28. Recompute mailbox quotas

Date: 2020-04-03


Accepted (lazy consensus) & implemented


JMAP custom quota extension, as well as IMAP RFC-2087 enables a user to monitor the amount of space and message count he is allowed to use, and that he is effectively using.

To track the quota values a user is effectively using, James relies on the eventBus to increment a Cassandra counter corresponding to this user.

However, upon Cassandra failure, this value can be incorrect, hence the need of correcting it.

Data model details

Table: imapUidTable: Holds mailbox and flags for each message, lookup by message ID

Table: messageV2: Holds message metadata, independently of any mailboxes. Content of messages is stored in blobs and blobparts tables.

Table: currentQuota: Holds per quota-root current values. Quota-roots defines groups of mailboxes which share quotas limitations.


  • Quota updates are done asynchronously (event bus + listener) for successful mailbox operations.
    • If the quota update is not applied, then we are inconsistent
    • EventBus errors are retried upon errors, counters being non-indempotent, this can result in inconsistent quotas


We will implement a generic corrective task exposed via webadmin.

This task can reuse the CurrentQuotaCalculator and call it for each and every quotaRoot of each user.

This way, non-Cassandra implementation will also benefit from this task.


This task is not concurrent-safe. Concurrent operations will result in an invalid quota to be persisted.

However, as the source of truth is not altered, re-running this task will eventually return the correct result.
