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A WebAdmin based CLI for Apache James


Webadmin command-line interface is an upcoming replacement for the outdated, security-vulnerable JMX command-line interface. It also aims at providing a more modern and intuitive interface.

Run the command line


General syntax to run the command line



OPTION: optional parameter when running the command line,

ENTITY: represents the entity to perform action on,

ACTION: name of the action to perform,

ARGUMENT: arguments needed for the action.


$ ./james-cli --url domain list

The above command lists all domain names available on domain route at address It does not require any argument to execute.

The following options can be used:

--url : Without it, the default value is

When James server's jwt setting is enabled, jwt options are required:

--jwt-token : pass the jwt token directly as plain text. E.g:

$ ./james-cli --url --jwt-token eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlc24iLCJhZG1pbiI6dHJ1ZSwiaWF0IjoxNjA0Mjg3OTU3fQ.IY3AWg9lQE4muXg8iRu1nbluTm786_6aLcoEylCGcbtGcEOp81Neani1-_17xGp2aF6kxBJva0_f_ADUplhfirGXwoxM8evcsdmQBhNGDfa-oXT_a-dd6n7MMPweGOFGhjxnTRvNHpyqDcfNuGGGcB8OfzOsN5epWNkhlivk2OSuY8vR8fHB9Es1Oiv1i8D5H93-K5IXParVLpAtj7uLZT9b7G-kjxlQagApH8USx6JlqIjMwhvM--79SrzPKZ2AtM59NfDT4g6GPaMNntQvXr06Xu3Leys97cot2rsXNfXY1OohorXiYiZ66-eMRcQ7pHF-NyS6dlg87rnMQlpKHw domain list

Commands with valid token with admin=true claim should pass James's authentication.

--jwt-from-file : pass the jwt token through a file (such as token.jwt). E.g:

$ ./james-cli --url --jwt-from-file token.jwt domain list

As for other commands, arguments might be required after the sub-command (ACTION such as list, add and remove).

Note: the command line before ENTITY will be documented as {cli}.

Navigation menu

Manage Domains

Create a domain

Add a domain to the domain list.

{cli} domain create <domainToBeCreated>

Resource name domainToBeCreated:

  • cannot be null or empty
  • cannot contain ‘@’
  • cannot be more than 255 characters
  • cannot contain ‘/’

Delete a domain

Remove a domain from the domain list.

{cli} domain delete <domainToBeDeleted>

Note: Deletion of an auto-detected domain, default domain or of an auto-detected ip is not supported. We encourage you instead to review your domain list configuration.

Check if a domain exists

Check whether a domain exists on the domain list or not.

{cli} domain exist <domainToBeChecked>

Get the list of domains

Show all domains' name on the list.

{cli} domain list

List domain aliases for a domain

Show all domains' name on the list.

{cli} domain listAliases <domain>

Create a domain alias for a domain

{cli} domain addAlias <domain> <sourceOfTheAlias>

Remove a domain alias for a domain

{cli} domain removeAlias <domain> <sourceOfTheAlias>

Manage Users

Create a user

Add a user to the user list.

{cli} user create <username> --password

Then the Command Line will prompt users to enter password (password will not be printed on the screen for security):

Enter value for --password (Password):

Resource name representing valid users, hence it should match the criteria at User Repositories documentation

Note: If the user exists already, its password cannot be updated using this. If you want to update a user's password, please have a look at Update a user password.

Update a user password

{cli} user create --force <username> --password

Then the Command Line will prompt users to enter password (password will not be printed on the screen for security):

Enter value for --password (Password):

Resource name representing valid users, hence it should match the criteria at User Repositories documentation

Note: This also can be used to create a new user.

Test a user existence

Check whether a user exists on the user list or not.

{cli} user exist <username>

Resource name representing valid users, hence it should match the criteria at User Repositories documentation

Delete a user

Remove a user from the user list.

{cli} user delete <username>

Get users list

Show all users' name on the list.

{cli} user list

Update a user password

Same as Create, but a user need to exist.

If the user do not exist, then it will be created.

Manage Mailboxes

Create a mailbox

Create a specific mailbox for a user:

{cli} mailbox create <username> <mailboxName>

Resource name username should be an existing user.

Resource name mailboxName should not be empty, nor contain # & % * characters.

To create nested mailboxes, for instance a work mailbox inside the INBOX mailbox, people should use the . separator. E.g:

Test a mailbox existence

{cli} mailbox exist <usernameToBeUsed> <mailboxNameToBeTested>

Resource name usernameToBeUsed should be an existing user

Resource name mailboxNameToBeTested should not be empty

Delete a mailbox and its children

{cli} mailbox delete <usernameToBeUsed> <mailboxNameToBeDeleted>

Resource name usernameToBeUsed should be an existing user

Resource name mailboxNameToBeDeleted should not be empty

Delete all mailboxes of a user

{cli} mailbox deleteAll <usernameToBeUsed>

Resource name usernameToBeUsed should be an existing user

Get mailboxes list

{cli} mailbox list <usernameToBeUsed>

Resource name usernameToBeUsed should be an existing user

Manage Domain Mappings

Given a configured source (from) domain and a destination (to) domain, when an email is sent to an address belonging to the source domain, then the domain part of this address is overwritten, the destination domain is then used. A source (from) domain can have many destination (to) domains.

For example: with a source domain maps to two destination domains and, when a mail is sent to, then it will be routed to and

This feature uses Recipients rewrite table and requires the RecipientRewriteTable mailet to be configured.

Note that email addresses are restricted to ASCII character set. Mail addresses not matching this criteria will be rejected.

Listing all domain mappings

Show all configured domain mappings

{cli} domain-mapping listAll

Listing all destination domains for a source domain

With sourceDomain.tld as the value passed to fromDomain resource name, this command will show all destination domains configured to that domain

{cli} domain-mapping list <sourceDomain.tld>

Adding a domain mapping

With sourceDomain.tld as the value passed to fromDomain resource name, this command will add a destination domain to that source domain

{cli} domain-mapping create <sourceDomain.tld> <destination.tld>

Removing a domain mapping

With sourceDomain.tld as the value passed to fromDomain resource name, this command will remove a destination domain mapped to that domain

{cli} domain-mapping delete <sourceDomain.tld> <destination.tld>

Manage Regex Mappings

A regex mapping contains a mapping source and a Java Regular Expression (regex) in String as the mapping value. Everytime, if a mail containing a recipient matched with the mapping source, then that mail will be re-routed to a new recipient address which is re written by the regex.

This feature uses Recipients rewrite table and requires the RecipientRewriteTable API to be configured.

Adding a regex mapping

The command will add a regex mapping made from mappingSource and regex to RecipientRewriteTable.

{cli} regex-mapping create <mappingSource> <regex>


  • mappingSource represents for the Regex Mapping mapping source
  • regex represents for the Regex Mapping regex

Removing a regex mapping

The command will remove the regex mapping made from regex and the mapping source mappingSource out of RecipientRewriteTable.

{cli} regex-mapping delete <mappingSource> <regex>


  • the mappingSource represents the Regex Mapping mapping source
  • the regex represents the Regex Mapping regex

Manage Address Mappings

When a specific email is sent to the mappingSource mail address, every destination addresses will receive it.

Add an address mapping

This command will add an address mapping to the Recipients rewrite table

{cli} address-mapping create <mappingSource> <destinationAddress>

Type of both parameters are Address.

Remove an address mapping

Remove an address mapping from the Recipients rewrite table

{cli} address-mapping delete <mappingSource> <destinationAddress>

Type of both parameters are Address.

Manage User Mappings

Listing User Mappings

Receiving all mappings of a corresponding user.

{cli} user-mapping list <userAddress>