blob: 6fdfb45e6762a60207d855b5b7f1904a22e862aa [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict'
const { posix: path } = require('path')
module.exports = (to, from, ctx) => {
if (!to) return '#'
// NOTE only legacy invocation provides both to and from
if (!ctx) from = (ctx = from)
if (to.charAt() !== '/') return to
if (!from) return ( || '') + to
let hash = ''
const hashIdx = to.indexOf('#')
if (~hashIdx) {
hash = to.substr(hashIdx)
to = to.substr(0, hashIdx)
return to === from
? hash || (isDir(to) ? './' : path.basename(to))
: (path.relative(path.dirname(from + '.'), to) || '.') + (isDir(to) ? '/' + hash : hash)
function isDir (str) {
return str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '/'