title: TDB2 - Command Line Tools

TDB2 is not compatible with TDB1

Do not run TDB1 tools on a TDB2 database, nor run TDB2 tools on a TDB1 database.

These scripts are available jena binary distribution.

  • tdb2.tdbbackup
  • tdb2.tdbdump
  • tdb2.tdbcompact
  • tdb2.tdbloader
  • tdb2.tdbquery
  • tdb2.tdbupdate

On MS Windows, these commands are called tdb2_tdbquery etc.

Example usage:

tdb2.tdbloader --loc <DB location> file1 file2 ...


tdbloader2 is a TDB1 command tool.


Basic usage: load files into a database at location “DB”:

tdb2.tdbloader --loc DB file1 file2 ....

To load the data into a named graph, use the --graph=IRI argument:

tdb2.tdbloader --loc DB --graph=https://example.org/graph#name file1

For the complete syntax and list of all arguments use --help:

tdb2.tdbloader --help

All TDB2 loaders can update datasets and do not have to work on an empty dataset. However, only the basic and sequential loader are fully transactional in the presence of crashes. The other loaders, while faster, work by manipulating the low-level datastructures, and are tuned for large changes of data. They do not provide perfect transaction isolation in case a load goes wrong for some reason. The multiphase loading operations use partial transactions which can leave the database in a strange state.

When working with large data to load, it is advisable to check it completely first with riot --validate. Parse errors during loading can lead to inconsistent indexing. Fixing bad data, even if legal RDF, such as bad lexical forms of literals or bad URIs, is much easier before the data is in the database.

Because loading in hardware dependent, the right choice for any situation can only be found by trying each loader to see what works best and the notes below are only initial guidance. The default choice is a reasonable starting point. Closing all applications to release their memory and not use CPU improves the loading process performance.

Loading very large datasets (like Wikidata) with tdb2.tdbloader may sometimes on linux configurations fail with errors like:

Native memory allocation (mmap) failed to map 65536 bytes for
committing reserved memory.

This can be avoided by adding a larger value to the vm.max_map_count option. The command sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144 updates the value for your current session, or you can persist the change by editing the value in /etc/sysctl.conf or in /etc/sysctl.d/* override files if available.

Loader options

The choice of loader is given by the optional --loader argument.


The basic loader loads data as a single transaction into the dataset on a single thread. It is suitable for small data and also for incrementally adding to a dataset safely, A machine crash while running this loader will not invalidate the database; the load simply will not happen.


The sequential loader is a single threaded loader that loads the primary index then each of the other indexes. It is suitable only for low resource hardware, especially in a low I/O bandwidth situation.

--loader=phased (default)

The phased loader, the default if no --loader argument is provided, is balance between performance and hardware demands.

It used multiple threads for both the initial loading (3 worker threads) and then 2 threads in parallel for building the other indexes.


The parallel loader runs all operations at once. It can deliver the best performance providing enough RAM is available and the persistent storage is SSD. It can consume all hardware resources, greatly impacting any other applications running.