Oak Documentation

The Oak documentation lives as Markdown files in src/site/markdown such that it easy to view e.g. from GitHub. Alternatively the Maven site plugin can be used to build and deploy a web site as follows:

From the reactor use

mvn site

to build the site without Javadoc or

mvn site -Psite-with-javadoc

to build the site with Javadoc. Review the site at oak-doc/target/site.

Then deploy the site to http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/ using

mvn site-deploy

Finally review the site at http://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/index.html. To skip the final commit use -Dscmpublish.skipCheckin=true. You can then review all pending changes in oak-doc/target/scmpublish-checkout and follow up with svn commit manually.

Every committer should be able to deploy the site. No fiddling with credentials needed since deployment is done via svn commit to https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/jackrabbit/site/live/oak/docs.