This Maven project deploy Apache James inside Apache Karaf OSGi container. Since James is built with Spring, we will use Spring-DM for creating OSGi services thus allowing the same James components be used unchanged in or outside OSGi.
Apache Karaf provide a great container for deploying applications and managing their lifecycle. Read more about that on the Karaf homepage.
OSGi promotes the use of services and modules that drive the creation of components easy to reuse and integrate into other projects.
Running James inside Karaf container provides means for a secure administration console (over SSH). This enable us to write commands to administer the server and do things like:
You can build the project by running the script provided in karaf folder: $ ./
You can also build each project individually by running $ mvn clean install inside each maven project.
You might wish to build the whole James project to ensure all artifacts are available in the local Maven repo. You can do that by running $ mvn clean install in the project top level directory.
If everything goes well, look for a file called distribution-VERSION-.tar.gz under karaf/distribution/target. Unpack, change the current directory to be inside the application and run ./bin/karaf. This will start Karaf and present you with a administration console. You are ready to install James features if not already installed and start playing with James.
Run features:install james-server-dnsservice-dnsjava to provision and start the DNSService that James uses to resolve mail hosts. To see the state of things you can run list. An output like the following means the DNSService has started successfully:
karaf@root> list START LEVEL 100 , List Threshold: 50 ID State Blueprint Spring Level Name [ 97] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-configuration ( [ 98] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-beanutils ( [ 99] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Commons JXPath (1.3) [ 100] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: xmlresolver ( [ 101] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: commons-collections ( [ 102] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: jdom ( [ 103] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Commons Codec (1.7.0) [ 104] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Commons Lang (2.6) [ 105] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Commons Digester (1.8.1) [ 106] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Commons JEXL (2.1.1) [ 107] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] dnsjava (2.1.1) [ 108] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache ServiceMix :: Bundles :: junit ( [ 109] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache James :: Server :: DNS Service :: Library (3.0.0.beta5-SNAPSHOT) [ 110] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache James :: Server :: DNS Service :: API (3.0.0.beta5-SNAPSHOT) [ 111] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache James :: Mailet API (2.5.1.SNAPSHOT) [ 112] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Geronimo JavaMail 1.4 :: Mail (1.8.3) [ 113] [Active ] [ ] [Started] [ 80] Apache James :: Server :: DNS Service :: Implementation (3.0.0.beta5-SNAPSHOT) [ 114] [Active ] [ ] [ ] [ 80] Apache James :: Server :: Lifecycle API (3.0.0.beta5-SNAPSHOT)
If necessary, you can check the logs with log:display. You can also dynamically change the logging level via log:set. These are all Karaf related things and you should check them out