| Apache James Project |
| ==================== |
| |
| link:https://gitter.im/apache/james-project[image:https://badges.gitter.im/apache/james-project.svg[Join the chat at link:https://gitter.im/apache/james-project]] |
| |
| image::james-logo.png[James logo] |
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| == What is James? |
| |
| *James* stands for *Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server!* |
| |
| It has a modular architecture based on a rich set of *modern* and *efficient* components which provides at the end |
| *complete, stable, secure and extendable Mail Servers running on the JVM*. |
| |
| Create your *own personal solution* for emails treatment by assembling the components you need thanks to the Inversion |
| of Control mail platform offered and go further customizing filtering and routing rules using *James Mailet Container*. |
| |
| Supported protocols are: IMAP, SMTP, JMAP, POP3 and more... |
| |
| Read more on https://james.apache.org/[our website]. |
| |
| == How to contribute? |
| |
| James is a project that lives from the contributions of its community! Anyone can contribute! |
| |
| Read the https://james.apache.org/contribute.html[contributing guidelines]. |
| |
| We more than welcome *articles* and *blog posts* about James. Contact us by https://james.apache.org/mail.html[email] |
| or on https://gitter.im/apache/james-project[Gitter] to share your experiences. |
| |
| *Documentation* is an easy way to get started, and more than wanted! Check out the https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20JAMES%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20documentation%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC[~documentation] label on JIRA. |
| |
| And to get started with *code contributions*, search out the |
| https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20JAMES%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20newbie%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC[~newbie], |
| https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20JAMES%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20easyfix%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC[~easyfix], |
| https://issues.apache.org/jira/issues/?jql=project%20%3D%20JAMES%20AND%20resolution%20%3D%20Unresolved%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20feature%20ORDER%20BY%20priority%20DESC%2C%20updated%20DESC[~feature] labels on JIRA. |
| |
| There is many other ways one can help us: packaging, communication, etc ... |
| |
| = How to... |
| |
| * link:#how-to-try-james[How to try James] |
| * link:#how-to-check-the-compilation[How to check the compilation] |
| * link:#how-to-run-james-in-docker[How to run James in Docker] |
| ** link:#run-james-with-guice-%2Dcassandra-%2Drabbitmq-%2Ds3-%2Delasticsearch[Run James with Guice + Cassandra + RabbitMQ + S3 + ElasticSearch] |
| ** link:#run-james-with-guice-%2Dcassandra-%2Delasticsearch[Run James with Guice + Cassandra + ElasticSearch] |
| ** link:#run-james-with-guice-%2Djpa-%2Dlucene[Run James with Guice + JPA + Lucene] |
| ** link:#run-james-with-spring-%2Djpa[Run James with Spring + JPA] |
| * link:#other-useful-commands[Other Useful commands] |
| ** link:#how-to-add-a-domain-[How to add a domain?] |
| ** link:#how-to-add-a-user-[How to add a user?] |
| ** link:#how-to-manage-sieve-scripts-[How to manage SIEVE scripts?] |
| ** link:#how-to-retrieve-users-and-password-from-my-previous-container[How to retrieve users and password from my previous container?] |
| * link:#develop-on-james[Develop on James] |
| ** link:#how-to-run-deployment-tests[How to run deployment Tests] |
| ** link:#how-to-check-the-merge-of-a-commit[How to check the merge of a commit] |
| * link:#generating-a-package-for-james[Generating a package for James] |
| * link:#know-more-about-james-design[Know more about James design] |
| * link:#articles-for-james-community[Articles for James community] |
| ** link:#how-to-build-and-publish-the-website[How to build and publish the website] |
| ** link:#how-to-release-via-maven-release-plugin[How to release via maven release plugin] |
| |
| == How to try James |
| |
| Requirements: docker & docker-compose installed. |
| |
| When you try James this way, you will use the most current state of James. |
| It will be configured to run with Cassandra & ElasticSearch. |
| All those three components will be started with a single command. |
| |
| You can retrieve the docker-compose file : |
| |
| $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/james-project/master/dockerfiles/run/docker-compose.yml |
| |
| Then, you just have to start the services: |
| |
| $ docker-compose up |
| |
| Wait a few seconds in order to have all those services start up. You will see the following log when James is available: |
| james | Started : true |
| |
| A default domain, james.local, has been created. You can see this by running: |
| |
| $ docker exec james java -jar /root/james-cli.jar -h -p 9999 listdomains |
| |
| James will respond to IMAP port 143 and SMTP port 25. |
| You have to create users before playing with james. You may also want to create other domains. |
| Follow the 'Useful commands' section for more information about James CLI. |
| |
| |
| == How to check the compilation |
| |
| In order to have a standard compilation environment, we introduce Dockerfiles, using java-11. |
| |
| === Java 11 |
| |
| First step, you have to build the Docker image |
| |
| $ docker build -t james/project dockerfiles/compilation/java-11 |
| |
| In order to run the build, you have to launch the following command: |
| |
| $ docker run -v $PWD/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin -t james/project -s SHA1 |
| |
| Where: |
| |
| - $PWD/.m2:/root/.m2: is the first volume used to share the maven repository, |
| as we don't want to download all dependencies on each build |
| |
| - SHA1 (optional): is the given git SHA1 of the james-project repository to build or master if none. |
| - -s option: given tests will not be played while building. Not specifying means play tests. |
| |
| To retrieve compiled artifacts, one might mount these volumes: |
| |
| - --volume $PWD/dockerfiles/run/spring/destination:/spring/destination : is the volume used to get the compiled elements for Spring packaging. |
| - --volume $PWD/dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra/destination:/cassandra/destination : is the volume used to get the compiled elements for Guice Cassandra packaging and Cassandra-LDAP packaging. |
| - --volume $PWD/dockerfiles/run/guice/jpa/destination:/jpa/destination : is the volume used to get the compiled elements for Guice JPA packaging. |
| - --volume $PWD/swagger:/swagger : is the volume used to get the swagger json files for webadmin documentation. |
| |
| Some tests needs a DOCKER_HOST environment variable in order to be played, they will be ignored if you don't provide this variable. |
| If you wish to play them, you may use a command like the following (depending on your docker configuration): |
| |
| $ docker run --env DOCKER_HOST=tcp:// -v $PWD/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin -v $PWD/dockerfiles/run/spring/destination:/destination -t james/project SHA1 |
| |
| If you are using a a fresh installation of Docker, your DOCKER_HOST should be unix:///var/run/docker.sock and you should mount this socket as a volume: |
| |
| $ docker run --env DOCKER_HOST=unix:///var/run/docker.sock -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $PWD/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin -v $PWD/dockerfiles/run/spring/destination:/destination -t james/project SHA1 |
| |
| |
| == How to run James in Docker |
| |
| This feature is available for three configurations : |
| |
| * link:#run-james-with-guice-%2Dcassandra-%2Drabbitmq-%2Ds3-%2Delasticsearch[Guice + Cassandra + RabbitMQ + S3 + ElasticSearch] |
| * link:#run-james-with-guice-%2Dcassandra-%2Delasticsearch[Guice + Cassandra + ElasticSearch] |
| * link:#run-james-with-guice-%2Djpa-%2Dlucene[Guice + JPA + Lucene] |
| * link:#run-james-with-spring-%2Djpa[Spring + JPA] |
| |
| |
| === Run James with Guice + Cassandra + RabbitMQ + S3 + ElasticSearch |
| |
| |
| ==== Requirements |
| Built artifacts should be in ./dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra-rabbitmq/destination folder for cassandra. |
| If you haven't already: |
| |
| $ docker build -t james/project dockerfiles/compilation/java-11 |
| $ docker run -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin \ |
| -v $PWD/dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra-rabbitmq/destination:/cassandra-rabbitmq/destination \ |
| -t james/project -s HEAD |
| |
| |
| ==== How to ? |
| You need a running *cassandra* in docker. To achieve this run: |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=cassandra cassandra:3.11.10 |
| |
| You need a running *rabbitmq* in docker. To achieve this run: |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=rabbitmq rabbitmq:3.8.1-management |
| |
| You need a running *s3* compatible objectstorage in docker. To achieve this run: |
| |
| $ docker run -d --env 'REMOTE_MANAGEMENT_DISABLE=1' --env 'SCALITY_ACCESS_KEY_ID=accessKey1' --env 'SCALITY_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=secretKey1' --name=s3 zenko/cloudserver:8.2.6 |
| |
| You need a running *ElasticSearch* in docker. To achieve this run: |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=elasticsearch --env 'discovery.type=single-node' docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.10.2 |
| |
| If you want to handle attachment text extraction before indexing in ElasticSearch (this makes attachments searchable) |
| and if you want to use all the JMAP search capabilities, you also need to start *Tika*. |
| See http://james.apache.org/server/config-elasticsearch.html#Tika_Configuration[Tika configuration documentation] for more info. |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=tika apache/tika:1.24 |
| |
| We need to provide the key we will use for TLS. For obvious reasons, this is not provided in this git. |
| |
| Copy your TLS keys to `run/guice/cassandra-rabbitmq/destination/conf/keystore` or generate it using the following command. The password must be `james72laBalle` to match default configuration. |
| |
| $ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra-rabbitmq/destination/conf/keystore |
| |
| Then we need to build james container : |
| |
| $ docker build -t james_run dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra-rabbitmq |
| |
| To run this container : |
| |
| $ docker run --hostname HOSTNAME -p "25:25" -p 80:80 -p "110:110" -p "143:143" -p "465:465" -p "587:587" -p "993:993" -p "" --link cassandra:cassandra --link rabbitmq:rabbitmq |
| --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch --link tika:tika --link s3:s3.docker.test --name james_run -t james_run |
| |
| Where : |
| |
| - HOSTNAME is the hostname you want to give to your James container. This DNS entry will be used to send mail to your James server. |
| - link to tika is only needed if you started tika earlier. |
| |
| Webadmin port binding is restricted to loopback as users are not authenticated by default on webadmin server. Thus you should avoid exposing it in production. |
| Note that the above example assumes `` is your loopback interface for convenience but you should change it if this is not the case on your machine. |
| |
| If you want to pass additional options to the underlying java command, you can configure a _JVM_OPTIONS_ env variable, for example add: |
| |
| --env JVM_OPTIONS="-Xms256m -Xmx2048m" |
| |
| To have log file accessible on a volume, add *-v $PWD/logs:/logs* option to the above command line, where *$PWD/logs* is your local directory to put files in. |
| |
| ==== Instrumentation |
| You can use Glowroot to instrumentalize James. The provided guice docker files allow a simple way to do it. |
| In order to activate Glowroot you need to run the container with the environment variable _GLOWROOT_ACTIVATED_ set to _true_ |
| and to expose the glowroot instrumentation ui port. |
| |
| --env GLOWROOT_ACTIVATED=true -p "4000:4000" |
| |
| By default, the Glowroot UI is accessible from every machines in the network as defined in the _destination/admin.json_. |
| Which you could configure before building the image, if you want to restrict its accessibility to localhost for example. |
| See the https://github.com/glowroot/glowroot/wiki/Agent-Installation-(with-Embedded-Collector)#user-content-optional-post-installation-steps[Glowroot post installation steps] for more details. |
| |
| Or by mapping the 4000 port to the IP of the desired network interface, for example `-p`. |
| |
| |
| |
| === Run James with Guice + Cassandra + ElasticSearch |
| |
| |
| ==== Requirements |
| Built artifacts should be in ./dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra/destination folder for cassandra. |
| If you haven't already: |
| |
| $ docker build -t james/project dockerfiles/compilation/java-11 |
| $ docker run -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin \ |
| -v $PWD/dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra/destination:/cassandra/destination \ |
| -t james/project -s HEAD |
| |
| |
| ==== How to ? |
| You need a running *cassandra* in docker. To achieve this run: |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=cassandra cassandra:3.11.10 |
| |
| You need a running *ElasticSearch* in docker. To achieve this run: |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=elasticsearch --env 'discovery.type=single-node' docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.10.2 |
| |
| If you want to handle attachment text extraction before indexing in ElasticSearch (this makes attachments searchable) |
| and if you want to use all the JMAP search capabilities, you also need to start *Tika*. |
| See http://james.apache.org/server/config-elasticsearch.html#Tika_Configuration[Tika configuration documentation] for more info. |
| |
| $ docker run -d --name=tika apache/tika:1.24 |
| |
| We need to provide the key we will use for TLS. For obvious reasons, this is not provided in this git. |
| |
| Copy your TLS keys to `run/guice/cassandra/destination/conf/keystore` or generate it using the following command. The password must be `james72laBalle` to match default configuration. |
| |
| $ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra/destination/conf/keystore |
| |
| Then we need to build james container : |
| |
| $ docker build -t james_run dockerfiles/run/guice/cassandra |
| |
| To run this container : |
| |
| $ docker run --hostname HOSTNAME -p "25:25" -p 80:80 -p "110:110" -p "143:143" -p "465:465" -p "587:587" -p "993:993" -p "" --link cassandra:cassandra --link elasticsearch:elasticsearch --link tika:tika --name james_run -t james_run |
| |
| Where : |
| |
| - HOSTNAME is the hostname you want to give to your James container. This DNS entry will be used to send mail to your James server. |
| - link to tika is only needed if you started tika earlier. |
| |
| Webadmin port binding is restricted to loopback as users are not authenticated by default on webadmin server. Thus you should avoid exposing it in production. |
| Note that the above example assumes `` is your loopback interface for convenience but you should change it if this is not the case on your machine. |
| |
| To have log file accessible on a volume, add *-v $PWD/logs:/logs* option to the above command line, where *$PWD/logs* is your local directory to put files in. |
| |
| === Run James with Guice + JPA + Lucene |
| |
| ==== Requirements |
| Built artifacts should be in ./dockerfiles/run/guice/jpa/destination folder for jpa. |
| If you haven't already: |
| |
| $ docker build -t james/project dockerfiles/compilation/java-11 |
| $ docker run -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin \ |
| -v $PWD/dockerfiles/run/guice/jpa/destination:/jpa/destination \ |
| -t james/project -s HEAD |
| |
| |
| ==== How to ? |
| We need to provide the key we will use for TLS. For obvious reasons, this is not provided in this git. |
| |
| Copy your TLS keys to `run/guice/jpa/destination/conf/keystore` or generate it using the following command. The password must be `james72laBalle` to match default configuration. |
| |
| $ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore dockerfiles/run/guice/jpa/destination/conf/keystore |
| |
| |
| Then we need to build james container : |
| |
| $ docker build -t james_run dockerfiles/run/guice/jpa |
| |
| To run this container : |
| |
| $ docker run --hostname HOSTNAME -p "25:25" -p 80:80 -p "110:110" -p "143:143" -p "465:465" -p "587:587" -p "993:993" -p "" --name james_run -t james_run |
| |
| HOSTNAME is the hostname you want to give to your James container. This DNS entry will be used to send mail to your James server. |
| |
| Webadmin port binding is restricted to loopback as users are not authenticated by default on webadmin server. Thus you should avoid exposing it in production. |
| Note that the above example assumes `` is your loopback interface for convenience but you should change it if this is not the case on your machine. |
| |
| To have log file accessible on a volume, add *-v $PWD/logs:/logs* option to the above command line, where *$PWD/logs* is your local directory to put files in. |
| |
| |
| === Run James with Spring + JPA |
| |
| ==== Requirements |
| |
| Built artifacts should be in ./dockerfiles/run/spring/destination folder for Spring. |
| If you haven't already: |
| |
| $ docker build -t james/project dockerfiles/compilation/java-11 |
| $ docker run -v $HOME/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin \ |
| -v $PWD/dockerfiles/run/spring/destination:/spring/destination \ |
| -t james/project -s HEAD |
| |
| |
| ==== Howto ? |
| |
| We need to provide the key we will use for TLS. For obvious reasons, this is not provided in this git. |
| |
| Copy your TSL keys to destination/run/spring/conf/keystore or generate it using the following command. The password must be james72laBalle to match default configuration. |
| |
| $ keytool -genkey -alias james -keyalg RSA -keystore dockerfiles/run/spring/destination/conf/keystore |
| |
| Then we need to build james container : |
| |
| $ docker build -t james_run dockerfiles/run/spring/ |
| |
| The provisioned james images bases on pre-build james server which is "linagora/james-project-spring-jpa". If we need to build james container with the default initial data (initial domain: james.local and initial users: user01, user02, user03): |
| |
| $ docker build -t james_run dockerfiles/run/spring/provisioned/ |
| |
| To run this container : |
| |
| $ docker run --hostname HOSTNAME -p "25:25" -p "110:110" -p "143:143" -p "465:465" -p "587:587" -p "993:993" --name james_run -t james_run |
| |
| Where HOSTNAME is the hostname you want to give to your James container. This DNS entry will be used to send mail to your James server. |
| |
| |
| == Other Useful commands |
| |
| The base command is different whether you choose guice flavor or spring : |
| |
| * guice use : `docker exec james_run java -jar /root/james-cli.jar` |
| * spring use : `docker exec james_run /root/james-server-app-3.0.0-beta6-SNAPSHOT/bin/james-cli.sh` |
| |
| === How to add a domain ? |
| |
| # Add DOMAIN to in your host /etc/hosts |
| $ <your-command-here> -h -p 9999 adddomain DOMAIN |
| |
| DOMAIN: is the domain you want to add. |
| |
| Note: Using docker, one can add an environment variable holding the domain to be created. This |
| domain will be created upon James start: |
| |
| $ --environment DOMAIN=domain.tld |
| |
| === How to add a user ? |
| |
| $ <your-command-here> -h -p 9999 adduser USER_MAIL_ADDRESS PASSWORD |
| |
| Where : |
| |
| * USER_MAIL_ADDRESS: is the mail address that will be used by this user. |
| * PASSWORD: is the password that will be used by this user. |
| |
| You can then just add DOMAIN to your /etc/hosts and you can connect to your james account with for instance Thunderbird. |
| |
| === How to manage SIEVE scripts ? |
| |
| Each user can manage his SIEVE scripts through the manage SIEVE mailet. |
| |
| To use the manage SIEVE mailet : |
| |
| * You need to create the user sievemanager@DOMAIN ( if you don't, the SMTP server will check the domain, recognize it, and look for an absent local user, and will generate an error ). |
| * You can send Manage Sieve commands by mail to sievemanager@DOMAIN. Your subject must contain the command. Scripts needs to be added as attachments and need the ".sieve" extension. |
| |
| To activate a script for a user, you need the following combination : |
| |
| * PUTSCRIPT scriptname |
| * SETACTIVE scriptname |
| |
| === How to retrieve users and password from my previous container |
| |
| Some james data (those non related to mailbox, eg : mail queue, domains, users, rrt, SIEVE scripts, mail repositories ) are not yet supported by our Cassandra implementation. |
| |
| To keep these data when you run a new container, you can mount the following volume : |
| |
| -v /root/james-server-app-3.0.0-beta6-SNAPSHOT/var:WORKDIR/destination/var |
| |
| Where : |
| |
| * WORKDIR: is the absolute path to your james-parent workdir. |
| |
| Beware : you will have concurrency issues if multiple containers are running on this single volume. |
| |
| == Develop on James |
| |
| James requires at least JDK 11 and Maven 3.6.0 to build. |
| Some parts of James are written in Scala so one might need to enable Scala plugin in IDE. |
| |
| === How to run deployment Tests |
| |
| We wrote some MPT (James' Mail Protocols Tests subproject) deployment tests to validate a James |
| deployment. |
| |
| It uses the External-James module, that uses environment variables to locate a remote |
| IMAP server and run integration tests against it. |
| |
| For that, the target James Server needs to be configured with a domain domain and a user imapuser |
| with password password. Read above documentation to see how you can do this. |
| |
| You have to run MPT tests inside docker. As you need to use maven, the simplest option is to |
| use james/parent image, and override the entry point ( as git and maven are already configured |
| there ) : |
| |
| $ docker run -t --entrypoint="/root/integration_tests.sh" -v $PWD/.m2:/root/.m2 -v $PWD:/origin james/project JAMES_IP JAMES_PORT SHA1 |
| |
| Where : |
| |
| * JAMES_IP: IP address or DNS entry for your James server |
| * JAMES_PORT: Port allocated to James' IMAP port (should be 143). |
| * SHA1(optional): Branch to use in order to build integration tests or master if none. |
| |
| === How to check the merge of a commit |
| |
| First step, you have to build the Docker image |
| |
| $ docker build -t james/merge dockerfiles/merge |
| |
| In order to run the build, you have to launch the following command: |
| |
| $ docker run -v $PWD:/origin -t james/merge SHA1 RESULTING_BRANCH |
| |
| Where : |
| |
| - SHA1: is the given git SHA1 of the james-project repository to merge. |
| - RESULTING_BRANCH: is the branch created when merging. |
| |
| == Generating a package for James |
| |
| You can generate a deb package and an RPM package for James by using the following process. |
| |
| First step, you have to build the Docker image used to generate the package |
| |
| $ docker build -t build-james-packages \ |
| --build-arg RELEASE=3.2.0 \ |
| --build-arg ITERATION=1 \ |
| --build-arg BASE=linagora/james-project \ |
| --build-arg BASE_LDAP=linagora/james-ldap-project \ |
| --build-arg BASE_RABBITMQ=linagora/james-rabbitmq-project \ |
| --build-arg TAG=latest \ |
| dockerfiles/packaging/guice/cassandra |
| |
| Where: |
| |
| - ITERATION is the release number used after the last hyphen (e.g. 3.0.1, 3.1.0, 3.2.0...) |
| - BASE is the image jar and executable are copied from. Defaults to linagora/james-project |
| - BASE_LDAP is the image jar and executable are copied from for a deployment with an LDAP user repository. Defaults to linagora/james-ldap-project |
| - BASE_RABBITMQ is the image jar and executable are copied from for a deployment of linagora/james-project + RabbitMQ + S3 BlobStore. |
| Defaults to linagora/james-rabbitmq-project |
| - TAG is the tag of these docker images. Defaults to latest. |
| |
| Then, you have to run the container: |
| |
| $ docker run --name james-packages -v $PWD/result:/result build-james-packages |
| |
| Where: |
| |
| - $PWD/result is the folder where the deb and the RPM packages will be copied |
| |
| Note: A helper script is provided for the generation of packages for a specific git commit. For instance: |
| |
| $ sh dockerfiles/packaging/guice/cassandra/package.sh 3.2.0 1 c298195e84 $PWD/result |
| |
| The generated package allow you to choose between a deployment with or without LDAP using update-alternatives. |
| Once installed, try: |
| |
| $ update-alternatives --config james |
| |
| By default James is configured without LDAP support. |
| |
| == Know more about James design |
| |
| James comes with a https://james.apache.org/documentation.html[Documentation] and https://github.com/linagora/james-project/tree/master/src/adr[Architectural Decision Records]. |
| |
| == Articles for James community |
| |
| * link:docs/modules/community/pages/website.adoc[How to build and publish the website] |
| * link:docs/modules/community/pages/release.adoc[How to release via maven release plugin] |