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#^{:author "Adrian Cole"
:doc "A clojure binding to the jclouds chef interface.
Here's a quick example of how to manipulate a databag on the Opscode Platform,
which is basically Chef Server as a Service.
(use 'org.jclouds.chef)
(def client \"YOUR_CLIENT\")
;; load the rsa key from ~/.chef/CLIENT_NAME.pem
(def credential (load-pem client))
;; create a connection to the opscode platform
(def chef (chef-service \"chef\" client credential :chef.endpoint \"\"))
(with-chef-service [chef]
(create-databag \"cluster-config\")
(update-databag-item \"cluster-config\" {:id \"master\" :name \"\"}))
;; note that you can create your chef connection like this to do in-memory testing
(def chef (chef-service \"transientchef\" \"\" \"\"))
See for details."}
(:use [org.jclouds.core])
(:require (org.danlarkin [json :as json]))
[org.jclouds ContextBuilder]
[org.jclouds.chef ChefClient
ChefService ChefContext]
[org.jclouds.chef.domain DatabagItem]))
(use '[clojure.contrib.reflect :only [get-field]])
(catch Exception e
(use '[
:only [wall-hack-field]
:rename {wall-hack-field get-field}])))
(defn load-pem
"get the pem associated with the supplied identity"
([#^String identity]
(slurp (str (. System getProperty "user.home") "/.chef/" identity ".pem"))))
;; TODO find a way to pass the chef provider by default
(defn chef-service
"Create a logged in context to a chef server.
provider \"chef\" is a remote connection, and you can pass the option
:chef.endpoint \"https://url\" to override the endpoint
provider \"transientchef\" is for in-memory when you are looking to do
unit testing"
([#^String provider #^String identity #^String credential & options]
(let [module-keys (set (keys module-lookup))
ext-modules (filter #(module-keys %) options)
opts (apply hash-map (filter #(not (module-keys %)) options))]
(.. (ContextBuilder/newBuilder provider)
(credentials provider-identity provider-credential)
(modules (apply modules (concat ext-modules (opts :extensions))))
(overrides (reduce #(do (.put %1 (name (first %2)) (second %2)) %1)
(Properties.) (dissoc opts :extensions)))
(build ChefContext)
(defn chef-context
"Returns a chef context from a chef service."
[#^ChefService chef]
(.getContext chef))
(defn chef-service?
(instance? ChefService object))
(defn chef-context?
(instance? ChefContext object))
(defn as-chef-service
"Tries hard to produce a chef service from its input arguments"
[& args]
(chef-service? (first args)) (first args)
(chef-context? (first args)) (.getChefService (first args))
:else (apply chef-service args)))
(defn as-chef-api
"Tries hard to produce a chef client from its input arguments"
[& args]
(chef-service? (first args)) (.getApi (.getContext (first args)))
(chef-context? (first args)) (.getApi (first args))
:else (.getApi (.getContext (apply chef-service args)))))
(def *chef*)
(defmacro with-chef-service
"Specify the default chef service"
[[& chef-or-args] & body]
`(binding [*chef* (as-chef-service ~@chef-or-args)]
(defn nodes
"Retrieve the names of the existing nodes in your chef server."
([] (nodes *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listNodes (as-chef-api chef)))))
(defn nodes-with-details
"Retrieve the existing nodes in your chef server including all details."
([] (nodes *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listNodes chef))))
(defn clients
"Retrieve the names of the existing clients in your chef server."
([] (clients *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listClients (as-chef-api chef)))))
(defn clients-with-details
"Retrieve the existing clients in your chef server including all details."
([] (clients *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listClients chef))))
(defn cookbooks
"Retrieve the names of the existing cookbooks in your chef server."
([] (cookbooks *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listCookbooks (as-chef-api chef)))))
(defn cookbook-versions
"Retrieve the versions of an existing cookbook in your chef server."
([name] (cookbook-versions *chef*))
([#^ChefService name chef]
(seq (.getVersionsOfCookbook (as-chef-api chef) name))))
(defn cookbook-versions-with-details
"Retrieve the existing cookbook versions in your chef server including all details."
([] (cookbook-versions *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listCookbookVersions chef))))
(defn update-run-list
"Updates the run-list associated with a tag"
([run-list tag] (update-run-list run-list tag *chef*))
([run-list tag #^ChefService chef]
(.updateRunListForTag chef run-list tag)))
(defn run-list
"Retrieves the run-list associated with a tag"
([tag] (run-list tag *chef*))
([tag #^ChefService chef]
(seq (.getRunListForTag chef tag))))
(defn create-bootstrap
"creates a client and bootstrap script associated with a tag"
([tag] (create-bootstrap tag *chef*))
([tag #^ChefService chef]
(.createClientAndBootstrapScriptForTag chef tag)))
(defn databags
"Retrieve the names of the existing data bags in your chef server."
([] (databags *chef*))
([#^ChefService chef]
(seq (.listDatabags (as-chef-api chef)))))
(defn databag-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a databag"
(databag-exists? databag-name *chef*))
([databag-name #^ChefService chef]
(.databagExists (as-chef-api chef) databag-name)))
(defn delete-databag
"Delete a data bag, including its items"
(delete-databag databag *chef*))
([databag chef]
(.deleteDatabag (as-chef-api chef) databag)))
(defn create-databag
"create a data bag"
(create-databag databag *chef*))
([databag chef]
(.createDatabag (as-chef-api chef) databag)))
(defn databag-items
"Retrieve the names of the existing items in a data bag in your chef server."
(databag-items databag *chef*))
([databag chef]
(seq (.listDatabagItems (as-chef-api chef) databag))))
(defn databag-item-exists?
"Predicate to check presence of a databag item"
([databag-name item-id]
(databag-item-exists? databag-name item-id *chef*))
([databag-name item-id #^ChefService chef]
(.databagExists (as-chef-api chef) databag-name item-id)))
(defn databag-item
"Get an item from the data bag"
([databag item-id]
(databag-item databag item-id *chef*))
([databag item-id chef]
(json/decode-from-str (str (.getDatabagItem (as-chef-api chef) databag item-id)))))
(defn delete-databag-item
"delete an item from the data bag"
([databag item-id]
(delete-databag-item databag item-id *chef*))
([databag item-id chef]
(.deleteDatabagItem (as-chef-api chef) databag item-id)))
(defn create-databag-item
"put a new item in the data bag. Note the Map you pass must have an :id key:
(create-databag-item \"cluster-config\" {:id \"master\" :name \"\"}))"
([databag value]
(create-databag-item databag value *chef*))
([databag value chef]
(let [value-str (json/encode-to-str value)]
(let [value-json (json/decode-from-str value-str)]
(.createDatabagItem (as-chef-api chef) databag
(DatabagItem. (get value-json :id) value-str))))))
(defn update-databag-item
"updates an existing item in the data bag. Note the Map you pass must have an :id key:
(update-databag-item \"cluster-config\" {:id \"master\" :name \"\"}))"
([databag value]
(update-databag-item databag value *chef*))
([databag value chef]
(let [value-str (json/encode-to-str value)]
(let [value-json (json/decode-from-str value-str)]
(.updateDatabagItem (as-chef-api chef) databag
(DatabagItem. (get value-json :id) value-str))))))