blob: 4c78598eabdb9a167f21f2a02c8b7c62afc58907 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004-2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
* as applicable.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
require_once 'PHPCR/InvalidItemStateException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/NoSuchWorkspaceException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/nodetype/ConstraintViolationException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/version/VersionException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/AccessDeniedException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/PathNotFoundException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/ItemExistsException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/lock/LockException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/RepositoryException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException.php';
/* require_once 'PHPCR/version/Version.php'; */
require_once 'PHPCR/IOException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/InvalidSerializedDataException.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/query/QueryManager.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/NamespaceRegistry.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/nodetype/NodeTypeManager.php';
require_once 'PHPCR/observation/ObservationManager.php';
* Represents a view onto the the content repository.
* @author Markus Nix <>
* @package phpcr
interface Workspace
* A constant used as the value of the flag <code>uuidBehavior</code> in
* the methods {@link #getImportContentHandler} and {@link #importXML}.
* See those methods for details.
* A constant used as the value of the flag <code>uuidBehavior</code> in
* the methods {@link #getImportContentHandler} and {@link #importXML}.
* See those methods for details.
* A constant used as the value of the flag <code>uuidBehavior</code> in
* the methods {@link #getImportContentHandler} and {@link #importXML}.
* See those methods for details.
* A constant used as the value of the flag <code>uuidBehavior</code> in
* the methods {@link #getImportContentHandler} and {@link #importXML}.
* See those methods for details.
* Returns the <code>Session</code> object through which this <code>Workspace</code>
* object was acquired.
* @return a <code>{@link Session}</code> object.
public function getSession();
* Returns the name of the actual persistent workspace represented by this
* <code>Workspace</code> object.
* @return the name of this workspace.
public function getName();
* This method copies the subtree at <code>srcAbsPath</code> in <code>srcWorkspace</code>
* to <code>destAbsPath</code> in <code>this</code> workspace. Unlike <code>clone</code>,
* this method <i>does</i> assign new UUIDs to the new copies of referenceable nodes.
* This operation is performed entirely within the persistent workspace, it does not involve
* transient storage and therefore does not require a <code>save</code>.
* <p/>
* The <code>destAbsPath</code> provided must not
* have an index on its final element. If it does then a <code>RepositoryException</code>
* is thrown. Strictly speaking, the <code>destAbsPath</code> parameter is actually an <i>absolute path</i>
* to the parent node of the new location, appended with the new <i>name</i> desired for the
* copied node. It does not specify a position within the child node
* ordering. If ordering is supported by the node type of
* the parent node of the new location, then the new copy of the node is appended to the end of the
* child node list.
* <p/>
* This method cannot be used to copy just an individual property by itself.
* It copies an entire node and its subtree (including, of course, any properties contained therein).
* <p/>
* A <code>NoSuchWorkspaceException</code> is thrown if <code>srcWorkspace</code> does not
* exist or if the current Session does not have permission to access it.
* <p/>
* A <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> is thrown if the operation would violate a node-type
* or other implementation-specific constraint.
* <p/>
* A <code>VersionException</code> is thrown if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> is
* versionable and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is
* checked-in.
* <p/>
* An <code>AccessDeniedException</code> is thrown if the current session (i.e. the session that
* was used to acquire this <code>Workspace</code> object) does not have sufficient access rights
* to complete the operation.
* <p/>
* A <code>PathNotFoundException</code> is thrown if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> or the
* parent of the new node at <code>destAbsPath</code> does not exist.
* <p/>
* An <code>ItemExistException</code> is thrown if a property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
* siblings are not allowed.
* <p/>
* A <code>LockException</code> is thrown if a lock prevents the copy.
* @param srcWorkspace the name of the worksapce from which the copy is to be made.
* @param srcAbsPath the path of the node to be copied.
* @param destAbsPath the location to which the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code>
* is to be copied in <code>this</code> workspace.
* @throws NoSuchWorkspaceException if <code>srcWorkspace</code> does not
* exist or if the current <code>Session</code> does not have permission to access it.
* @throws ConstraintViolationException if the operation would violate a
* node-type or other implementation-specific constraint
* @throws VersionException if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> is
* versionable and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is
* checked-in.
* @throws AccessDeniedException if the current session does have permission to access
* <code>srcWorkspace</code> but otherwise does not have sufficient access rights to
* complete the operation.
* @throws PathNotFoundException if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> or
* the parent of the new node at <code>destAbsPath</code> does not exist.
* @throws ItemExistsException if a property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
* siblings are not allowed.
* @throws LockException if a lock prevents the copy.
* @throws RepositoryException if the last element of <code>destAbsPath</code>
* has an index or if another error occurs.
public function copy( $srcWorkspace, $srcAbsPath, $destAbsPath );
* Clones the subtree at the node <code>srcAbsPath</code> in <code>srcWorkspace</code> to the new location at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> in <code>this</code> workspace. This method does not assign new UUIDs to
* the new nodes but preserves the UUIDs (if any) of their respective source nodes.
* <p/>
* If <code>removeExisting</code> is true and an existing node in this workspace
* (the destination workspace) has the same UUID as a node being cloned from
* <code>srcWorkspace</code>, then the incoming node takes precedence, and the
* existing node (and its subtree) is removed. If <code>removeExisting</code>
* is false then a UUID collision causes this method to throw a
* <code>ItemExistsException</code> and no changes are made.
* <p/>
* If successful, the change is persisted immediately, there is no need to call <code>save</code>.
* <p/>
* The <code>destAbsPath</code> provided must not
* have an index on its final element. If it does then a <code>RepositoryException</code>
* is thrown. Strictly speaking, the <code>destAbsPath</code> parameter is actually an <i>absolute path</i>
* to the parent node of the new location, appended with the new <i>name</i> desired for the
* cloned node. It does not specify a position within the child node
* ordering. If ordering is supported by the node type of the parent node of the new
* location, then the new clone of the node is appended to the end of the child node list.
* <p/>
* This method cannot be used to clone just an individual property by itself. It clones an
* entire node and its subtree (including, of course, any properties contained therein).
* <p/>
* A <code>NoSuchWorkspaceException</code> is thrown if <code>srcWorkspace</code> does not
* exist or if the current <code>Session</code> does not have permission to access it.
* <p/>
* A <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> is thrown if the operation would violate a node-type
* or other implementation-specific constraint.
* <p/>
* A <code>VersionException</code> is thrown if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> is
* versionable and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is
* checked-in. This exception will also be thrown if <code>removeExisting</code> is <code>true</code>,
* and a UUID conflict occurs that would require the moving and/or altering of a node that is checked-in.
* <p/>
* An <code>AccessDeniedException</code> is thrown if the current session (i.e. the session that
* was used to acquire this <code>Workspace</code> object) does not have sufficient access rights
* to complete the operation.
* <p/>
* A <code>PathNotFoundException</code> is thrown if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> or the
* parent of the new node at <code>destAbsPath</code> does not exist.
* <p/>
* An <code>ItemExistsException</code> is thrown if a node or property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code>
* <p/>
* An <code>ItemExistException</code> is thrown if a property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
* siblings are not allowed or if <code>removeExisting</code> is false and a
* UUID conflict occurs.
* <p/>
* A <code>LockException</code> is thrown if a lock prevents the clone.
* @param srcWorkspace The name of the workspace from which the node is to be copied.
* @param srcAbsPath the path of the node to be copied in <code>srcWorkspace</code>.
* @param destAbsPath the location to which the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code>
* is to be copied in <code>this</code> workspace.
* @param removeExisting if <code>false</code> then this method throws an
* <code>ItemExistsException</code> on UUID conflict with an incoming node.
* If <code>true</code> then a UUID conflict is resolved by removing the existing node
* from its location in this workspace and cloning (copying in) the one from
* <code>srcWorkspace</code>.
* @throws NoSuchWorkspaceException if <code>destWorkspace</code> does not exist.
* @throws ConstraintViolationException if the operation would violate a
* node-type or other implementation-specific constraint.
* @throws VersionException if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> is
* versionable and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is
* checked-in. This exception will also be thrown if <code>removeExisting</code> is <code>true</code>,
* and a UUID conflict occurs that would require the moving and/or altering of a node that is checked-in.
* @throws AccessDeniedException if the current session does not have
* sufficient access rights to complete the operation.
* @throws PathNotFoundException if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> or
* the parent of the new node at <code>destAbsPath</code> does not exist.
* @throws ItemExistsException if a property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
* siblings are not allowed or if <code>removeExisting</code> is false and a
* UUID conflict occurs.
* @throws LockException if a lock prevents the clone.
* @throws RepositoryException if the last element of <code>destAbsPath</code>
* has an index or if another error occurs.
public function clone_( $srcAbsPath, $destAbsPath, $srcWorkspace = null, $removeExisting = null );
* Moves the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> (and its entire subtree) to the
* new location at <code>destAbsPath</code>. If successful,
* the change is persisted immediately, there is no need to call <code>save</code>.
* Note that this is in contrast to {@link Session#move} which operates within the
* transient space and hence requires a <code>save</code>.
* <p/>
* The <code>destAbsPath</code> provided must not
* have an index on its final element. If it does then a <code>RepositoryException</code>
* is thrown. Strictly speaking, the <code>destAbsPath</code> parameter is actually an <i>absolute path</i>
* to the parent node of the new location, appended with the new <i>name</i> desired for the
* moved node. It does not specify a position within the child node
* ordering. If ordering is supported by the node type of
* the parent node of the new location, then the newly moved node is appended to the end of the
* child node list.
* <p/>
* This method cannot be used to move just an individual property by itself.
* It moves an entire node and its subtree (including, of course, any properties contained therein).
* <p/>
* A <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> is thrown if the operation would violate a node-type
* or other implementation-specific constraint.
* <p/>
* A <code>VersionException</code> is thrown if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code>
* or the parent node of <code>srcAbsPath</code> is versionable and checked-in, or is
* non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in.
* <p/>
* An <code>AccessDeniedException</code> is thrown if the current session (i.e. the session that
* was used to acquire this <code>Workspace</code> object) does not have sufficient access rights
* to complete the operation.
* <p/>
* A <code>PathNotFoundException</code> is thrown if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> or the
* parent of the new node at <code>destAbsPath</code> does not exist.
* <p/>
* An <code>ItemExistException</code> is thrown if a property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
* siblings are not allowed.
* <p/>
* A <code>LockException</code> if a lock prevents the move.
* @param srcAbsPath the path of the node to be moved.
* @param destAbsPath the location to which the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code>
* is to be moved.
* @throws ConstraintViolationException if the operation would violate a
* node-type or other implementation-specific constraint
* @throws VersionException if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code>
* or the parent node of <code>srcAbsPath</code> is versionable and checked-in,
* or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in.
* @throws AccessDeniedException if the current session (i.e. the session that
* was used to aqcuire this <code>Workspace</code> object) does not have
* sufficient access rights to complete the operation.
* @throws PathNotFoundException if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> or
* the parent of the new node at <code>destAbsPath</code> does not exist.
* @throws ItemExistsException if a property already exists at
* <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
* siblings are not allowed.
* @throws LockException if a lock prevents the move.
* @throws RepositoryException if the last element of <code>destAbsPath</code>
* has an index or if another error occurs.
public function move( $srcAbsPath, $destAbsPath );
* Restores a set of versions at once. Used in cases where a "chicken and egg" problem of
* mutually referring <code>REFERENCE</code> properties would prevent the restore in any
* serial order.
* <p>
* If the restore succeeds the changes made to <code>this</code> node are
* persisted immediately, there is no need to call <code>save</code>.
* <p>
* The following restrictions apply to the set of versions specified:
* <p>
* If <code>S</code> is the set of versions being restored simultaneously,
* <ol>
* <li>
* For every version <code>V</code> in <code>S</code> that corresponds to
* a <i>missing</i> node, there must also be a parent of V in S.
* </li>
* <li>
* <code>S</code> must contain at least one version that corresponds to
* an existing node in the workspace.
* </li>
* </ol>
* If either of these restrictions does not hold, the restore will fail
* because the system will be unable to determine the path locations to which
* one or more versions are to be restored. In this case a
* <code>VersionException</code> is thrown.
* <p/>
* The versionable nodes in this workspace that correspond to the versions being restored
* define a set of (one or more) subtrees. A UUID collision occurs when this workspace
* contains a node <i>outside these subtrees</i> that has the same UUID as one of the nodes
* that would be introduced by the <code>restore</code> operation <i>into one of these subtrees</i>.
* The result in such a case is governed by the <code>removeExisting</code> flag.
* If <code>removeExisting</code> is <code>true</code> then the incoming node takes precedence,
* and the existing node (and its subtree) is removed. If <code>removeExisting</code>
* is <code>false</code> then a <code>ItemExistsException</code> is thrown and no changes are made.
* Note that this applies not only to cases where the restored
* node itself conflicts with an existing node but also to cases where a conflict occurs with any
* node that would be introduced into the workspace by the restore operation. In particular, conflicts
* involving subnodes of the restored node that have <code>OnParentVersion</code> settings of
* <code>COPY</code> or <code>VERSION</code> are also governed by the <code>removeExisting</code> flag.
* <p/>
* An <code>UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException</code> is thrown if versioning is not supported.
* <p/>
* An <code>InvalidItemStateException</code> is thrown if this <code>Session</code> (not necessarily this <code>Node</code>)
* has pending unsaved changes.
* <p/>
* A <code>LockException</code> is thrown if a lock prevents the restore.
* @param versions The set of versions to be restored
* @param removeExisting governs what happens on UUID collision.
* @throws ItemExistsException if <code>removeExisting</code> is <code>false</code>
* and a UUID collision occurs with a node being restored.
* @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException if versioning is not supported.
* @throws VersionException if the set of versions to be restored is such that the
* original path location of one or more of the versions cannot be determined or
* if the <code>restore</code> would change the state of a existing verisonable
* node that is currently checked-in.
* @throws LockException if a lock prevents the restore.
* @throws InvalidItemStateException if this <code>Session</code> (not necessarily this <code>Node</code>) has pending unsaved changes.
* @throws RepositoryException if another error occurs.
public function restore( /* Version */ $versions, $removeExisting );
* Gets the <code>QueryManager</code>.
* Returns the <code>QueryManager</code> object, through search methods are accessed.
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs.
* @return the <code>QueryManager</code> object.
public function getQueryManager();
* Returns the <code>NamespaceRegistry</code> object, which is used to access information
* and (in level 2) set the mapping between namespace prefixes and URIs.
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs.
* @return the <code>NamespaceRegistry</code>.
public function getNamespaceRegistry();
* Returns the <code>NodeTypeManager</code> through which node type
* information can be queried. There is one node type registry per
* repository, therefore the <code>NodeTypeManager</code> is not
* workspace-specific; it provides introspection methods for the
* global, repository-wide set of available node types.
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs.
* @return a <code>NodeTypeManager</code> object.
public function getNodeTypeManager();
* If the the implemention supports observation
* this method returns the <code>ObservationManager</code> object;
* otherwise it throws an <code>UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException</code>.
* @throws UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException if the implementation does not support observation.
* @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs.
* @return an <code>ObservationManager</code> object.
public function getObservationManager();
* Returns an string array containing the names of all workspaces
* in this repository that are accessible to this user, given the
* <code>Credentials</code> that were used to get the <code>Session</code>
* tied to this <code>Workspace</code>.
* <p/>
* In order to access one of the listed workspaces, the user performs another
* <code>Repository.login</code>, specifying the name of the desired workspace,
* and receives a new <code>Session</code> object.
* @return string array of names of accessible workspaces.
* @throws RepositoryException
public function getAccessibleWorkspaceNames();
* Returns a <code>org.xml.sax.ContentHandler</code> which can be used to push SAX events into the repository.
* If the incoming XML stream (in the form of SAX events) does not appear to be a JCR system view XML document then it is
* interpreted as a document view XML document.
* <p>
* The incoming XML is deserialized into a subtree of items immediately below the node at
* <code>parentAbsPath</code>.
* <p>
* The special properties <code>jcr:primaryType</code> and <code>jcr:mixinTypes</code> are
* taken into account during deserialization in order to determine the node types of the newly created nodes.
* <p>
* This method simply returns the <code>ContentHandler</code> without altering the state of the
* repsoitory; the actual deserialization is done through the methods of the <code>ContentHandler</code>.
* Invalid XML data will cause the <code>ContentHandler</code> to throw a <code>SAXException</code>.
* <p>
* As SAX events are fed into the <code>ContentHandler</code>, changes are made directly at the
* workspace level, without going through the <code>Session</code>. As a result, there is not need
* to call <code>save</code>. The advantage of this
* direct-to-workspace method is that a large import will not result in a large cache of pending
* nodes in the <code>Session</code>. The disadvantage is that structures that violate node type constraints
* cannot be imported, fixed and then saved. Instead, a constraint violation will cause the
* <code>ContentHandler</code> to throw a <code>SAXException</code>. See <code>Session.getImportContentHandler</code> for a version of
* this method that <i>does</i> go through the <code>Session</code>.
* <p>
* The flag <code>uuidBehavior</code> governs how the UUIDs of incoming (deserialized) nodes are
* handled. There are four options:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW}: Incoming referenceable nodes are assigned newly
* created UUIDs upon additon to the workspace. As a result UUID collisions never occur.
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING}: If an incoming referenceable node
* has the same UUID as a node already existing in the workspace, then the already exisitng node
* (and its subtree) is removed from wherever it may be in the workspace before the incoming node
* is added. Note that this can result in nodes "disappearing" from locations in the worksapce that
* are remote from the location to which the incoming subtree is being written.
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REPLACE_EXISTING}: If an incoming referenceable node
* has the same UUID as a node already existing in the workspace then the already existing node
* is replaced by the incoming node in the same position as the existing node. Note that this may
* result in the incoming subtree being disaggregated and "spread around" to different locations
* in the workspace. In the most extreme case this behavior may result in no node at all
* being added as child of <code>parentAbsPath</code>. This will occur if the topmost element
* of the incoming XML has the same UUID as an existing node elsewhere in the workspace.
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW}: If an incoming referenceable node
* has the same UUID as a node already existing in the workspace then a SAXException
* is thrown by the returned <code>ContentHandler</code> during deserialization.
* </ul>
* A <code>SAXException</code> will be thrown by the returned <code>ContentHandler</code>
* during deserialization if the top-most element of the incoming XML would deserialize to
* a node with the same name as an existing child of <code>parentAbsPath</code> and that
* child does not allow same-name siblings.
* <p>
* A <code>SAXException</code> will also be thrown by the returned <code>ContentHandler</code>
* during deserialzation if <code>uuidBehavior</code> is set to
* <code>IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING</code> and an incoming node has the same UUID as
* the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> or one of its ancestors.
* <p>
* A <code>PathNotFoundException</code> is thrown if no node exists at <code>parentAbsPath</code>.
* <p>
* A <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> is thrown if the new subtree cannot be added to the node at
* <code>parentAbsPath</code> due to node-type or other implementation-specific constraints, and this can
* be determined before the first SAX event is sent. Unlike {@link Session#getImportContentHandler},
* this method also enforces node type constraints by throwing <code>SAXException</code>s during
* deserialization.
* <p/>
* A <code>VersionException</code> is thrown if the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> is versionable
* and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in.
* <p>
* A <code>LockException</code> is thrown if a lock prevents the addition ofthe subtree.
* <p>
* A <code>RepositoryException</code> is thrown if another error occurs.
* @param parentAbsPath the absolute path of a node under which (as child) the imported subtree will be built.
* @param uuidBehavior a four-value flag that governs how incoming UUIDs are handled.
* @return an org.xml.sax.ContentHandler whose methods may be called to feed SAX events into the deserializer.
* @throws PathNotFoundException if no node exists at <code>parentAbsPath</code>.
* @throws ConstraintViolationException if the new subtree cannot be added to the node at
* <code>parentAbsPath</code> due to node-type or other implementation-specific constraints,
* and this can be determined before the first SAX event is sent.
* @throws VersionException if the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> is versionable
* and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in.
* @throws LockException if a lock prevents the addition of the subtree.
* @throws RepositoryException if another error occurs.
public function getImportContentHandler( $parentAbsPath, $uuidBehavior );
* Deserializes an XML document and adds the resulting item subtree as a child of the node at
* <code>parentAbsPath</code>.
* <p>
* If the incoming XML stream does not appear to be a JCR system view XML document then it is interpreted as a
* <b>document view</b> XML document.
* <p>
* The special properties <code>jcr:primaryType</code> and <code>jcr:mixinTypes</code> are
* taken into account during deserialization in order to determine the node types of the newly
* created nodes.
* <p>
* Changes are made directly at the workspace level, without going through the <code>Session</code>.
* As a result, there is not need to call <code>save</code>. The advantage of this
* direct-to-workspace method is that a large import will not result in a large cache of
* pending nodes in the <code>Session</code>. The disadvantage is that invalid data cannot
* be imported, fixed and then saved. Instead, invalid data will cause this method to throw an
* <code>InvalidSerializedDataException</code>. See <code>Session.importXML</code> for
* a version of this method that <i>does</i> go through the <code>Session</code>.
* <p/>
* The flag <code>uuidBehavior</code> governs how the UUIDs of incoming (deserialized) nodes are
* handled. There are four options:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW}: Incoming referenceable nodes are assigned newly
* created UUIDs upon additon to the workspace. As a result UUID collisions never occur.
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING}: If an incoming referenceable node
* has the same UUID as a node already existing in the workspace then the already exisitng node
* (and its subtree) is removed from wherever it may be in the workspace before the incoming node
* is added. Note that this can result in nodes "disappearing" from locations in the worksapce that
* are remote from the location to which the incoming subtree is being written. If an incoming node
* has the same UUID as the existing root node of this workspace then
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REPLACE_EXISTING}: If an incoming referenceable node
* has the same UUID as a node already existing in the workspace then the already existing node
* is replaced by the incoming node in the same position as the existing node. Note that this may
* result in the incoming subtree being disaggregated and "spread around" to different locations
* in the workspace. In the most extreme edge case this behavior may result in no node at all
* being added as child of <code>parentAbsPath</code>. This will occur if the topmost element
* of the incoming XML has the same UUID as an existing node elsewhere in the workspace.
* <li>{@link #IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW}: If an incoming referenceable node
* has the same UUID as a node already existing in the workspace then an <code>ItemExistsException</code>
* is thrown.
* </ul>
* An <code>ItemExistsException</code> will be thrown if <code>uuidBehavior</code>
* is set to <code>IMPORT_UUID_CREATE_NEW</code> or <code>IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW</code>
* and the import would would overwrite an existing child of <code>parentAbsPath</code>.
* <p>
* An IOException is thrown if an I/O error occurs.
* <p>
* If no node exists at <code>parentAbsPath</code>, a <code>PathNotFoundException</code> is thrown.
* <p>
* An ItemExisitsException is thrown if the top-most element of the incoming XML would deserialize
* to a node with the same name as an existing child of <code>parentAbsPath</code> and that
* child does not allow same-name siblings, or if a <code>uuidBehavior</code> is set to
* <code>IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW</code> and a UUID collision occurs.
* <p>
* If node-type or other implementation-specific constraints
* prevent the addition of the subtree, a <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> is thrown.
* <p>
* A <code>ConstraintViolationException</code> will also be thrown if <code>uuidBehavior</code>
* is set to <code>IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING</code> and an incoming node has the same
* UUID as the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> or one of its ancestors.
* <p>
* A <code>VersionException</code> is thrown if the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> is versionable
* and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in.
* <p>
* A <code>LockException</code> is thrown if a lock prevents the addition of the subtree.
* @param parentAbsPath the absolute path of the node below which the deserialized subtree is added.
* @param in The <code>Inputstream</code> from which the XML to be deserilaized is read.
* @param uuidBehavior a four-value flag that governs how incoming UUIDs are handled.
* @throws IOException if an error during an I/O operation occurs.
* @throws PathNotFoundException if no node exists at <code>parentAbsPath</code>.
* @throws ConstraintViolationException if node-type or other implementation-specific constraints
* prevent the addition of the subtree or if <code>uuidBehavior</code>
* is set to <code>IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_REMOVE_EXISTING</code> and an incoming node has the same
* UUID as the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> or one of its ancestors.
* @throws VersionException if the node at <code>parentAbsPath</code> is versionable
* and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is checked-in.
* @throws InvalidSerializedDataException if incoming stream is not a valid XML document.
* @throws ItemExistsException if the top-most element of the incoming XML would deserialize
* to a node with the same name as an existing child of <code>parentAbsPath</code> and that
* child does not allow same-name siblings, or if a <code>uuidBehavior</code> is set to
* <code>IMPORT_UUID_COLLISION_THROW</code> and a UUID collision occurs.
* @throws LockException if a lock prevents the addition of the subtree.
* @throws RepositoryException is another error occurs.
public function importXML( $parentAbsPath, $in, $uuidBehavior );