16. Distributed WorkQueue

Date: 2019-12-03


Accepted (lazy consensus)

Supercedes 3. Distributed WorkQueue


By switching the task manager to a distributed implementation, we need to be able to run a Task on any node of the cluster.


For the time being we will keep the sequential execution property of the task manager. This is an intermediate milestone toward the final implementation which will drop this property.

  • Use a RabbitMQ queue as a workqueue where only the Created events are pushed into. Instead of using the brittle exclusive queue mechanism described in 3. Distributed WorkQueue, we will now use the natively supported Single Active Consumer mechanism.


  • This solution is safer to use in production: if the active consumer dies, an other one is promoted instead.
  • This change needs RabbitMQ version to be at least 3.8.0.
  • The serial execution of tasks still does not leverage cluster scalability.