blob: 76dfcc1862d7ff275c1261fadbf55d9722a52411 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.apache.hupa.server.handler;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.mail.Folder;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import net.customware.gwt.dispatch.server.ExecutionContext;
import net.customware.gwt.dispatch.shared.ActionException;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.hupa.server.IMAPStoreCache;
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import org.apache.hupa.shared.proxy.IMAPFolderProxy;
>>>>>>> first commit
import org.apache.hupa.shared.proxy.IMAPFolderProxy;
>>>>>>> Aim to make the front end view work after the server side's IMAPFolder services RF being working, but there are issues on RF's find* method, I think.
import org.apache.hupa.shared.proxy.ImapFolder;
>>>>>>> Make the ValueProxy(ImapFolder) work with Manolo's patch. Hupa can display folders in west view with RequestFactory now.
import org.apache.hupa.shared.domain.ImapFolder;
>>>>>>> Allow client can use the domain entity interface.
import org.apache.hupa.shared.domain.ImapFolder;
import org.apache.hupa.shared.domain.User;
>>>>>>> Make chechsession and login work with RF, with refactoring fetch folders.
import org.apache.hupa.shared.rpc.FetchFolders;
import org.apache.hupa.shared.rpc.FetchFoldersResult;
import com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore;
* Handler which fetch all Folders for an user
public class FetchFoldersHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler<FetchFolders, FetchFoldersResult>{
public FetchFoldersHandler(IMAPStoreCache cache, Log logger,Provider<HttpSession> provider) {
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.hupa.server.handler.AbstractSessionHandler#executeInternal(org.apache.hupa.shared.rpc.Session, net.customware.gwt.dispatch.server.ExecutionContext)
public FetchFoldersResult executeInternal(FetchFolders action, ExecutionContext arg1)
throws ActionException {
User user = getUser();
try {
// get the store for the user
IMAPStore store = cache.get(user);
com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder folder = (com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPFolder) store.getDefaultFolder();
// List of mail 'root' imap folders
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List<IMAPFolderProxy> imapFolders = new ArrayList<IMAPFolderProxy>();
// Create IMAPFolder tree list
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
IMAPFolderProxy imapFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
List<IMAPFolder> imapFolders = new ArrayList<IMAPFolder>();
// Create IMAPFolder tree list
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
IMAPFolder imapFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
>>>>>>> first commit
List<IMAPFolderProxy> imapFolders = new ArrayList<IMAPFolderProxy>();
// Create IMAPFolder tree list
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
IMAPFolderProxy imapFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
>>>>>>> Aim to make the front end view work after the server side's IMAPFolder services RF being working, but there are issues on RF's find* method, I think.
List<ImapFolder> imapFolders = new ArrayList<ImapFolder>();
// Create IMAPFolder tree list
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
ImapFolder imapFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
>>>>>>> Make the ValueProxy(ImapFolder) work with Manolo's patch. Hupa can display folders in west view with RequestFactory now.
walkFolders(f, imapFolder);
// Create the tree and return the result
FetchFoldersResult fetchFolderResult = new FetchFoldersResult(imapFolders);
logger.debug("Fetching folders for user: " + user + " returns:\n" + fetchFolderResult.toString());
return fetchFolderResult;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Unable to get folders for User " + user,e);
throw new ActionException("Unable to get folders for User "
+ user);
* Walk through the folder's sub-folders and add sub-folders to current imapFolder
* @param folder Folder to walk
* @param imapFolder Current IMAPFolder
* @throws ActionException If an error occurs
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs
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private void walkFolders(Folder folder, IMAPFolderProxy imapFolder) throws ActionException, MessagingException{
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
IMAPFolderProxy iFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
private void walkFolders(Folder folder, IMAPFolder imapFolder) throws ActionException, MessagingException{
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
IMAPFolder iFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
>>>>>>> first commit
private void walkFolders(Folder folder, IMAPFolderProxy imapFolder) throws ActionException, MessagingException{
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
IMAPFolderProxy iFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
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>>>>>>> Aim to make the front end view work after the server side's IMAPFolder services RF being working, but there are issues on RF's find* method, I think.
private void walkFolders(Folder folder, ImapFolder imapFolder) throws ActionException, MessagingException{
for (Folder f : folder.list()) {
ImapFolder iFolder = createIMAPFolder(f);
>>>>>>> Make the ValueProxy(ImapFolder) work with Manolo's patch. Hupa can display folders in west view with RequestFactory now.
walkFolders(f, iFolder);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.customware.gwt.dispatch.server.ActionHandler#getActionType()
public Class<FetchFolders> getActionType() {
return FetchFolders.class;
* Create a new IMAPFolder from the given Folder
* @param folder Current folder
* @return imapFolder Created IMAPFolder
* @throws ActionException If an error occurs
* @throws MessagingException If an error occurs
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private IMAPFolderProxy createIMAPFolder(Folder folder) throws ActionException {
String fullName = folder.getFullName();
String delimiter;
IMAPFolderProxy iFolder = null;
private IMAPFolder createIMAPFolder(Folder folder) throws ActionException {
String fullName = folder.getFullName();
String delimiter;
IMAPFolder iFolder = null;
>>>>>>> first commit
private IMAPFolderProxy createIMAPFolder(Folder folder) throws ActionException {
String fullName = folder.getFullName();
String delimiter;
IMAPFolderProxy iFolder = null;
>>>>>>> Aim to make the front end view work after the server side's IMAPFolder services RF being working, but there are issues on RF's find* method, I think.
private ImapFolder createIMAPFolder(Folder folder) throws ActionException {
String fullName = folder.getFullName();
String delimiter;
ImapFolder iFolder = null;
>>>>>>> Make the ValueProxy(ImapFolder) work with Manolo's patch. Hupa can display folders in west view with RequestFactory now.
try {
logger.debug("Creating folder: " + fullName + " for user: " + getUser());
delimiter = String.valueOf(folder.getSeparator());
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iFolder = (IMAPFolderProxy)new IMAPFolder(fullName);
iFolder = new IMAPFolder(fullName);
>>>>>>> first commit
iFolder = (IMAPFolderProxy)new IMAPFolder(fullName);
>>>>>>> Aim to make the front end view work after the server side's IMAPFolder services RF being working, but there are issues on RF's find* method, I think.
iFolder = (ImapFolder)new ImapFolderImpl(fullName);
>>>>>>> Make the ValueProxy(ImapFolder) work with Manolo's patch. Hupa can display folders in west view with RequestFactory now.
return iFolder;
} catch (MessagingException e) {
logger.error("Unable to construct folder " + folder.getFullName(),e);
return iFolder;