tree: df727144a4285e4214db0b09afaac180fb61f510 [path history] [tgz]
  1. sample-configuration/
  2. src/
  3. docker-compose.yml
  4. pom.xml

James' extensions for Crowdsec

This module is for developing and delivering extensions to James for the Crowdsec (IP filtering system)

How to run

  • The Crowdsec extension requires an extra configuration file to configure Crowdsec connection Configuration parameters:

    • crowdsecUrl : String. Required. URL defining the Crowdsec's bouncer. Eg: http://crowdsec:8080/v1
    • apiKey : String. Required. Api key for pass authentication when request to Crowdsec.
    • timeout : Duration. Optional. Default to 500ms. Timeout questioning to CrowdSec. E.g. 500ms, 1 second,...
  • Declare the for this module.


CrowdSec support for SMTP

  • Declare the Crowdsec EhloHook in smtpserver.xml. Eg:
    <handler class="org.apache.james.smtpserver.fastfail.ValidRcptHandler"/>
    <handler class="org.apache.james.smtpserver.CoreCmdHandlerLoader"/>
    <handler class="org.apache.james.crowdsec.CrowdsecEhloHook"/>


    <handler class="org.apache.james.smtpserver.fastfail.ValidRcptHandler"/>
    <handler class="org.apache.james.smtpserver.CoreCmdHandlerLoader"/>
    <handler class="org.apache.james.crowdsec.CrowdsecSMTPConnectHandler"/>

The EHLO hook will block banned clients with 554 Email rejected whereas the connect handler will terminate the connection even before the SMTP greeting.

CrowdSec support for IMAP

  • Declare the CrowdsecImapConnectionCheck in imapserver.xml. Eg:
<imapserver enabled="true">

CrowdSec support for POP3

  • Declare the CrowdsecPOP3CheckHandler in pop3server.xml. Eg:
<pop3server enabled="true">
        <handler class="org.apache.james.pop3server.core.CoreCmdHandlerLoader"/>
        <handler class="org.apache.james.crowdsec.CrowdsecPOP3CheckHandler"/>
mvn clean install -DskipTests

then run it: docker-compose up

Crowdsec endpoints

Check IP blocked by Crowdsec (decisions)

Crowdsec will expose port 8080 for queries to get the list of IP addresses blocked (get decisions)

curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/v1/decisions -H "X-Api-Key: default_api_key" -H 'accept: application/json' | jq .

Response codes:

  • 200: Success
  • 403: Invalid apikey. Try with a different value for apikey.


  • It will be null if there is no decision.
  • Return a list of decisions. E.g:
    "duration": "3h59m50.276482904s",
    "id": 4,
    "origin": "cscli",
    "scenario": "manual 'ban' from 'localhost'",
    "scope": "Ip",
    "type": "ban",
    "value": ""