JCLOUDS-1225: Address Guava 18 Objects changes

Fixed with:

find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i 's/Objects.[Tt]oStringHelper/More&/g'
find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i 's/Objects.firstNonNull/More&/g'
find -name \*.java | xargs sed -i 's/^\(import com.google.common.base.\)\(Objects.*\)/\1More\2\n\1\2/g'
find -name \*.java | xargs java -jar google-java-format-1.3-all-deps.jar -i --fix-imports-only --skip-sorting-imports
18 files changed
tree: 84b7f50221aed77bb098855c5aca25d446720681
  1. abiquo/
  2. azurecompute/
  3. azurecompute-arm/
  4. cdmi/
  5. cloudsigma2/
  6. cloudsigma2-hnl/
  7. cloudsigma2-lvs/
  8. cloudsigma2-mia/
  9. cloudsigma2-sjc/
  10. cloudsigma2-wdc/
  11. cloudsigma2-zrh/
  12. dimensiondata/
  13. h2-jdbc/
  14. jdbc/
  15. joyent-cloudapi/
  16. joyentcloud/
  17. oneandone/
  18. profitbricks-rest/
  19. vagrant/
  20. .gitignore
  22. pom.xml
  23. README.md

jclouds Labs

Repository for incubator providers and APIs


Copyright (C) 2009-2014 The Apache Software Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0