Clear rule for bouncycastle exclusion

- Mock-Webserver v2.2.0 - Vendor, defined dependency bcprov-jdk15on > Previously, the dependency got excluded; otherwise, it conflicted with the existing bouncy castle version used in JClouds.
- Mock-Webserver v3.14.9 - The vendor does not define a bouncy castle dependency anymore; instead, it moved to the okhttp-tls module.

- Introduce the okhttp-tls module for tests in the core module. The following APIs (Docker, Elastic-Stack) and providers Softlayer extend their respective MockTest from BaseMockWebServerTest. The mock base test is located in the test jar of JClouds core module.
- Due to conflicting bouncy castle classes in the classpath, those which get loaded from the okhttp-tls module, and those defined in JClouds bouncy castle module, the bouncy castle dependency of okhttp-tls has to get skipped for the two APIs and providers mentioned.

Side note:
The JClouds GAE driver module also requires the new okhttp-tls dependency because of the following chain of inheritance.
Different from the situation above, the bouncy castle classes of the okhttp-tls got not excluded.
GaeHttpCommandExecutorServiceIntegrationTest -> BaseHttpCommandExecutorServiceIntegrationTest -> BaseMockWebServerTest

The reason for this is unknown to me.
13 files changed
tree: 12bd32a5793aaace01ea5ed97c24558ee7ecc5e9
  1. all/
  2. allblobstore/
  3. allcompute/
  4. allloadbalancer/
  5. apis/
  6. blobstore/
  7. common/
  8. compute/
  9. core/
  10. drivers/
  11. loadbalancer/
  12. project/
  13. providers/
  14. resources/
  15. scriptbuilder/
  16. skeletons/
  17. .dir-locals.el
  18. .gitattributes
  19. .gitignore
  20. .mailmap
  21. .travis.yml
  23. pom.xml


Apache jclouds is an open source multi-cloud toolkit for the Java platform that gives you the freedom to create applications that are portable across clouds while giving you full control to use cloud-specific features.

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