layout: page title: “BlueLock vCloud: Getting Started Guide” permalink: /guides/bluelock/

Please note that the support for BlueLock vCloud Director is not complete

  1. Sign up for BlueLock vCloud
  2. Ensure you are using a recent JDK 6
  3. Setup your project to include bluelock-vcdirector a. Get the dependency org.jclouds.provider/bluelock-vcdirector using jclouds Installation.
  4. Start coding.

{% highlight java %}

ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(“bluelock-vcdirector”) .credentials(“username@orgname”, password) .modules(ImmutableSet. of(new Log4JLoggingModule(), new SshjSshClientModule())) .buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class);

// create a customization script to run when the machine starts up String script = “cat > /root/foo.txt<<EOF\nI love candy\nEOF\n”; TemplateOptions options = client.templateOptions();;

// run a couple nodes accessible via group nodes = context.getComputeService().createNodesInGroup(“webserver”, 2, options);

// get a synchronous object to use for manipulating vcloud objects in BlueLock VCloudClient client = VCloudClient.class.cast(context.getProviderSpecificContext().getApi());

// look at all the thumbnails of my vApps VApp app = client.getVApp(vApp.getHref());

for (Vm vm : app.getChildren()) { assert client.getThumbnailOfVm(vm.getHref()) != null; }

// release resources context.close();

{% endhighlight %}

  1. Run on BlueLock