Session refresh behavior

Oak is based on the MVCC model where each session starts with a snapshot view of the repository. Concurrent changes from other sessions are not visible to a session until it gets refreshed. A session can be refreshed either explicitly by calling the refresh() method or implicitly by direct-to-workspace methods or by the auto-refresh mode. Also observation event delivery causes a session to be refreshed.

By default the auto-refresh mode automatically refreshes all sessions that have been idle for more than one second, and it's also possible to explicitly set the auto-refresh parameters. A typical approach would be for long-lived admin sessions to set the auto-refresh mode to keep the session always up to date with latest changes from the repository.

Pattern: One session for one request/operation

One of the key patterns targeted by Oak is a web application that serves HTTP requests. The recommended way to handle such cases is to use a separate session for each HTTP request, and never to refresh that session.

Anti pattern: concurrent session access

Oak is designed to be virtually lock free as long as sessions are not shared across threads. Don't access the same session instance concurrently from multiple threads. When doing so Oak will protect its internal data structures from becoming corrupted but will not make any guarantees beyond that. In particular violating clients might suffer from lock contentions or deadlocks.

If Oak detects concurrent write access to a session it will log a warning. For concurrent read access the warning will only be logged if DEBUG level is enabled for org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.jcr.delegate.SessionDelegate. In this case the stack trace of the other session involved will also be logged. For efficiency reasons the stack trace will not be logged if DEBUG level is not enabled.

Large number of direct child node

Oak scales to large number of direct child nodes of a node as long as those are not orderable. For orderable child nodes Oak keeps the order in an internal property, which will lead to a performance degradation when the list grows too large. For such scenarios Oak provides the oak:Unstructured node type, which is equivalent to nt:unstructured except that it is not orderable.

Large Multi Value Property

Using nodes with large multi value property would not scale well. Depending on NodeStore it might hit some size limit restriction also. For e.g. with DocumentMK the MVP would be stored in the backing Document which on Mongo has a 16MB limit.

Inlining large binaries

Most of the BlobStore provide an option to inline small binary content as part of node property itself. For example FileDataStore supports minRecordLength property. If that is set to say 4096 then any binary with size less than 4kb would be stored as part of node data itself and not in BlobStore.

Its recommended to not set very high value for this as depending on implementation it might hit some limit causing the commit to fail. For e.g. SegmentMK enforces a limit of 8k for any inlined binary value. Further this would also lead to repository growth as by default when binaries are stored in BlobStore then they are deduplicated.

Don't use Thread.interrupt()

Thread.interrupt() can severely impact or even stop the repository. The reason for this is that Oak internally uses various classes from the nio package that implement InterruptibleChannel, which are asynchronously closed when receiving an InterruptedException while blocked on IO. See OAK-2609.