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<h1>Mailing Lists - Guidelines</h1>
<strong>Before subscribing to any of the mailing lists, please make sure that you have
read and understand the <a href="mail.html">guidelines</a></strong>.
Please note that usage of these mailing lists is subject to the
<a href="">Public Forum Archive Policy</a>.
For details of how to subscribe/unsubscribe please read
<a href="">Subscribing and Unsubscribing</a>
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<h1>JMeter lists and archives at the ASF</h1>
The following mailing lists are available:
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<h2 id="JMeterUser">
Apache JMeter User<a class="sectionlink" href="#JMeterUser" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
This is the list where users of Apache JMeter meet and discuss issues.
Developers are also expected to be lurking on this list to offer support to users of JMeter.
This list starts part-way through Nov 2011, when JMeter became an independent Apache project.
For old postings, please see the Jakarta JMeter User list, below.
Subscribe at <a href=""></a>
Send your message to: <a href=""></a> (after the subscription process)
Unsubscribe at <a href=""></a>
Archives at <a href="">jmeter-user Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JMeterDev">
Apache JMeter Developer<a class="sectionlink" href="#JMeterDev" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
This is the list where participating developers meet and discuss issues, code changes/additions etc.
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<div class="note">Please do not send usage questions to this list, see user list above.</div>
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This list also collects Wiki update messages.
This list starts part-way through Nov 2011, when JMeter became an independent Apache project.
For earlier postings, please see below.
Subscribe at <a href=""></a>
Send your message to: <a href=""></a> (after the subscription process)
Unsubscribe at <a href=""></a>
Archives at <a href="">jmeter-dev Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JMeterCommits">
Apache JMeter Commits<a class="sectionlink" href="#JMeterCommits" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
SVN commit messages are sent here.
Prior to Nov 2011, they were sent to the Jakarta Notifications list, see below.
Subscribe at <a href=""></a>
Unsubscribe at <a href=""></a>
Archives at <a href="">jmeter-commits Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JMeterIssues">
Apache JMeter Issues<a class="sectionlink" href="#JMeterIssues" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<a href="">GitHub</a> notifications are sent here.
Prior to Nov 2011, they were sent to the Jakarta Notifications list, see below.
Subscribe at <a href=""></a>
Unsubscribe at <a href=""></a>
Archives at <a href="">jmeter-issues Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JakartaDev">
Jakarta Developer<a class="sectionlink" href="#JakartaDev" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
<p>Combined Jakarta developer list, April 2010 to November 2011</p>
Archives at <a href="">jakarta-dev Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JakartaJMeterUser">
Jakarta JMeter User<a class="sectionlink" href="#JakartaJMeterUser" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
This is the old JMeter user list from when JMeter was a sub-project of Apache Jakarta.
Archives at <a href="">jakarta-jmeter-user Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JakartaJMeterDev">
Jakarta JMeter Developer<a class="sectionlink" href="#JakartaJMeterDev" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Historical list, up to April 2010.
Archives at <a href="">jakarta-jmeter-dev Archive</a>
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<h2 id="JakartaNotif">
Jakarta Notifications<a class="sectionlink" href="#JakartaNotif" title="Link to here">&para;</a>
Combined Jakarta notifications to November 2011.
Includes Bugzilla, SVN and Wiki commit mails for JMeter.
Archives at <a href="">jakarta-notifications Archive</a>
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<h1>Other Archives and Searching</h1>
There are several 3<sup>rd</sup> party sites that archive and provide searching for our mailing lists:
<a href="">Mark Mail</a>
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