blob: 5d0e5e6623905d160eef4b046bc1b929dddeed69 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.jclouds.azurecompute.domain;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jclouds.javax.annotation.Nullable;
* To create a new deployment/role
* Warning : the OSType must be the one of the source image used to create the VM
// TODO: check which can be null.
public abstract class DeploymentParams {
public abstract static class ExternalEndpoint {
public abstract String name();
* Either {@code tcp} or {@code udp}.
public abstract String protocol();
public abstract int port();
public abstract int localPort();
public static ExternalEndpoint inboundTcpToLocalPort(final int port, final int localPort) {
return new AutoValue_DeploymentParams_ExternalEndpoint(
String.format("tcp_%s-%s", port, localPort), "tcp", port, localPort);
public static ExternalEndpoint inboundUdpToLocalPort(final int port, final int localPort) {
return new AutoValue_DeploymentParams_ExternalEndpoint(
String.format("udp_%s-%s", port, localPort), "udp", port, localPort);
ExternalEndpoint() { // For AutoValue only!
DeploymentParams() {
} // For AutoValue only!
* The user-supplied name for this deployment.
public abstract String name();
* The size of the virtual machine to allocate. The default value is Small.
public abstract RoleSize.Type size();
* Specifies the name of a user to be created in the sudoers group of the virtual machine. User names are ASCII
* character strings 1 to 32 characters in length.
public abstract String username();
* Specifies the associated password for the user name. Passwords are ASCII character strings 6 to 72 characters in
* length.
public abstract String password();
* {@link OSImage#name() name} of the user or platform image.
public abstract String sourceImageName();
* Indicates the {@link OSImage#mediaLink() location} when {@link #sourceImageName() source} is a platform image.
public abstract URI mediaLink();
* {@link OSImage#os() Os type} of the {@link #sourceImageName() source image}.
public abstract OSImage.Type os();
public abstract Set<ExternalEndpoint> externalEndpoints();
* {@link org.jclouds.azurecompute.domain.NetworkConfiguration.VirtualNetworkSite#name}
public abstract String virtualNetworkName();
* Optional. Specifies the name of a reserved IP address that is to be assigned to the deployment. You must run
* Create Reserved IP Address before you can assign the address to the deployment using this element.
* The ReservedIPName element is only available using version 2014-05-01 or higher.
* @return reserved IP.
public abstract String reservedIPName();
public abstract List<String> subnetNames();
* Optional. Indicates whether the VM Agent is installed on the Virtual
* Machine. To run a resource extension in a Virtual Machine, this agent must
* be installed.
* @return provisionGuestAgent true/false flag (or null)
public abstract Boolean provisionGuestAgent();
* Optional. Indicates whether Windows VM should be provisioned with Https WinRm listener.
* By default it will use http listener.
public abstract Boolean winrmUseHttps();
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_DeploymentParams.Builder()
.externalEndpoints(ImmutableSet.<ExternalEndpoint> of())
.subnetNames(ImmutableList.<String> of());
abstract Builder toBuilder();
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract Builder name(String name);
public abstract Builder size(RoleSize.Type roleSize);
public abstract Builder username(String username);
public abstract Builder password(String password);
public abstract Builder winrmUseHttps(Boolean useHttps);
public abstract Builder sourceImageName(String sourceImageName);
public abstract Builder mediaLink(URI mediaLink);
public abstract Builder os(OSImage.Type os);
public abstract Builder externalEndpoints(Set<ExternalEndpoint> externalEndpoints);
public abstract Builder virtualNetworkName(String virtualNetworkName);
public abstract Builder reservedIPName(String reservedIPName);
public abstract Builder subnetNames(List<String> subnetNames);
public abstract Builder provisionGuestAgent(Boolean provisionGuestAgent);
abstract Set<ExternalEndpoint> externalEndpoints();
abstract List<String> subnetNames();
abstract DeploymentParams autoBuild();
public DeploymentParams build() {
externalEndpoints(externalEndpoints() != null ? ImmutableSet.copyOf(externalEndpoints()) : null);
subnetNames(subnetNames() != null ? ImmutableList.copyOf(subnetNames()) : null);
return autoBuild();
public static DeploymentParams create(String name, RoleSize.Type size, String username,
String password, String sourceImageName, URI mediaLink,
OSImage.Type os, Set<ExternalEndpoint> externalEndpoints,
String virtualNetworkName, String reservedIPName,
List<String> subnetNames, Boolean provisionGuestAgent) {
return builder().name(name).size(size).username(username).password(password)