layout: page title: “HP Helion Public Cloud: Getting Started Guide” permalink: /guides/hpcloud/

HP Helion

This page helps you get started using the jclouds API with HP Helion Public Cloud (Formerly HP Cloud).

About HP Helion Public Cloud

HP Helion Public Cloud is an OpenStack® based public cloud provider offering on-demand, pay-as-you-go cloud services for computing and storage infrastructure as well as platform services.

Getting Started

  1. Sign up for HP Helion Public Cloud.
  2. Get your Project ID, Access Key, and Secret Key:
    • Sign in to your HP Cloud Console
    • Click on your userid (drop down in the top right of the page)
    • Click on “Manage Access Keys”
  3. Ensure you are using a recent version of Java 6.
  4. Setup your project to include hpcloud-objectstorage and hpcloud-compute.
    • Get the dependencies org.apache.jclouds.provider/hpcloud-objectstorage and org.apache.jclouds.provider/hpcloud-compute using jclouds Installation.
  5. Start coding.

** Note: As of 1.8.0, the HP Cloud provider uses tenantName:accessKey as identity and secretKey as credentials. Previous versions of the HP Cloud provider (prior to 1.8.0) default to using tenantName:userid as identity and password as credentials.

HP Cloud Object Storage

{% highlight java %} // Get a context with hpcloud that offers the portable BlobStore API BlobStoreContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(“hpcloud-objectstorage”) .credentials(“tenantName:accessKey”, “secretKey”) .buildView(BlobStoreContext.class); BlobStore blobStore = context.getBlobStore();

// Create a container in the default location blobStore.createContainerInLocation(null, container);

// Upload an empty blob Blob blob = blobStore.blobBuilder(“blob-name”).payload(new byte[0]).build(); blobStore.putBlob(container, blob);

// When you need access to hpcloud specific features, use the provider-specific context HPCloudObjectStorageClient hpcloudClient = HPCloudObjectStorageClient.class.cast(context.getProviderSpecificContext().getApi());

// Create a container with public access boolean accessibleContainer = hpcloudClient.createContainer(“public-container”, withPublicAccess());

ContainerMetadata cm = hpcloudClient.getContainerMetadata(“public-container”); if (cm.isPublic()) { ... }

// When you want to use CDN features with a container, use the provider-specific CDN client HPCloudCDNClient cdnClient = hpcloudClient.getCDNExtension().get();

// Get a CDN URL for the container URI uri = cdnClient.enableCDN(container);

// Get the CDN Metadata for the container ContainerCDNMetadata cdnMetadata = cdnClient.getCDNMetadata(container) if (cdnMetadata.isCDNEnabled()) { ... }

// Be sure to close the context when done context.close(); {% endhighlight %}

HP Cloud Compute

{% highlight java %} // Get a context with hpcloud-compute that offers the portable ComputeService API ComputeServiceContext ctx = ContextBuilder.newBuilder(“hpcloud-compute”) .credentials(“tenantName:accessKey”, “secretKey”) .modules(ImmutableSet. of(new Log4JLoggingModule(), new SshjSshClientModule())) .buildView(ComputeServiceContext.class);

ComputeService cs = ctx.getComputeService();

// List availability zones Set<? extends Location> locations = cs.listAssignableLocations();

// List nodes Set<? extends ComputeMetadata> nodes = cs.listNodes();

// List hardware profiles Set<? extends Hardware> hardware = cs.listHardwareProfiles();

// List images Set<? extends org.jclouds.compute.domain.Image> image = cs.listImages();

// Create nodes with templates Template template = cs.templateBuilder().osFamily(OsFamily.UBUNTU).build(); Set<? extends NodeMetadata> groupedNodes = cs.createNodesInGroup(“myGroup”, 2, template);

// Reboot images in a group cs.rebootNodesMatching(inGroup(“myGroup”));

// When you need access to HP Cloud Compute features, use the provider-specific context RestContext<NovaClient, NovaAsyncClient> context = ctx.getProviderSpecificContext(); NovaClient client = context.getApi();

// From the provider-specific context, you can access servers, flavors, and images through their respective clients // Get the server client for a particular availability zone ServerClient serverClient = client.getServerClientForZone(zone);

// List all available servers for an account Set servers = serverClient.listServersInDetail()

// Get the flavor client for a particular availability zone FlavorClient flavorClient = client.getFlavorClientForZone(zone);

// List all available flavors Setflavors = flavorClient.listFlavorsInDetail();

// Get the details of a particular flavor Flavor flavor = flavorClient.getFlavor(flavorId);

// Get the image client for a particular availability zone ImageClient imageClient = client.getImageClientForZone(zone);

// List all available images Set images = imageClient.listImagesInDetail();

// Get the details of a particular image Image image = imageClient.getImage(images.iterator().next().getId());

// From the provider-specific context, you can also retrieve the optional extensions related to key pair, security // group, and floating IP address management // Get the optional keypair client for a particular availability zone KeyPairClient keyPairClient = client.getKeyPairExtensionForZone(zone).get();

// Create a new keypair KeyPair keyPair = keyPairClient.createKeyPair(“exampleKeyPair”);

// Get the optional security groups client for a particular availability zone SecurityGroupClient securityGroupClient = client.getSecurityGroupExtensionForZone(zone).get();

// List all available security groups Set securityGroups = securityGroupClient.listSecurityGroups();

// Create a new security group SecurityGroup exampleSecurityGroup = securityGroupClient .createSecurityGroupWithNameAndDescription(“exampleSecurityGroup”, “an example security group”);

// Create a rule for an existing security group Ingress ingress = Ingress.builder().ipProtocol(IpProtocol.TCP).fromPort(80).toPort(8080).build(); SecurityGroupRule rule = securityGroupClient .createSecurityGroupRuleAllowingSecurityGroupId(exampleSecurityGroup.getId(), ingress, “”);

// Get the optional floating IP client for a particular availability zone FloatingIPClient floatingIPClient = client.getFloatingIPExtensionForZone(zone).get();

// List all available floating ip addresses Set addresses = floatingIPClient.listFloatingIPs();

// Create/allocate a new address FloatingIP exampleAddress = floatingIPClient.allocate();

// Associate a server to an existing address floatingIPClient.addFloatingIPToServer(exampleAddress.getIp(), server.getId());

// Be sure to close the context when done context.close(); {% endhighlight %}