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  2. james-cli
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A WebAdmin based CLI for Apache James


Webadmin command-line interface is an upcoming replacement for the outdated, security-vulnerable JMX command-line interface. It also aims at providing a more modern and intuitive interface.

Run the command line


General syntax to run the command line



OPTION: optional parameter when running the command line,

ENTITY: represents the entity to perform action on,

ACTION: name of the action to perform,

ARGUMENT: arguments needed for the action.


$ ./james-cli --url domain list

The above command lists all domain names available on domain route at address It does not require any argument to execute. Options --url are optional. Without it, the default value is As for other commands, arguments might be required after the sub-command (ACTION such as list, add and remove).

Note: the command line before ENTITY will be documented as {cli}.

Navigation menu

Manage Domains

Create a domain

Add a domain to the domain list.

{cli} domain create <domainToBeCreated>

Resource name domainToBeCreated:

  • cannot be null or empty
  • cannot contain ‘@’
  • cannot be more than 255 characters
  • cannot contain ‘/’

Delete a domain

Remove a domain from the domain list.

{cli} domain delete <domainToBeDeleted>

Note: Deletion of an auto-detected domain, default domain or of an auto-detected ip is not supported. We encourage you instead to review your domain list configuration.

Check if a domain exists

Check whether a domain exists on the domain list or not.

{cli} domain exist <domainToBeChecked>

Get the list of domains

Show all domains' name on the list.

{cli} domain list

Manage Users

Create a user

Add a user to the user list.

{cli} user create <username> <password>

Resource name representing valid users, hence it should match the criteria at User Repositories documentation

Note: if the user exists already, its password will be updated.

Test a user existence

Check whether a user exists on the user list or not.

{cli} user exist <username>

Resource name representing valid users, hence it should match the criteria at User Repositories documentation

Delete a user

Remove a user from the user list.

{cli} user delete <username>

Get users list

Show all users' name on the list.

{cli} user list

Update a user password

Same as Create, but a user need to exist.

If the user do not exist, then it will be created.