13. Precompute JMAP Email preview

Date: 2019-10-09




JMAP messages have a handy preview property displaying the firsts 256 characters of meaningful test of a message.

This property is often displayed for message listing in JMAP clients, thus it is queried a lot.

Currently, to get the preview, James retrieves the full message body, parse it using MIME parsers, removes HTML and keep meaningful text.


We should pre-compute message preview.

A MailboxListener will compute the preview and store it in a MessagePreviewStore.

We should have a Cassandra and memory implementation.

When the preview is precomputed then for these messages we can consider the “preview” property as a metadata.

When the preview is not precomputed then we should compute the preview for these messages, and save the result for later.

We should provide a webAdmin task allowing to rebuild the projection. The computing and storing in MessagePreviewStore is idempotent and the task can be run in live without any concurrency problem.

Some performance tests will be run in order to evaluate the improvements.


Given the following scenario played by 2500 users per hour (constant rate)

  • Authenticate
  • List mailboxes
  • List messages in one of their mailboxes
  • Get 8 times the properties expected to be fast to fetch with JMAP

We went from:

  • A 7% failure and timeout rate before this change to almost no failure
  • Mean time for GetMessages went from 9 710 ms to 434 ms (22 time improvment), for all operation from 12 802 ms to 407 ms (31 time improvment)
  • P99 is a metric that did not make sense because the initial simulation exceeded Gatling (the performance measuring tool we use) timeout (60s) at the p95 percentile. After this proposal p99 for the entire scenario is of 1 747 ms

As such, this changeset significantly increases the JMAP performance.
