blob: ccfd0d42621e04873e1c4394644bf051d6a70aa1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE config [
<!ELEMENT config (iomanager , (collection | noncollection)? , filter?) >
<!ELEMENT iomanager (class) >
<!ELEMENT collection (nodetypes) >
<!ELEMENT noncollection (nodetypes) >
<!ELEMENT filter (class, namespaces?, nodetypes?) >
<!ELEMENT class >
<!ATTLIST class
<!ELEMENT namespaces (prefix | uri)* >
<!ELEMENT prefix (CDATA) >
<!ELEMENT nodetypes (nodetype)* >
<!ELEMENT nodetype (CDATA) >
Defines the IOManager implementation that is responsible for passing import/export
request to the individual IO-handlers.
<!-- class element defines the manager to be used. The specified class
must implement the IOManager interface -->
<class name="" />
Defines nodetypes, that should always be displayed as 'collection'.
Define nodetypes, that should never by displayed as 'collection'
Filter that allows to prevent certain items from being displayed.
Please note, that this has an effect on PROPFIND calls only and does not
provide limited access to those items matching any of the filters.
However specifying a filter may cause problems with PUT or MKCOL if the
resource to be created is being filtered out, thus resulting in inconsistent
responses (e.g. PUT followed by PROPFIND on parent).
<!-- class element defines the resource filter to be used. The specified class
must implement the ItemFilter interface -->
<class name="org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple.DefaultItemFilter" />
<!-- Nodetype names to be used to filter child nodes.
A child node can be filtered if the declaring nodetype of its definition
is one of the nodetype names specified in the nodetypes Element.
E.g. defining 'rep:root' as filtered nodetype whould result in jcr:system
being hidden but no other child node of the root node, since those
are defined by the nodetype nt:unstructered.
<!-- Namespace prefixes or uris. Items having a name that matches any of the
entries will be filtered.