layout: releasenotes title: Release Notes for Version 2.2.0 date: 2019-10-21 20:00:00 release_notes: true permalink: /releasenotes/2.2.0/

  1. Introduction
  2. Release Highlights
  3. Known Issues
  4. Credits
  5. Test Results


Apache jclouds 2.2.0 is a first major release after a long period of time. In this release we have focused on modernizing the codebase and some dependencies to upgrade to Java 8 and prepare to upgrade to newer Java versions in future. You can read the official announcement here. To get started with jclouds, please see the jclouds installation guide.

Release Highlights

New features in Apache jclouds 2.2.0 include:

  • Java 8 friendly builds
  • The jclouds Karaf integration and the jclouds CLI are no longer part of the jclouds releases. The projects are now maintained by the Apache Karaf team and they will be released by them.

Bugs and patches

New Feature



The complete list of fixed issues and improvements can be found here.

Known Issues

  • JCLOUDS-1520 - JClouds is not using the JDK's KeepAliveCache when UntrustedSSLContextSupplier is used.


jclouds would like to thank everyone who contributed time and effort in order to make this release happen:

  • Especial thanks to the Apache Karaf team for taking over the jclouds-karaf and jclouds-cli projects to make sure they will have continuity.

  • Apache jclouds PMC and community for verifying the release.

  • Check out who has been busy on Open Hub.

Test Results

Please see the discussion and the vote threads for live test results for 2.2.0: