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<h1>Security Model</h1>
The purpose of JMeter is to execute the workload specified
in the input jmx file, which may include arbitrary code.
As such, the JMeter security model assumes you trust
jmx input files: even opening a jmx input file may in some
cases trigger code execution. If you want to use JMeter to
evaluate untrusted jmx files, it is up to you to provide the
required isolation.
Still in the area of security, when JMeter is used in distributed
environment, we recommend setting up the security manager in order
to avoid any execution of malicious code on the distributed
architecture. See the <a href="./usermanual/remote-test.html#security-manager">
Security-Manager documentation</a> for its implementation.
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<h1>Reporting security issues</h1>
We strongly encourage you to report potential security vulnerabilities to our private security mailing list, <a href=""></a>, before disclosing them in a public forum.
Only use this list to report undisclosed security vulnerabilities in Apache projects and manage the process of fixing such vulnerabilities. We cannot accept regular bug reports or other security-related queries at these addresses. We will ignore mail sent to these addresses that does not relate to an undisclosed security problem in an Apache project.
An overview of the vulnerability handling process is:
<li>The reporter reports the vulnerability privately to Apache.</li>
<li>The appropriate project's security team works privately with the reporter to resolve the vulnerability.</li>
<li>The project creates a new release of the package the vulnerabilty affects to deliver its fix.</li>
<li>The project publicly announces the vulnerability and describes how to apply the fix.</li>
Committers should read a <a href="">more detailed description of the process</a>. Reporters of security vulnerabilities may also find it useful.
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