Oak Runnable Jar

This jar contains everything you need for a simple Oak installation. The following runmodes are currently available:

* backup    : Backup an existing Oak repository
* benchmark : Run benchmark tests against different Oak repository fixtures.
* debug     : Print status information about an Oak repository.
* upgrade   : Upgrade from Jackrabbit 2.x repository to Oak.
* server    : Run the Oak Server
* primary     : Run a TarMK Cold Standby primary instance
* standby     : Run a TarMK Cold Standby standby instance

See the subsections below for more details on how to use these modes.


The ‘backup’ mode creates a backup from an existing oak repository. To start this mode, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar backup /path/to/repository /path/to/backup


The ‘restore’ mode imports a backup of an existing oak repository. To start this mode, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar restore /path/to/repository /path/to/backup


The ‘debug’ mode allows to obtain information about the status of the specified store. Currently this is only supported for the TarMK. To start this mode, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar debug /path/to/oak/repository [id...]


The ‘primary’ mode starts a TarMK Cold Standby primary instance (master) listening on a TCP/IP port for connecting slaves.

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar primary [options] /path/to/TarMK

The following options are available:

--port 8023            - port to listen at
--admissible - admissible client IP range or host name
--secure               - use secure connections


The ‘standby’ mode starts a TarMK Cold Standby standby instance (slave) to create or update a continuous backup from a Cold Standby primary.

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar standby [options] /path/to/TarMK

The following options are available:

--port 8023            - port to connect to
--host       - host to connect to
--secure               - use secure connections
--interval 5           - schedule the slave to run continuously, connecting every n seconds


The ‘compact’ mode runs the segment compaction operation on the provided TarMK repository. To start this mode, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar compact /path/to/TarMK


The ‘checkpoints’ mode can be used to list or remove repository checkpoints To start this mode, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar checkpoints { /path/to/oak/repository | mongodb://host:port/database } [list|rm-all|rm-unreferenced|rm <checkpoint>]

The ‘list’ option (treated as a default when nothing is specified) will list all existing checkpoints. The ‘rm-all’ option will wipe clean the ‘checkpoints’ node. The ‘rm-unreferenced’ option will remove all checkpoints except the one referenced from the async indexer (/:async@async). The ‘rm ’ option will remove a specific checkpoint from the repository.


The ‘upgrade’ mode allows to migrate the contents of an existing Jackrabbit 2.x repository to Oak. To run the migration, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar upgrade [--datastore] \
      /path/to/jackrabbit/repository [/path/to/jackrabbit/repository.xml] \
      { /path/to/oak/repository | mongodb://host:port/database }

The source repository is opened from the given repository directory, and should not be concurrently accessed by any other client. Repository configuration is read from the specified configuration file, or from a repository.xml file within the repository directory if an explicit configuration file is not given.

The target repository is specified either as a local filesystem path to a directory (which will be automatically created if it doesn't already exist) of a new TarMK repository or as a MongoDB client URI that specifies the location of a MongoDB database where a new DocumentMK repository.

The --datastore option (if present) prevents the copying of binary data from a data store of the source repository to the target Oak repository. Instead the binaries are copied by reference, and you need to make the source data store available to the new Oak repository.

The content migration will automatically adjust things like node type, privilege and user account settings that work a bit differently in Oak. Unsupported features like same-name-siblings are migrated on a best-effort basis, with no strict guarantees of completeness. Warnings will be logged for any content inconsistencies that might be encountered; such content should be manually reviewed after the migration is complete. Note that things like search index configuration work differently in Oak than in Jackrabbit 2.x, and will need to be manually recreated after the migration. See the relevant documentation for more details.

Oak server mode

The Oak server mode starts a full Oak instance with the standard JCR plugins and makes it available over a simple HTTP mapping defined in the oak-http component. To start this mode, use:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar server [uri] [fixture] [options]

If no arguments are specified, the command starts an in-memory repository and makes it available at http://localhost:8080/. Specify an uri and a fixture argument to change the host name and port and specify a different repository backend.

The optional fixture argument allows to specify the repository implementation to be used. The following fixtures are currently supported:

JackrabbitJackrabbit with the default embedded Derby bundle PM
Oak-MemoryOak with default in-memory storage
Oak-MemoryNSOak with default in-memory NodeStore
Oak-MemoryMKOak with default in-memory MicroKernel
Oak-MongoOak with the default Mongo backend
Oak-MongoNSOak with the Mongo NodeStore
Oak-MongoMKOak with the Mongo MicroKernel
Oak-TarOak with the Tar backend (aka Segment NodeStore)
Oak-H2Oak with the MK using embedded H2 database

Depending on the fixture the following options are available:

--cache 100            - cache size (in MB)
--host localhost       - MongoDB host
--port 27101           - MongoDB port
--db <name>            - MongoDB database (default is a generated name)
--clusterIds           - Cluster Ids for the Mongo setup: a comma separated list of integers
--base <file>          - Tar and H2: Path to the base file
--mmap <64bit?>        - TarMK memory mapping (the default on 64 bit JVMs)


$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar server
$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar server http://localhost:4503 Oak-Tar --base myOak
$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar server http://localhost:4502 Oak-Mongo --db myOak --clusterIds c1,c2,c3

See the documentation in the oak-http component for details about the available functionality.

Benchmark mode

The benchmark mode is used for executing various micro-benchmarks. It can be invoked like this:

$ java -jar oak-run-*.jar benchmark [options] [testcases] [fixtures]

The following benchmark options (with default values) are currently supported:

--host localhost       - MongoDB host
--port 27101           - MongoDB port
--db <name>            - MongoDB database (default is a generated name)
--dropDBAfterTest true - Whether to drop the MongoDB database after the test
--base target          - Path to the base file (Tar and H2 setup),
--mmap <64bit?>        - TarMK memory mapping (the default on 64 bit JVMs)
--cache 100            - cache size (in MB)
--wikipedia <file>     - Wikipedia dump
--runAsAdmin false     - Run test as admin session
--itemsToRead 1000     - Number of items to read
--report false         - Whether to output intermediate results
--csvFile <file>       - Optional csv file to report the benchmark results
--concurrency <levels> - Comma separated list of concurrency levels
--rdbjdbcuri           - JDBC URL for RDB persistence (defaults to local file-based H2)
--rdbjdbcuser          - JDBC username (defaults to "")
--rdbjdbcpasswd        - JDBC password (defaults to "")
--rdbjdbctableprefix   - for RDB persistence: prefix for table names (defaults to "")

These options are passed to the test cases and repository fixtures that need them. For example the Wikipedia dump option is needed by the WikipediaImport test case and the MongoDB address information by the MongoMK and SegmentMK -based repository fixtures. The cache setting controls the bundle cache size in Jackrabbit, the KernelNodeState cache size in MongoMK and the default H2 MK, and the segment cache size in SegmentMK.

The --concurrency levels can be specified as comma separated list of values, eg: --concurrency 1,4,8, which will execute the same test with the number of respective threads. Note that the beforeSuite() and afterSuite() are executed before and after the concurrency loop. eg. in the example above, the execution order is: beforeSuite(), 1x runTest(), 4x runTest(), 8x runTest(), afterSuite(). Tests that create their own background threads, should be executed with --concurrency 1 which is the default.

You can use extra JVM options like -Xmx settings to better control the benchmark environment. It‘s also possible to attach the JVM to a profiler to better understand benchmark results. For example, I’m using -agentlib:hprof=cpu=samples,depth=100 as a basic profiling tool, whose results can be processed with perl analyze-hprof.pl java.hprof.txt to produce a somewhat easier-to-read top-down and bottom-up summaries of how the execution time is distributed across the benchmarked codebase.

Some system properties are also used to control the benchmarks. For example:

-Dwarmup=5         - warmup time (in seconds)
-Druntime=60       - how long a single benchmark should run (in seconds)
-Dprofile=true     - to collect and print profiling data

The test case names like ReadPropertyTest, SmallFileReadTest and SmallFileWriteTest indicate the specific test case being run. You can specify one or more test cases in the benchmark command line, and oak-run will execute each benchmark in sequence. The benchmark code is located under org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.benchmark in the oak-run component. Each test case tries to exercise some tightly scoped aspect of the repository. You might remember many of these tests from the Jackrabbit benchmark reports like http://people.apache.org/~jukka/jackrabbit/report-2011-09-27/report.html that we used to produce earlier.

Finally the benchmark runner supports the following repository fixtures:

JackrabbitJackrabbit with the default embedded Derby bundle PM
Oak-MemoryOak with default in-memory storage
Oak-MemoryNSOak with default in-memory NodeStore
Oak-MemoryMKOak with default in-memory MicroKernel
Oak-MongoOak with the default Mongo backend
Oak-MongoNSOak with the Mongo NodeStore
Oak-MongoMKOak with the Mongo MicroKernel
Oak-TarOak with the Tar backend (aka Segment NodeStore)
Oak-H2Oak with the MK using embedded H2 database
Oak-RDBOak with the DocumentMK/RDB persistence

(Note that for Oak-RDB, the required JDBC drivers either need to be embedded into oak-run, or be specified separately in the class path. Furthermode, dropDBAfterTest is interpreted to drop the tables, not the database iself, if and only if they have been auto-created)

Once started, the benchmark runner will execute each listed test case against all the listed repository fixtures. After starting up the repository and preparing the test environment, the test case is first executed a few times to warm up caches before measurements are started. Then the test case is run repeatedly for one minute and the number of milliseconds used by each execution is recorded. Once done, the following statistics are computed and reported:

Cconcurrency level
minminimum time (in ms) taken by a test run
10%time (in ms) in which the fastest 10% of test runs
50%time (in ms) taken by the median test run
90%time (in ms) in which the fastest 90% of test runs
maxmaximum time (in ms) taken by a test run
Ntotal number of test runs in one minute (or more)

The most useful of these numbers is probably the 90% figure, as it shows the time under which the majority of test runs completed and thus what kind of performance could reasonably be expected in a normal usage scenario. However, the reason why all these different numbers are reported, instead of just the 90% one, is that often seeing the distribution of time across test runs can be helpful in identifying things like whether a bigger cache might help.

Finally, and most importantly, like in all benchmarking, the numbers produced by these tests should be taken with a large dose of salt. They DO NOT directly indicate the kind of application performance you could expect with (the current state of) Oak. Instead they are designed to isolate implementation-level bottlenecks and to help measure and profile the performance of specific, isolated features.

How to add a new benchmark

To add a new test case to this benchmark suite, you'll need to implement the Benchmark interface and add an instance of the new test to the allBenchmarks array in the BenchmarkRunner class in the org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.benchmark package.

The best way to implement the Benchmark interface is to extend the AbstractTest base class that takes care of most of the benchmarking details. The outline of such a benchmark is:

class MyTest extends AbstracTest {
    protected void beforeSuite() throws Exception {
        // optional, run once before all the iterations,
        // not included in the performance measurements
    protected void beforeTest() throws Exception {
        // optional, run before runTest() on each iteration,
        // but not included in the performance measurements
    protected void runTest() throws Exception {
        // required, run repeatedly during the benchmark,
        // and the time of each iteration is measured.
        // The ideal execution time of this method is
        // from a few hundred to a few thousand milliseconds.
        // Use a loop if the operation you're hoping to measure
        // is faster than that.
    protected void afterTest() throws Exception {
        // optional, run after runTest() on each iteration,
        // but not included in the performance measurements
    protected void afterSuite() throws Exception {
        // optional, run once after all the iterations,
        // not included in the performance measurements

The rough outline of how the benchmark will be run is:

for (...) {

You can use the loginWriter() and loginReader() methods to create admin and anonymous sessions. There's no need to logout those sessions (unless doing so is relevant to the benchmark) as they will automatically be closed after the benchmark is completed and the afterSuite() method has been called.

Similarly, you can use the addBackgroundJob(Runnable) method to add background tasks that will be run concurrently while the main benchmark is executing. The relevant background thread works like this:

while (running) {

As you can see, the run() method of the background task gets invoked repeatedly. Such threads will automatically close once all test iterations are done, before the afterSuite() method is called.