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<li class="active">LOADING DATA</li>
<h1 class="title">SDB Loading data</h1>
<p>There are three ways to load data into SDB:</p>
<li>Use the command utility
<a href="commands.html#Loading_data" title="SDB/Commands">sdbload</a></li>
<li>Use one of the Jena <code></code> operations</li>
<li>Use the Jena <code>model.add</code></li>
<p>The last one of these requires the application to signal the
beginning and end of batches.</p>
<h2 id="loading-with-modelread">Loading with <code></code></h2>
<p>A Jena Model obtained from SDB via:</p>
<p>will automatically bulk load data for each call of one of the
<code></code> operations.</p>
<h2 id="loading-with-modeladd">Loading with <code>Model.add</code></h2>
<p>The <code>Model.add</code> operations, in any form or combination of forms,
whether loading a single statement, list of statements, or another
model, will invoke the bulk loader if previously notified before an
add operation.</p>
<p>You can also explicitly delimit bulk operations:</p>
<pre><code> model.notifyEvent(GraphEvents.startRead)
... do add/remove operations ...
<p><strong>Failing to notify the end of the operations will result in data loss</strong>.</p>
<p>A try/finally block can ensure that the finish is notified.</p>
<pre><code> model.notifyEvent(GraphEvents.startRead) ;
try {
... do add/remove operations ...
} finally {
model.notifyEvent(GraphEvents.finishRead) ;
<p>The <code></code> operations do this automatically.</p>
<p>The bulk loader will automatically chunk large sequences of
additions to sizes appropriate to the underlying database. The bulk
loader is threaded with double-buffered; loading to the database
happens in parallel to the application thread and any RDF parsing.</p>
<h2 id="how-the-loader-works">How the loader works</h2>
<p>Loading consists of two phases: in the java VM, and on the database
itself. The SDB loader takes incoming triples and breaks them down
into components ready for the database. These prepared triples are
added to a queue for the database phase, which (by default) takes
place on a separate thread. When the number of triples reaches a
limit (default 20,000), or finish update is signalled, the triples
are passed to the database.</p>
<p>You can configure whether to use threading and the &lsquo;chunk size&rsquo; &ndash;
the number of triples per load event &ndash; via <code>StoreLoader</code>.</p>
<pre><code>Store store; // SDB Store
store.getLoader().setChunkSize(5000); //
store.getLoader().setUseThreading(false); // Don't thread
<p>You should set these <em>before</em> the loader has been used.</p>
<p>Each loader sets up two temporary tables (<code>NNode</code> and <code>NTrip</code>) that
mirror <code>Nodes</code> and <code>Triples</code> tables. These tables are virtually
identical, except that a) they are not indexed and b) for the index
variant there is no index column for nodes.</p>
<p>When loading prepared triples &ndash; triples that have been broken down
ready for the database &ndash; are passed to the loader core (normally
running on a different thread). When the chunk size is reached, or
we are out of triples, the following happens:</p>
<li>Prepared nodes are added in one go to <code>NNode</code>. Duplicate nodes
within a chunk are suppressed on the java side (this is worth doing
since they are quite common, e.g. properties).</li>
<li>Prepared triples are added in one go to <code>NTrip</code>.</li>
<li>New nodes are added to the node table (duplicate suppression is
explained below).</li>
<li>New triples are added to the triple table (once again
suppressing dupes). For the index case this involves joining on the
node table to do a hash to index lookup.</li>
<li>We commit.</li>
<li>If anything goes wrong the transaction (the chunk) is rolled
back, and an exception is thrown (or readied for throwing on the
calling thread).</li>
<p>Thus there are five calls to the database for every chunk. The
database handles almost all of the work uninterrupted (duplicate
suppression, hash to index lookup), which makes loading reasonably
<h2 id="duplicate-suppression">Duplicate Suppression</h2>
<p>MySQL has a very useful <code>INSERT IGNORE</code>, which will keep going,
skipping an offending row if a uniqueness constraint is violated.
For other databases we need something else.</p>
<p>Having tried a number of options the best seems to be to <code>INSERT</code>
new items by <code>LEFT JOIN</code> new items to existing items, then
filtering <code>WHERE (existing item feature) IS NULL</code>. Specifically,
for the triple hash case (where no id lookups are needed):</p>
<pre><code>INSERT INTO Triples
SELECT DISTINCT NTrip.s, NTrip.p, NTrip.o -- DISTINCT because new triples may contain duplicates (not so for nodes)
NTrip LEFT JOIN Triples ON (NTrip.s=Triples.s AND NTrip.p=Triples.p AND NTrip.o=Triples.o)
WHERE Triples.s IS NULL OR Triples.p IS NULL OR Triples.o IS NULL
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