blob: 7ce1826c997d36d0427e9bdcbf0f52b8735e18a1 [file] [log] [blame]
## Data model overview
### Accounts
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Not implemented
All data belongs to an account. An account may provide access to mail, contacts and/or calendars. Most operations are isolated to a single account; there are a few explicit operations to copy data between them. A single login may provide access to multiple accounts, for example if another user is sharing data with the user.
### Ids
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Work in progress. Unique message id is generated by concatenate the username, the mailboxId and the uid.
All ids for messages, contacts, etc. are assigned by the server and are immutable. They MUST be unique among all records of the **same type** within the **same account**. Ids may clash across accounts, or for two records of different types within the same account.
### Mail
As for all data types, each message has a unique, immutable id. This id does not change if the message changes mailboxes. A mailbox is a named, arbitrary set of emails. For compatibility with IMAP, a message MUST always belong to at least one mailbox at any time.
Each message has 4 mutable boolean "flags" stored with it, each with a direct
equivalent in IMAP. In JMAP these flags are called:
* **isUnread**: Has the email not yet been read?
* **isFlagged**: Has the email been flagged (starred, or pinned)?
* **isDraft**: Is the email a draft?
* **isAnswered**: Has the email been answered (replied to)?
Messages are **immutable** other than these 4 flags and the set of mailboxes to which it belongs. To change anything else, the message must be deleted and a new one created (which will get a different id).
Related messages are grouped into threads. When getting a message list you can collapse threads, which means the thread is only returned **once**, at the position of the first message in the thread in the non-collapsed list (given the sort order).
### Contacts
The contacts API is designed to be compatible with existing CardDAV systems. Each contact must have a unique, immutable id. A contact can be assigned to contact groups in a many-to-many relationship. A group is simply a named set of contacts. Contacts are completely mutable.
### Calendars
The calendars API is designed to be compatible with existing CalDAV systems. Each event must have a unique, immutable id. An event must belong to a single calendar. Events are completely mutable.