34. Mailbox API visibility and usage

Date: 2020-04-27


Accepted (lazy consensus)


All mailboxes implementations rely on mailbox-store module that defines some common tools to implement the mailbox-api (representing the API defining how to use a mailbox).

For example, a CassandraMailboxmanager has to extend StoreMailboxManager (that implements Mailboxmanager from the mailbox-api) that requires the implementation of some Mappers.

Mappers are designed to provide low-level functions and methods on mailboxes. It‘s recurrent that we are tempted in James, outside of the mailbox modules, to rely on some of those common tools located in mailbox-store to have an easier access on some user’s mailboxes or messages.

Like for example, using a Mapper outside to be able to retrieve a message with only its MessageId, which is not currently possible at the Manager's level, which tends to violate mailbox-api's role and primary mission.

As a matter of fact, we have currently such uses of mailbox-store in James:

  • mailbox-adapter because Authenticator and Authorizator are part of the mailbox-store

The manager layer do further validation including right checking, event dispatching (resulting in message search index indexing, current quota calculation mainly), quota validation. Not relying on the manager layer is thus error prone and can lead to security vulnerabilities.


We should never rely on classes defined in mailbox-store outside of the mailbox modules (except on some cases limited to the test scope). The right way would be to always rely on the Managers defined in mailbox-api module to access mailboxes and messages, as the mailbox-api module defines the API on how to use a mailbox.

We should ensure the correctness of Managers implementations by providing contract tests and not by sharing abstract classes.

Regarding the modules wrongly relying already on mailbox-store, we can:

  • mailbox-adapter: move Authenticator and Authorizator to mailbox-api


We need to introduce some refactorings to be able to rely fully on mailbox-api in new emerging cases. For example, our mailbox-api still lacks APIs to handle messages by their MessageId. It creates some issues for rebuilding a single message fast view projection, or the reindexation of a single message.

A refactoring of the session would be thus necessary to bypass such limitation access on a single message without knowing its user from the mailbox-api module.
