blob: 5cad097934ccccfd53c5c0ace43a57949018ea52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.jclouds.jdbc.strategy;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.persistence.PersistenceException;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.LocalStorageStrategy;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.Blob;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.BlobAccess;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.BlobBuilder;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.ContainerAccess;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.MutableStorageMetadata;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.StorageMetadata;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.StorageType;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.domain.internal.MutableStorageMetadataImpl;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.CreateContainerOptions;
import org.jclouds.blobstore.options.ListContainerOptions;
import org.jclouds.domain.Location;
import org.jclouds.domain.LocationBuilder;
import org.jclouds.domain.LocationScope;
import org.jclouds.jdbc.conversion.BlobEntityToBlob;
import org.jclouds.jdbc.entity.BlobEntity;
import org.jclouds.jdbc.entity.ContainerEntity;
import org.jclouds.jdbc.predicates.validators.JdbcBlobKeyValidator;
import org.jclouds.jdbc.predicates.validators.JdbcContainerNameValidator;
import org.jclouds.jdbc.service.JdbcService;
* JdbcStorageStrategy implements a blob store that stores objects
* on a jdbc supported database. Content metadata and user attributes are stored in
* the database as well.
public class JdbcStorageStrategy implements LocalStorageStrategy {
private final Provider<BlobBuilder> blobBuilders;
private final JdbcService jdbcService;
private final JdbcContainerNameValidator jdbcContainerNameValidator;
private final JdbcBlobKeyValidator jdbcBlobKeyValidator;
private final BlobEntityToBlob blobEntityToBlob;
private final Location mockLocation;
JdbcStorageStrategy(Provider<BlobBuilder> blobBuilders,
JdbcContainerNameValidator jdbcContainerNameValidator, JdbcBlobKeyValidator jdbcBlobKeyValidator,
JdbcService jdbcService, BlobEntityToBlob blobEntityToBlob)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, SQLException {
this.jdbcService = jdbcService;
this.blobBuilders = blobBuilders;
this.jdbcContainerNameValidator = jdbcContainerNameValidator;
this.jdbcBlobKeyValidator = jdbcBlobKeyValidator;
this.blobEntityToBlob = blobEntityToBlob;
this.mockLocation = new LocationBuilder()
* Checks if a container exists
* @param container the name of the container to check
* @return true if the container exists, false otherwise
public boolean containerExists(String container) {
return jdbcService.findContainerByName(container) != null;
* Lists all the container names
* @return an iterable with the container names
public Collection<String> getAllContainerNames() {
List<ContainerEntity> containerEntities = jdbcService.findAllContainers();
ImmutableList.Builder<String> result = ImmutableList.builder();
for (ContainerEntity c : containerEntities) {
* Creates a container. The location is ignored.
* @param container the name of the container to create
* @param createContainerOptions creation options to the container. defaults the ContainerAccess
* to ContainerAccess.PRIVATE
* @return true if the container was created, false otherwise
public boolean createContainerInLocation(String container, Location location,
CreateContainerOptions createContainerOptions) {
ContainerAccess containerAccess = createContainerOptions == null ? ContainerAccess.PRIVATE
: (createContainerOptions.isPublicRead() ? ContainerAccess.PUBLIC_READ
: ContainerAccess.PRIVATE);
try {
jdbcService.createContainer(container, containerAccess);
} catch (PersistenceException e) {
return false;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return false;
return true;
* Gets the container accessibility
* @param container the name of the container
* @return a value with the container's accessibility
public ContainerAccess getContainerAccess(String container) {
return jdbcService.findContainerByName(container).getContainerAccess();
* Sets the container accessibility
* @param container the name of the container
* @param containerAccess the new container access for the container
public void setContainerAccess(String container, ContainerAccess containerAccess) {
jdbcService.setContainerAccessByName(container, containerAccess);
* Deletes a container and all the blobs in it
* @param container the name of the container to delete
public void deleteContainer(String container) {
* Deletes all the blobs in a container
* @param container the name of the container to clear
public void clearContainer(String container) {
* Deletes all the blobs in a container
* @param container the name of the container to clear
* @param options options to filter what blobs are cleared
public void clearContainer(String container, ListContainerOptions options) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(options.getPrefix() == null, "prefix not yet implemented");
if (options.getDir() != null) {
jdbcService.deleteBlobsByDirectory(container, options.getDir(), true);
else {
* Gets a container's metadata
* @param containerName the name of the container
* @return the container's metadata
public StorageMetadata getContainerMetadata(String containerName) {
ContainerEntity containerEntity = jdbcService.findContainerByName(containerName);
MutableStorageMetadata metadata = null;
if (containerEntity != null) {
metadata = new MutableStorageMetadataImpl();
return metadata;
* Checks if a blob exists
* @param container the name of the container containing the blob
* @param key the blob's key
* @return true if the blob exists in the container, false otherwise
public boolean blobExists(String container, String key) {
return jdbcService.blobExists(container, key);
* Lists all the blob keys in a container
* @param container the name of the container
* @return the blob keys inside the container
public Iterable<String> getBlobKeysInsideContainer(String container, String prefix) throws IOException {
List<BlobEntity> blobEntities = jdbcService.findBlobsByContainer(container);
ImmutableList.Builder<String> result = ImmutableList.builder();
for (BlobEntity blobEntity : blobEntities) {
if (prefix != null && !blobEntity.getKey().startsWith(prefix)) {
* Gets a blob in a container
* @param container the name of the container containing the blob
* @param key the key of the blob to get
* @return the blob in the container or null if the blob does not exist
public Blob getBlob(String container, String key) {
return blobEntityToBlob.apply(jdbcService.findBlobById(container, key));
* Store a blob in a container
* @param container the name of the container
* @param blob the blob to store
* @return the blob's etag
public String putBlob(String container, Blob blob) throws IOException {
String key = blob.getMetadata().getName();
return jdbcService.createOrModifyBlob(container, blob).getEtag();
* Removes a blob from a container
* @param container the name of the container containing the blob
* @param key the blob's key
public void removeBlob(String container, String key) {
jdbcService.deleteBlob(container, key);
* Gets the blob accessibility
* @param container the name of the container containing the blob
* @param key the blob's key
* @return a value with the container's accessibility
public BlobAccess getBlobAccess(String container, String key) {
return jdbcService.findBlobById(container, key).getBlobAccess();
* Sets the blob accessibility
* @param container the name of the container containing the blob
* @param key the blob's key
* @param blobAccess the new blob access for the blob
public void setBlobAccess(String container, String key, BlobAccess blobAccess) {
jdbcService.setBlobAccessById(container, key, blobAccess);
* Gets the container location
* @return always return null
public Location getLocation(String container) {
return mockLocation;
* Gets the separator used for directory naming
* @return a string containing "/"
public String getSeparator() {
return "/";
* Count the blobs in a container
* @param container the name of the container
* @param options options to filter what blobs are counted
* @return the number of blobs in the container
public long countBlobs(String container, ListContainerOptions options) {
return options.getDir() == null ? jdbcService.findBlobsByContainer(container).size()
: jdbcService.findBlobsByDirectory(container, options.getDir(), options.isRecursive()).size();
* Checks if a directory exists
* @param container the name of the container
* @param directory the name of the directory
* @return true if the directory exists, false otherwise
public boolean directoryExists(String container, String directory) {
Blob blob = getBlob(container, directory);
return blob != null && "application/directory".equals(
* Store a blob in a directory
* @param container the name of the container
* @param blob the blob to store
* @return the blob's etag
private String putDirectoryBlob(final String container, final Blob blob) {
String blobKey = blob.getMetadata().getName();
ContentMetadata metadata = blob.getMetadata().getContentMetadata();
Long contentLength = metadata.getContentLength();
if (contentLength != null && contentLength != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Directory blob cannot have content: " + blobKey);
return jdbcService.createDirectoryBlob(container, blob).getEtag();
* Creates a new directory
* @param container the name of the container
* @param directory the name of the directory to create
public void createDirectory(String container, String directory) {
Blob blob = blobBuilders.get().name(directory).payload("").build();
putDirectoryBlob(container, blob);
* Delete an existing directory
* @param container the name of the container
* @param directory the name of the directory to delete
public void deleteDirectory(String container, String directory) {
BlobEntity entity = jdbcService.findBlobById(container, directory);
if (entity != null && entity.isDirectory()) {
jdbcService.deleteBlob(container, directory);