5. Distributed Task termination ackowledgement

Date: 2019-10-02


Accepted (lazy consensus)


By switching the task manager to a distributed implementation, we need to be able to execute a Task on any node of the cluster. We need a way for nodes to be signaled of any termination event so that we can notify blocking clients.


  • Creating a RabbitMQEventHandler which publish Events pushed to the task manager's event system to RabbitMQ
  • All the events which end a Task (Completed, Failed, and Canceled) have to be transmitted to other nodes


  • A new kind of Events should be created: TerminationEvent which includes Completed, Failed, and Canceled
  • TerminationEvents will be broadcasted on an exchange which will be bound to all interested components later
  • EventSourcingSystem.dipatch should use RabbitMQ to dispatch Events instead of triggering local Listeners
  • Any node can be notified when a Task emits a termination event