title: Apache Jena Elephas - RDF Stats Demo

The RDF Stats Demo is a pre-built application available as a ready to run Hadoop Job JAR with all dependencies embedded within it. The demo app uses the other libraries to allow calculating a number of basic statistics over any RDF data supported by Elephas.

To use it you will first need to build it from source or download the relevant Maven artefact:


Where x.y.z is the desired version.


In order to run this demo you will need to have a Hadoop 2.x cluster available, for simple experimentation purposes a single node cluster will be sufficient.


Assuming your cluster is started and running and the hadoop command is available on your path you can run the application without any arguments to see help:

> hadoop jar jena-elephas-stats-VERSION-hadoop-job.jar org.apache.jena.hadoop.rdf.stats.RdfStats
    hadoop jar PATH_TO_JAR org.apache.jena.hadoop.rdf.stats.RdfStats - A
    command which computes statistics on RDF data using Hadoop

    hadoop jar PATH_TO_JAR org.apache.jena.hadoop.rdf.stats.RdfStats
            [ {-a | --all} ] [ {-d | --data-types} ] [ {-g | --graph-sizes} ]
            [ {-h | --help} ] [ --input-type <inputType> ] [ {-n | --node-count} ]
            [ --namespaces ] {-o | --output} <OutputPath> [ {-t | --type-count} ]
            [--] <InputPath>...

    -a, --all
        Requests that all available statistics be calculated

    -d, --data-types
        Requests that literal data type usage counts be calculated

    -g, --graph-sizes
        Requests that the size of each named graph be counted

    -h, --help
        Display help information

    --input-type <inputType>
        Specifies whether the input data is a mixture of quads and triples,
        just quads or just triples. Using the most specific data type will
        yield the most accurate statistics

        This options value is restricted to the following value(s):

    -n, --node-count
        Requests that node usage counts be calculated

        Requests that namespace usage counts be calculated

    -o <OutputPath>, --output <OutputPath>
        Sets the output path

    -t, --type-count
        Requests that rdf:type usage counts be calculated

        This option can be used to separate command-line options from the
        list of argument, (useful when arguments might be mistaken for
        command-line options)

        Sets the input path(s)

If we wanted to calculate the node count on some data we could do the following:

> hadoop jar jena-elephas-stats-VERSION-hadoop-job.jar org.apache.jena.hadoop.rdf.stats.RdfStats --node-count --output /example/output /example/input

This calculates the node counts for the input data found in /example/input placing the generated counts in /example/output

Specifying Inputs and Outputs

Inputs are specified simply by providing one or more paths to the data you wish to analyse. You can provide directory paths in which case all files within the directory will be processed.

To specify the output location use the -o or --output option followed by the desired output path.

By default the demo application assumes a mixture of quads and triples data, if you know your data is only in triples/quads then you can use the --input-type argument followed by triples or quads to indicate the type of your data. Not doing this can skew some statistics as the default is to assume mixed data and so all triples are upgraded into quads when calculating the statistics.

Available Statistics

The following statistics are available and are activated by the relevant command line option:

You can also use the -a or --all option if you simply wish to calculate all statistics.