30. Separate attachment content and metadata

Date: 2020-04-13


Accepted (lazy consensus)


Some mailbox implementations of James store already parsed attachments for faster retrieval.

This attachment storage capabilities are required for two features:

  • JMAP attachment download
  • JMAP message search “attachment content” criteria

Only Memory and Cassandra backends can be relied upon as a JMAP backend.

Other protocols relies on dynamic EML parsing to expose message subparts (IMAP)

Here are the POJOs related to these attachments:

  • Attachment : holds an attachmentId, the attachment content, as well as the content type
  • MessageAttachment : composes an attachment with its disposition within a message (cid, inline and name)
  • Message exposes its list of MessageAttachment when it is read with FetchType Full.
  • Blob represents some downloadable content, and can be either an attachment or a message. Blob has a byte array payload too.

The following classes work with the aforementioned POJOs:

  • AttachmentMapper and AttachmentManager are responsible of storing and retrieving an attachment content.
  • BlobManager is used by JMAP to allow blob downloads.
  • Mailbox search exposes attachment content related criteria. These criteria are used by the JMAP protocol.

This organisation causes attachment content to be loaded every time a message is fully read (which happens for instance when you open a message using JMAP) despite the fact that it is not needed, as attachments are downloadable through a separate JMAP endpoint, their content is not attached to the JMAP message JSON.

Also, the content being loaded “at once”, we allocate memory space to store the whole attachment, which is sub-optimal. We want to keep the consumed memory low per-message because a given server should be able to handle a high number of messages at a given time.

To be noted that JPA and maildir mailbox implementations do not support attachment storage. To retrieve attachments of a message, these implementations parse the messages to extract their attachments.

Cassandra mailbox prior schema version 4 stored attachment and its metadata in the same table, but from version 5 relies on the blobStore to store the attachment content.


Enforce cassandra schema version to be 5 from James release 3.5.0. This allows to drop attachment management prior version 5.

We will re-organize the attachment POJOs:

  • Attachment should hold an attachmentId, a content type, and a size. It will no longer hold the content. The content can be loaded from its AttachmentId via the AttachmentLoader API that the AttachmentManager implements.
  • MessageAttachment : composes an attachment with its disposition within a message (cid, inline and name)
  • Blob would no longer hold the content as a byte array but rather a content retriever (Supplier<InputStream>)
  • ParsedAttachment is the direct result of attachment parsing, and composes a MessageAttachment and the corresponding content as byte array. This class is only relied upon when saving a message in mailbox. This is used as an output of MessageParser.

Some adjustments are needed on class working with attachment:

  • AttachmentMapper and AttachmentManager need to allow from an attachmentId to retrieve the attachment content as an InputStream. This is done through a separate AttachmentLoader interface.
  • AttachmentMapper and AttachmentManager need the Attachment and its content to persist an attachment
  • MessageManager then needs to return attachment metadata as a result of Append operation.
  • InMemoryAttachmentMapper needs to store attachment content separately.
  • MessageStorer will take care of storing a message on the behalf of MessageManager. This enables to determine if attachment should be parsed or not on an implementation aware fashion, saving attachment parsing upon writes for JPA and Maildir.

Maildir and JPA no longer support attachment content loading. Only the JMAP protocol requires attachment content loading, which is not supported on top of these technologies.

Mailbox search attachment content criteria will be supported only on implementation supporting attachment storage.


Users running Cassandra schema version prior version 5 will have to go through James release 3.5.0 to upgrade to a version after version 5 before proceeding with their update.

We noticed performance enhancement when using IMAP FETCH and JMAP GetMessages. Running a gatling test suite exercising JMAP getMessages on a dataset containing attachments leads to the following observations:

  • Overall better average performance for all JMAP queries (10% global p50 improvement)
  • Sharp decrease in tail latency of getMessages (x40 time faster)

We also expect improvements in James memory allocation.
