26. Removing a configured additional MailboxListener

Date: 2020-04-03


Accepted (lazy consensus)

Not implemented yet.

Superseded by 35. Distributed Mailbox Listener Configuration


James enables a user to register additional mailbox listeners.

The distributed James server is handling mailbox event processing (mailboxListener execution) using a RabbitMQ work-queue per listener.

The distributed James server then declares a queue upon start for each one of these user registered listeners, that it binds to the main event exchange.

More information about this component, and its distributed, RabbitMQ based implementation, can be found in ADR 0036.

If the user unconfigures the listener, the queue and the binding are still present but not consumed. This results in unbounded queue growth eventually causing RabbitMQ resource exhaustion and failure.


A required group is a group configured within James additional mailbox listener or statically binded via Guice. We should have a queue for that mailbox listener binded to the main exchange.

A registered group is a group whose queue exists in RabbitMQ and is bound to the exchange, independently of its James usage. If it is required, a consumer will consume the queue. Otherwise the queue might grow unbounded.


We need a clear consensus and auditability across the James cluster about required groups (and their changes). Thus Event sourcing will maintain an aggregate tracking required groups (and their changes). Audit will be enabled by adding host and date information upon changes. A subscriber will perform changes (binds and unbinds) in registered groups following the changes of the aggregate.

Event sourcing is desirable as it allows:

  • Detecting previously removed MailboxListener upon start
  • Audit of unbind decisions
  • Enables writing more complex business rules in the future

The event sourcing system will have the following command:

  • RequireGroups the groups that the EventBus is starting with.

And the following events:

  • RequiredGroupAdded a group is added to the required groups.
  • RequiredGroupRemoved a group is removed from the required groups.

Upon start the aggregate will be updated if needed and bindings will be adapted accordingly.

Note that upon failure, registered groups will diverge from required groups. We will add a health check to diagnose such issues. Eventually, we will expose a webadmin task to reset registered groups to required groups.

The queues should not be deleted to prevent message loss.

Given a James topology with a non uniform configuration, the effective RabbitMQ routing will be the one of the latest started James server.


We could also consider adding a webadmin endpoint to sanitize eventBus bindings, allowing more predictability than the above solution but it would require admin intervention.


  • Discussion around the overall design proposed here.