_start_next_iteration_current_loop=Go to the next iteration of Current Loop |
| sampler_on_error_start_next_loop=Start Next Thread Loop |
| sampler_on_error_stop_test=Stop Test |
| sampler_on_error_stop_test_now=Stop Test Now |
| sampler_on_error_stop_thread=Stop Thread |
| sample_timeout_memo=Interrupt the sampler if it times out |
| sample_timeout_timeout=Sample timeout (in milliseconds)\: |
| sample_timeout_title=Sample Timeout |
| save=Save |
| save?=Save? |
| save_all_as=Save Test Plan as |
| save_as=Save Selection As... |
| save_as_error=More than one item selected! |
| save_as_image=Save Node As Image |
| save_as_image_all=Save Screen As Image |
| save_as_test_fragment=Save as Test Fragment |
| save_as_test_fragment_error=One of the selected nodes cannot be put inside a Test Fragment |
| save_assertionresultsfailuremessage=Save Assertion Failure Message |
| save_assertions=Save Assertion Results (XML) |
| save_asxml=Save As XML |
| save_bytes=Save received byte count |
| save_code=Save Response Code |
| save_datatype=Save Data Type |
| save_encoding=Save Encoding |
| save_fieldnames=Save Field Names (CSV) |
| save_filename=Save Response Filename |
| save_graphics=Save Graph |
| save_hostname=Save Hostname |
| save_idletime=Save Idle Time |
| save_label=Save Label |
| save_latency=Save Latency |
| save_connecttime=Save Connect Time |
| save_message=Save Response Message |
| save_overwrite_existing_file=The selected file already exists, do you want to overwrite it? |
| save_requestheaders=Save Request Headers (XML) |
| save_responsedata=Save Response Data (XML) |
| save_responseheaders=Save Response Headers (XML) |
| save_samplecount=Save Sample and Error Counts |
| save_samplerdata=Save Sampler Data (XML) |
| save_sentbytes=Save sent byte count |
| save_subresults=Save Sub Results |
| save_success=Save Success |
| save_threadcounts=Save Active Thread Counts |
| save_threadname=Save Thread Name |
| save_time=Save Elapsed Time |
| save_timestamp=Save Time Stamp |
| save_url=Save URL |
| save_workbench=Save WorkBench |
| sbind=Single bind/unbind |
| scheduler=Specify Thread lifetime |
| scheduler_configuration=Scheduler Configuration |
| schematic_view_errors=Error on generation of schematic view |
| schematic_view_generation_ok=Successful generation of schematic view in {0} |
| schematic_view_info=Information |
| schematic_view_menu=Generate Schematic View (alpha) |
| schematic_view_no_plan=No plan opened |
| schematic_view_outputfile=Save output file to ? |
| scope=Scope |
| search=Search |
| search_base=Search base |
| search_filter=Search Filter |
| search_matching=Matching |
| search_next=Next |
| search_previous=Previous |
| search_replace=Replace in selected element |
| search_replace_all=Replace All |
| search_replace_and_find=Replace & Find |
| search_search_all=Search All |
| search_search_all_expand=Search All & Expand |
| search_test=Search Test |
| search_text_button_close=Close |
| search_text_button_find=Find |
| search_text_chkbox_case=Case sensitive |
| search_text_chkbox_regexp=Regular exp. |
| search_text_field=Search\: |
| search_tree_matches={0} node(s) match the search |
| search_text_replace=Replace by\: |
| search_text_title_not_found=Not found |
| search_tree_title=Search Tree |
| searchbase=Search base |
| searchfilter=Search Filter |
| searchtest=Search test |
| second=second |
| secure=Secure |
| send_file=Send Files With the Request\: |
| send_file_browse=Browse... |
| send_file_filename_label=File Path |
| send_file_mime_label=MIME Type |
| send_file_param_name_label=Parameter Name |
| server=Server Name or IP\: |
| servername=Servername \: |
| session_argument_name=Session Argument Name |
| setup_thread_group_title=setUp Thread Group |
| sha_string=String to be hashed |
| should_save=You should save your test plan before running it. \nIf you are using supporting data files (ie, for CSV Data Set or __StringFromFile), \nthen it is particularly important to first save your test script. \nDo you want to save your test plan first? |
| shutdown=Shutdown |
| simple_config_element=Simple Config Element |
| simple_data_writer_title=Simple Data Writer |
| size_assertion_comparator_error_equal=been equal to |
| size_assertion_comparator_error_greater=been greater than |
| size_assertion_comparator_error_greaterequal=been greater or equal to |
| size_assertion_comparator_error_less=been less than |
| size_assertion_comparator_error_lessequal=been less than or equal to |
| size_assertion_comparator_error_notequal=not been equal to |
| size_assertion_comparator_label=Type of Comparison |
| size_assertion_failure=The result was the wrong size\: It was {0} bytes, but should have {1} {2} bytes. |
| size_assertion_input_error=Please enter a valid positive integer. |
| size_assertion_label=Size in bytes\: |
| size_assertion_size_test=Size to Assert |
| size_assertion_title=Size Assertion |
| smime_assertion_issuer_dn=Issuer distinguished name |
| smime_assertion_message_position=Execute assertion on message at position |
| smime_assertion_not_signed=Message not signed |
| smime_assertion_signature=Signature |
| smime_assertion_signer=Signer certificate |
| smime_assertion_signer_by_file=Certificate file |
| smime_assertion_signer_constraints=Check values |
| smime_assertion_signer_dn=Signer distinguished name |
| smime_assertion_signer_email=Signer email address |
| smime_assertion_signer_no_check=No check |
| smime_assertion_signer_serial=Serial Number |
| smime_assertion_title=SMIME Assertion |
| smime_assertion_verify_signature=Verify signature |
| smtp_additional_settings=Additional Settings |
| smtp_attach_file=Attach file(s): |
| smtp_attach_file_tooltip=Separate multiple files with ";" |
| smtp_auth_settings=Auth settings |
| smtp_bcc=Address To BCC: |
| smtp_cc=Address To CC: |
| smtp_default_port=(Defaults: SMTP:25, SSL:465, StartTLS:587) |
| smtp_eml=Send .eml: |
| smtp_enabledebug=Enable debug logging? |
| smtp_enforcestarttls=Enforce StartTLS |
| smtp_enforcestarttls_tooltip=<html><b>Enforces</b> the server to use StartTLS.<br />If not selected and the SMTP-Server doesn't support StartTLS, <br />a normal SMTP-Connection will be used as fallback instead. <br /><i>Please note</i> that this checkbox creates a file in "/tmp/", <br />so this will cause problems under windows.</html> |
| smtp_from=Address From: |
| smtp_header_add=Add Header |
| smtp_header_name=Header Name |
| smtp_header_remove=Remove |
| smtp_header_value=Header Value |
| smtp_mail_settings=Mail settings |
| smtp_message=Message: |
| smtp_message_settings=Message settings |
| smtp_messagesize=Calculate message size |
| smtp_password=Password: |
| smtp_plainbody=Send plain body (i.e. not multipart/mixed) |
| smtp_replyto=Address Reply-To: |
| smtp_sampler_title=SMTP Sampler |
| smtp_security_settings=Security settings |
| smtp_server=Server: |
| smtp_server_connection_timeout=Connection timeout: |
| smtp_server_port=Port: |
| smtp_server_settings=Server settings |
| smtp_server_timeout=Read timeout: |
| smtp_server_timeouts_settings=Timeouts (milliseconds) |
| smtp_subject=Subject: |
| smtp_suppresssubj=Suppress Subject Header |
| smtp_timestamp=Include timestamp in subject |
| smtp_to=Address To: |
| smtp_tlsprotocols=Override System SSL/TLS Protocols\: |
| smtp_tlsprotocols_tooltip=Specify a custom SSL/TLS protocol as space separated list to use on handshake, example TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 |
| smtp_trustall=Trust all certificates |
| smtp_trustall_tooltip=<html><b>Enforces</b> JMeter to trust all certificates, whatever CA it comes from.</html> |
| smtp_truststore=Local truststore: |
| smtp_truststore_tooltip=<html>The pathname of the truststore.<br />Relative paths are resolved against the current directory.<br />Failing that, against the directory containing the test script (JMX file)</html> |
| smtp_useauth=Use Auth |
| smtp_usenone=Use no security features |
| smtp_username=Username: |
| smtp_usessl=Use SSL |
| smtp_usestarttls=Use StartTLS |
| smtp_usetruststore=Use local truststore |
| smtp_usetruststore_tooltip=<html>Allows JMeter to use a local truststore.</html> |
| soap_action=Soap Action |
| soap_data_title=Soap/XML-RPC Data |
| soap_sampler_file_invalid=Filename references a missing or unreadable file\: |
| soap_sampler_title=SOAP/XML-RPC Request (DEPRECATED) |
| soap_send_action=Send SOAPAction: |
| solinger=SO_LINGER: |
| split_function_separator=String to split on. Default is , (comma). |
| split_function_string=String to split |
| ssl_alias_prompt=Please type your preferred alias |
| ssl_alias_select=Select your alias for the test |
| ssl_alias_title=Client Alias |
| ssl_error_title=Key Store Problem |
| ssl_pass_prompt=Please type your password |
| ssl_pass_title=KeyStore Password |
| ssl_port=SSL Port |
| sslmanager=SSL Manager |
| sslmanager.title=Select client certificate file |
| start=Start |
| start_no_timers=Start no pauses |
| start_value=Starting value |
| stop=Stop |
| stopping_test=Shutting down all test threads. You can see number of active threads in the upper right corner of GUI. Please be patient. |
| stopping_test_failed=One or more test threads won't exit; see log file. |
| stopping_test_host=Host |
| stopping_test_title=Stopping Test |
| string_from_file_encoding=File encoding if not the platform default (opt) |
| string_from_file_file_name=Enter path (absolute or relative) to file |
| string_from_file_seq_final=Final file sequence number (opt) |
| string_from_file_seq_start=Start file sequence number (opt) |
| string_to_file_pathname=Path to file (absolute) |
| string_to_file_content=String to write |
| string_to_file_way_to_write=Append to file (true appends, false overwrites, default true) |
| string_to_file_encoding=Charset (defaults to UTF-8) |
| summariser_title=Generate Summary Results |
| summary_report=Summary Report |
| switch_controller_label=Switch Value |
| switch_controller_title=Switch Controller |
| system_sampler_stderr=Standard error (stderr): |
| system_sampler_stdin=Standard input (stdin): |
| system_sampler_stdout=Standard output (stdout): |
| system_sampler_title=OS Process Sampler |
| table_visualizer_bytes=Bytes |
| table_visualizer_latency=Latency |
| table_visualizer_connect=Connect Time(ms) |
| table_visualizer_sample_num=Sample # |
| table_visualizer_sample_time=Sample Time(ms) |
| table_visualizer_sent_bytes=Sent Bytes |
| table_visualizer_start_time=Start Time |
| table_visualizer_status=Status |
| table_visualizer_success=Success |
| table_visualizer_thread_name=Thread Name |
| table_visualizer_warning=Warning |
| target_server=Target Server |
| tcp_classname=TCPClient classname\: |
| tcp_config_title=TCP Sampler Config |
| tcp_nodelay=Set NoDelay |
| tcp_port=Port Number\: |
| tcp_request_data=Text to send |
| tcp_sample_title=TCP Sampler |
| tcp_timeout=Timeout (milliseconds)\: |
| teardown_on_shutdown=Run tearDown Thread Groups after shutdown of main threads |
| template_choose=Select Template |
| template_create_from=Create |
| template_field=Template ($i$ where i is capturing group number, starts at 1): |
| template_fill_parameters=Fill your parameters\: |
| template_load?=Load template? |
| template_menu=Templates... |
| template_merge_from=Merge |
| template_reload=Reload templates |
| template_title=Templates |
| test=Test |
| test_action_action_thread=Logical Action on Thread |
| test_action_action_test_thread=Logical Action on Thread/Test |
| test_action_break_current_loop=Break Current Loop |
| test_action_continue_current_loop=Go to next iteration of Current Loop |
| test_action_duration=Duration (milliseconds)\: |
| test_action_pause=Pause |
| test_action_restart_next_loop=Start Next Thread Loop |
| test_action_stop=Stop |
| test_action_stop_now=Stop Now |
| test_action_target=Target\: |
| test_action_target_test=All Threads |
| test_action_target_thread=Current Thread |
| test_action_title=Flow Control Action |
| test_configuration=Test Configuration |
| test_fragment_title=Test Fragment |
| test_plan=Test Plan |
| test_plan_classpath_browse=Add directory or jar to classpath |
| testconfiguration=Test Configuration |
| testplan.serialized=Run Thread Groups consecutively (i.e. one at a time) |
| testplan_comments=Comments\: |
| testt=Test |
| textbox_cancel=Cancel |
| textbox_close=Close |
| textbox_save_close=Save & Close |
| textbox_title_edit=Edit text |
| textbox_title_view=View text |
| textbox_tooltip_cell=Double click to view/edit |
| thread_delay_properties=Thread Delay Properties |
| thread_dump=Create a thread dump |
| thread_group_title=Thread Group |
| thread_group_scheduler_warning=If Loop Count is not -1 or Forever, duration will be min(Duration, Loop Count * iteration duration) |
| thread_properties=Thread Properties |
| threadgroup=Thread Group |
| threadgroup_same_user=Same user on each iteration |
| threadgroup_different_user=Different User on Each Iteration |
| throughput_control_bynumber_label=Total Executions |
| throughput_control_bypercent_label=Percent Executions |
| throughput_control_perthread_label=Per User |
| throughput_control_title=Throughput Controller |
| throughput_control_tplabel=Throughput |
| time_format=Format string for SimpleDateFormat (optional) |
| time_format_random=Format string for DateTimeFormatter (optional) (default yyyy-MM-dd) |
| time_format_shift=Format string for DateTimeFormatter (optional) (default unix timestamp in millisecond) |
| timelim=Time limit |
| timeout_config_box_title=Timeout configuration |
| timeout_title=Timeout (ms) |
| toggle=Toggle |
| tools=Tools |
| toolbar_icon_set_not_found=The file description of toolbar icon set is not found. See logs. |
| tr=Turkish |
| transaction_controller_include_timers=Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample |
| transaction_controller_parent=Generate parent sample |
| transaction_controller_title=Transaction Controller |
| transform_into_variable=Replace values with variables |
| unbind=Thread Unbind |
| undo=Undo |
| unescape_html_string=String to unescape |
| unescape_string=String containing Java escapes |
| uniform_timer_delay=Constant Delay Offset (in milliseconds)\: |
| uniform_timer_memo=Adds a random delay with a uniform distribution |
| uniform_timer_range=Random Delay Maximum (in milliseconds)\: |
| uniform_timer_title=Uniform Random Timer |
| up=Up |
| update=Update |
| update_per_iter=Update Once Per Iteration |
| upload=File Upload |
| upper_bound=Upper Bound |
| upper_case=Upper case result, defaults to false (optional) |
| url=URL |
| url_config_get=GET |
| url_config_http=HTTP |
| url_config_https=HTTPS |
| url_config_post=POST |
| url_config_protocol=Protocol\: |
| url_config_title=HTTP Request Defaults |
| url_full_config_title=UrlFull Sample |
| url_multipart_config_title=HTTP Multipart Request Defaults |
| urldecode_string=String with URL encoded chars to decode |
| urlencode_string=String to encode in URL encoded chars |
| use_custom_dns_resolver=Use custom DNS resolver |
| use_expires=Use Cache-Control/Expires header when processing GET requests |
| use_keepalive=Use KeepAlive |
| use_multipart_for_http_post=Use multipart/form-data |
| use_multipart_mode_browser=Browser-compatible headers |
| use_recording_controller=Use Recording Controller |
| use_system_dns_resolver=Use system DNS resolver |
| useful_links=Useful links |
| user=User |
| user_defined_test=User Defined Test |
| user_defined_variables=User Defined Variables |
| user_param_mod_help_note=(Do not change this. Instead, modify the file of that name in JMeter's /bin directory) |
| user_parameters_table=Parameters |
| user_parameters_title=User Parameters |
| userdn=Username |
| username=Username\: |
| userpw=Password |
| validate_threadgroup=Validate |
| value=Value |
| value_to_quote_meta=Value to escape from ORO Regexp meta chars |
| value_to_shift=Amount of seconds/minutes/hours/days to add (e.g. P2D \: plus two days) (optional) |
| var_name=Exported Variable Name |
| variable_name_param=Name of variable (may include variable and function references) |
| view_graph_tree_title=View Graph Tree |
| view_results_assertion_error=Assertion error: |
| view_results_assertion_failure=Assertion failure: |
| view_results_assertion_failure_message=Assertion failure message: |
| view_results_autoscroll=Scroll automatically? |
| view_results_childsamples=Child samples? |
| view_results_datatype=Data type ("text"|"bin"|""): |
| view_results_desc=Shows the text results of sampling in tree form |
| view_results_error_count=Error Count: |
| view_results_fields=fields: |
| view_results_in_table=View Results in Table |
| view_results_latency=Latency: |
| view_results_connect_time=Connect Time: |
| view_results_load_time=Load time: |
| view_results_render=Render: |
| view_results_render_browser=Browser |
| view_results_render_document=Document |
| view_results_render_html=HTML |
| view_results_render_html_embedded=HTML (download resources) |
| view_results_render_html_formatted=HTML Source Formatted |
| view_results_render_json=JSON |
| view_results_render_text=Text |
| view_results_render_xml=XML |
| view_results_request_body=Request Body |
| view_results_request_headers=Request Headers |
| view_results_response_code=Response code: |
| view_results_response_body=Response Body |
| view_results_response_headers=Response headers |
| view_results_response_message=Response message: |
| view_results_response_missing_tika=Missing tika-app.jar in classpath. Unable to convert to plain text this kind of document.\nDownload the tika-app-x.x.jar file from http://tika.apache.org/download.html\nAnd put the file in <JMeter>/lib directory. |
| view_results_response_partial_message=Start of message: |
| view_results_response_too_large_message=Response too large to be displayed. Size: |
| view_results_sample_count=Sample Count: |
| view_results_sample_start=Sample Start: |
| view_results_search_pane=Search pane |
| view_results_sent_bytes=Sent bytes: |
| view_results_size_body_in_bytes=Body size in bytes: |
| view_results_size_headers_in_bytes=Headers size in bytes: |
| view_results_size_in_bytes=Size in bytes: |
| view_results_tab_assertion=Assertion result |
| view_results_tab_request=Request |
| view_results_tab_response=Response data |
| view_results_tab_sampler=Sampler result |
| view_results_table_fields_key=Additional field |
| view_results_table_fields_value=Value |
| view_results_table_headers_key=Response header |
| view_results_table_headers_value=Value |
| view_results_table_request_headers_key=Request header |
| view_results_table_request_headers_value=Value |
| view_results_table_request_http_cookie=Cookie |
| view_results_table_request_http_host=Host |
| view_results_table_request_http_method=Method |
| view_results_table_request_http_nohttp=No HTTP Sample |
| view_results_table_request_http_path=Path |
| view_results_table_request_http_port=Port |
| view_results_table_request_http_protocol=Protocol |
| view_results_table_request_params_key=Parameter name |
| view_results_table_request_params_value=Value |
| view_results_table_request_raw_nodata=No data to display |
| view_results_table_request_tab_http=HTTP |
| view_results_table_request_tab_raw=Raw |
| view_results_table_result_tab_parsed=Parsed |
| view_results_table_result_tab_raw=Raw |
| view_results_thread_name=Thread Name: |
| view_results_title=View Results |
| view_results_tree_title=View Results Tree |
| warning=Warning! |
| web_cannot_convert_parameters_to_raw=Cannot convert parameters to Body Data \nbecause one of the parameters has a name |
| web_cannot_switch_tab=You cannot switch because data cannot be converted\n to target Tab data; empty data to switch |
| web_parameters_lost_message=Switching to Body Data will convert the parameters.\nParameter table will be cleared when you select\nanother node or save the test plan.\nOK to proceed? |
| web_proxy_server_title=Proxy Server |
| web_proxy_scheme=Scheme\: |
| web_request=HTTP Request |
| web_server=Web Server |
| web_server_client=Client implementation |
| web_server_domain=Server Name or IP\: |
| web_server_port=Port Number\: |
| web_server_timeout_connect=Connect: |
| web_server_timeout_response=Response: |
| web_server_timeout_title=Timeouts (milliseconds) |
| web_testing2_title=HTTP Request HTTPClient |
| web_testing_basic=Basic |
| web_testing_advanced=Advanced |
| web_testing_concurrent_download=Parallel downloads. Number: |
| web_testing_embedded_url_pattern=URLs must match\: |
| web_testing_retrieve_images=Retrieve All Embedded Resources |
| web_testing_retrieve_title=Embedded Resources from HTML Files |
| web_testing_source_ip=Source address |
| web_testing_source_ip_device=Device |
| web_testing_source_ip_device_ipv4=Device IPv4 |
| web_testing_source_ip_device_ipv6=Device IPv6 |
| web_testing_source_ip_hostname=IP/Hostname |
| web_testing_title=HTTP Request |
| web_testing_namespaces=Namespaces (prefix = value) |
| while_controller_label=Condition (function or variable) |
| while_controller_title=While Controller |
| workbench_title=WorkBench |
| xml_assertion_title=XML Assertion |
| xml_download_dtds=Fetch external DTDs |
| xml_namespace_button=Use Namespaces |
| xml_tolerant_button=Use Tidy (tolerant parser) |
| xml_validate_button=Validate XML |
| xml_whitespace_button=Ignore Whitespace |
| xmlschema_assertion_label=File Name: |
| xmlschema_assertion_title=XML Schema Assertion |
| xpath_assertion_button=Validate xpath expression |
| xpath_assertion_check=Check XPath Expression |
| xpath_assertion_error=Error with XPath |
| xpath_assertion_failed=Invalid XPath Expression |
| xpath_assertion_label=XPath |
| xpath_assertion_negate=Invert assertion(will fail if XPath expression matches) |
| xpath_assertion_option=XML Parsing Options |
| xpath_assertion_test=XPath Assertion |
| xpath_assertion_tidy=Try and tidy up the input |
| xpath_assertion_title=XPath Assertion |
| xpath_assertion_valid=Valid XPath Expression |
| xpath_assertion_validation=Validate the XML against the DTD |
| xpath_assertion_whitespace=Ignore whitespace |
| xpath_expression=XPath expression to match against |
| xpath_extractor_fragment=Return entire XPath fragment instead of text content? |
| xpath_extractor_query=XPath query: |
| xpath_extractor_user_namespaces=<html>Namespaces aliases list <br>(prefix=full namespace, 1 per line) :</html> |
| xpath_extractor_title=XPath Extractor |
| xpath_file_file_name=XML file to get values from |
| xpath_tester=XPath Tester |
| xpath2_assertion_button=Validate xpath expression |
| xpath2_assertion_negate=Invert assertion(will fail if XPath expression matches) |
| xpath2_assertion_option=XML Parsing Options |
| xpath2_assertion_test=XPath2 Assertion |
| xpath2_assertion_title=XPath2 Assertion |
| xpath2_tester=XPath2 Tester |
| xpath_namespaces=Show namespaces aliases |
| xpath_tester_button_test=Test |
| xpath_tester_field=XPath query \: |
| xpath_tester_fragment=Return entire XPath fragment instead of text content? |
| xpath_tester_no_text=Data response result isn't text. |
| xpath_tester_title=XPath Tester |
| xpath_tidy_quiet=Quiet |
| xpath_tidy_report_errors=Report errors |
| xpath_tidy_show_warnings=Show warnings |
| xpath2_extractor_title=XPath2 Extractor |
| xpath2_extractor_empty_query=Empty XPath expression ! |
| xpath2_extractor_match_number_failure=MatchNumber out of bonds \: |
| you_must_enter_a_valid_number=You must enter a valid number |
| zh_cn=Chinese (Simplified) |
| zh_tw=Chinese (Traditional) |