15. FileMailQueue deprecation

Date: 2019-12-04




James offers several implementation for MailQueue, a component allowing asynchronous mail processing upon smtp mail reception. These includes:

  • Default embedded ActiveMQ mail queue implementation, leveraging the JMS APIs and using the filesystem.
  • RabbitMQMailQueue allowing several James instances to share their MailQueue content.
  • And FileMailQueue directly leveraging the file system.

We introduced a junit5 test contract regarding management features, concurrency issues, and FileMailQueue do not meet this contract. This results in some tests being disabled and in an unstable test suite.

FileMailQueue tries to implement a message queue within James code, which does not really makes sense as some other projects already provides one.


Deprecate FileMailQueue components.

Disable FileMailQueue tests.

Target a removal as part of 3.6.0.


FileMailQueue is not exposed to the end user, be it over Spring or Guice, the impact of this deprecation + removal should be limited.

We also expect our test suite to be more stable.


Issues listing FileMailQueue defects: