blob: 363e873f2a43c81402a317bf83c18f7a9a8dc961 [file] [log] [blame]
Building Apache Mime4j
(1) Requisites
Mime4j utilizes Maven 2 as a distribution management and packaging tool. Version 2.2.1
or above is recommended.
JDK 1.5 or above is required in order to compile Mime4j.
Maven installation and configuration instructions can be found here:
(2) Executing test cases
Execute the following command in order to compile and test the components:
mvn test
(3) Building packages
Execute the following command in order to build JAR and assembly packages:
mvn package
Redistributables will be placed in the target folder.
(4) Building documentation
Execute the following command in order to generate javadoc:
mvn javadoc:javadoc
(5) Building project web site
Execute the following command in order to generate the project web site:
mvn site