Removed fixed versioning from the Mock tests. We can use the DimensionDataCloudControlProviderMetadata to give us the CloudControl API version.
Removed caas from Api  Path. In previous versions of CloudControl API there was alternative base paths, either 'oec' or 'caas', but this is no longer required in the implementation. All paths are caas so this can be configured  in the endpoint metadata.
10 files changed
tree: a6d34345889921e4729f2fc7c3bd9ca557c86410
  1. abiquo/
  2. azurecompute/
  3. azurecompute-arm/
  4. b2/
  5. cdmi/
  6. cloudsigma2/
  7. cloudsigma2-hnl/
  8. cloudsigma2-lvs/
  9. cloudsigma2-mia/
  10. cloudsigma2-sjc/
  11. cloudsigma2-wdc/
  12. cloudsigma2-zrh/
  13. dimensiondata/
  14. h2-jdbc/
  15. jdbc/
  16. joyent-cloudapi/
  17. joyentcloud/
  18. oneandone/
  19. packet/
  20. profitbricks-rest/
  21. vagrant/
  22. .gitignore
  24. pom.xml

jclouds Labs

Repository for incubator providers and APIs


Copyright (C) 2009-2014 The Apache Software Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0