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Additional webadmin endpoints

Report spam messages to RSpamD

One can use this route to schedule a task that reports spam messages to RSpamD for its spam classify learning.

curl -XPOST 'http://ip:port/rspamd?action=reportSpam

This endpoint has the following param:

  • action (required): need to be reportSpam
  • messagesPerSecond (optional): Concurrent learns performed for RSpamD, default to 10
  • period (optional): duration (support many time units, default in seconds), only messages between now and now - duration are reported. By default, all messages are reported. These inputs represent the same duration: 1d, 1day, 86400 seconds, 86400...
  • samplingProbability (optional): float between 0 and 1, represent the chance to report each given message to RSpamD. By default, all messages are reported.

Will return the task id. E.g:

    "taskId": "70c12761-ab86-4321-bb6f-fde99e2f74b0"

Response codes:

  • 201: Task generation succeeded. Corresponding task id is returned.
  • 400: Invalid arguments supplied in the user request.

More details about endpoints returning a task.

The scheduled task will have the following type FeedSpamToRSpamDTask and the following additionalInformation:

  "errorCount": 1,
  "reportedSpamMessageCount": 2,
  "runningOptions": {
    "messagesPerSecond": 10,
    "periodInSecond": 3600,
    "samplingProbability": 1.0
  "spamMessageCount": 4,
  "timestamp": "2007-12-03T10:15:30Z",
  "type": "FeedSpamToRSpamDTask"