blob: f25d3e194160faad26e3c94c4568f4c49619a466 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.VersionGarbageCollector.VersionGCStats;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.TimeInterval;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.util.Utils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.spi.gc.GCMonitor;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.stats.Clock;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Gives a recommendation about parameters for the next revision garbage collection run.
public class VersionGCRecommendations {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VersionGCRecommendations.class);
private final VersionGCSupport vgc;
private final GCMonitor gcmon;
final boolean ignoreDueToCheckPoint;
final TimeInterval scope;
final long maxCollect;
final long deleteCandidateCount;
final long lastOldestTimestamp;
final long originalCollectLimit;
private final long precisionMs;
final long suggestedIntervalMs;
private final boolean scopeIsComplete;
* With the given maximum age of revisions to keep (earliest time in the past to collect),
* the desired precision in which times shall be sliced and the given limit on the number
* of collected documents in one run, calculate <ol>
* <li>if gc shall run at all (ignoreDueToCheckPoint)</li>
* <li>in which time interval documents shall be collected (scope)</li>
* <li>if collection should fail if it reaches maxCollect documents, maxCollect will specify
* the limit or be 0 if no limit shall be enforced.</li>
* </ol>
* After a run, recommendations evaluate the result of the gc to update its persisted recommendations
* for future runs.
* <p>
* In the settings collection, recommendations keeps "revisionsOlderThan" from the last successful run.
* It also updates the time interval recommended for the next run.
* @param maxRevisionAgeMs the minimum age for revisions to be collected
* @param checkpoints checkpoints from {@link DocumentNodeStore}
* @param clock clock from {@link DocumentNodeStore}
* @param vgc VersionGC support class
* @param options options for running the gc
* @param gcMonitor monitor class for messages
public VersionGCRecommendations(long maxRevisionAgeMs, Checkpoints checkpoints, Clock clock, VersionGCSupport vgc,
VersionGCOptions options, GCMonitor gcMonitor) {
boolean ignoreDueToCheckPoint = false;
long deletedOnceCount = 0;
long suggestedIntervalMs;
long oldestPossible;
long collectLimit = options.collectLimit;
this.vgc = vgc;
this.gcmon = gcMonitor;
this.originalCollectLimit = options.collectLimit;
TimeInterval keep = new TimeInterval(clock.getTime() - maxRevisionAgeMs, Long.MAX_VALUE);
Map<String, Long> settings = getLongSettings();
lastOldestTimestamp = settings.get(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP);
if (lastOldestTimestamp == 0) {
log.debug("No lastOldestTimestamp found, querying for the oldest deletedOnce candidate");
oldestPossible = vgc.getOldestDeletedOnceTimestamp(clock, options.precisionMs) - 1;
log.debug("lastOldestTimestamp found: {}", Utils.timestampToString(oldestPossible));
} else {
oldestPossible = lastOldestTimestamp - 1;
TimeInterval scope = new TimeInterval(oldestPossible, Long.MAX_VALUE);
scope = scope.notLaterThan(keep.fromMs);
suggestedIntervalMs = settings.get(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP);
if (suggestedIntervalMs > 0) {
suggestedIntervalMs = Math.max(suggestedIntervalMs, options.precisionMs);
if (suggestedIntervalMs < scope.getDurationMs()) {
scope = scope.startAndDuration(suggestedIntervalMs);
log.debug("previous runs recommend a {} sec duration, scope now {}",
TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(suggestedIntervalMs), scope);
} else if (scope.getDurationMs() <= options.precisionMs) {
// the scope is smaller than the minimum precision
// -> no need to refine the scope
log.debug("scope <= precision ({} ms)", options.precisionMs);
} else {
/* Need to guess. Count the overall number of _deletedOnce documents. If those
* are more than we want to collect in a single run, reduce the time scope so
* that we likely see a fitting fraction of those documents.
try {
long preferredLimit = Math.min(collectLimit, (long)Math.ceil(options.overflowToDiskThreshold * 0.95));
deletedOnceCount = vgc.getDeletedOnceCount();
if (deletedOnceCount > preferredLimit) {
double chunks = ((double) deletedOnceCount) / preferredLimit;
suggestedIntervalMs = (long) Math.floor((scope.getDurationMs() + maxRevisionAgeMs) / chunks);
if (suggestedIntervalMs < scope.getDurationMs()) {
scope = scope.startAndDuration(suggestedIntervalMs);
log.debug("deletedOnce candidates: {} found, {} preferred, scope now {}",
deletedOnceCount, preferredLimit, scope);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
log.debug("check on upper bounds of delete candidates not supported, skipped");
//Check for any registered checkpoint which prevent the GC from running
Revision checkpoint = checkpoints.getOldestRevisionToKeep();
if (checkpoint != null && scope.endsAfter(checkpoint.getTimestamp())) {
TimeInterval minimalScope = scope.startAndDuration(options.precisionMs);
if (minimalScope.endsAfter(checkpoint.getTimestamp())) {
log.warn("Ignoring RGC run because a valid checkpoint [{}] exists inside minimal scope {}.",
checkpoint.toReadableString(), minimalScope);
ignoreDueToCheckPoint = true;
} else {
scope = scope.notLaterThan(checkpoint.getTimestamp() - 1);
log.debug("checkpoint at [{}] found, scope now {}", Utils.timestampToString(checkpoint.getTimestamp()), scope);
if (scope.getDurationMs() <= options.precisionMs) {
// If we have narrowed the collect time interval down as much as we can, no
// longer enforce a limit. We need to get through this.
collectLimit = 0;
log.debug("time interval <= precision ({} ms), disabling collection limits", options.precisionMs);
this.precisionMs = options.precisionMs;
this.ignoreDueToCheckPoint = ignoreDueToCheckPoint;
this.scope = scope;
this.scopeIsComplete = scope.toMs >= keep.fromMs;
this.maxCollect = collectLimit;
this.suggestedIntervalMs = suggestedIntervalMs;
this.deleteCandidateCount = deletedOnceCount;
* Evaluate the results of the last run. Update recommendations for future runs.
* Will set {@link VersionGCStats#needRepeat} if collection needs to run another
* iteration for collecting documents up to "now".
* @param stats the statistics from the last run
public void evaluate(VersionGCStats stats) {
if (stats.limitExceeded) {
// if the limit was exceeded, slash the recommended interval in half.
long nextDuration = Math.max(precisionMs, scope.getDurationMs() / 2);"Limit {} documents exceeded, reducing next collection interval to {} seconds",
this.maxCollect, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(nextDuration));
setLongSetting(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP, nextDuration);
stats.needRepeat = true;
} else if (!stats.canceled && !stats.ignoredGCDueToCheckPoint) {
// success, we would not expect to encounter revisions older than this in the future
setLongSetting(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP, scope.toMs);
int count = stats.deletedDocGCCount - stats.deletedLeafDocGCCount;
double usedFraction;
double allowedFraction = 0.66;
if (maxCollect <= 0) {
usedFraction = count / (double) this.originalCollectLimit;
} else {
usedFraction = count / (double) maxCollect;
if (scope.getDurationMs() == suggestedIntervalMs) {
if (usedFraction < allowedFraction) {
long nextDuration = (long) Math.ceil(suggestedIntervalMs * 1.5);
log.debug("successful run using {}% of limit, raising recommended interval to {} seconds",
Math.round(usedFraction * 1000) / 10.0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(nextDuration));
setLongSetting(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP, nextDuration);
} else {
log.debug("not increasing limit: collected {} documents ({}% >= {}% limit)", count, usedFraction,
} else {
log.debug("successful run not following recommendations, keeping them");
stats.needRepeat = !scopeIsComplete;
private Map<String, Long> getLongSettings() {
Document versionGCDoc = vgc.getDocumentStore().find(Collection.SETTINGS, VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID, 0);
Map<String, Long> settings = Maps.newHashMap();
// default values
settings.put(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_OLDEST_TIMESTAMP_PROP, 0L);
settings.put(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_REC_INTERVAL_PROP, 0L);
if (versionGCDoc != null) {
for (String k : versionGCDoc.keySet()) {
Object value = versionGCDoc.get(k);
if (value instanceof Number) {
settings.put(k, ((Number) value).longValue());
return settings;
private void setLongSetting(String propName, long val) {
UpdateOp updateOp = new UpdateOp(VersionGarbageCollector.SETTINGS_COLLECTION_ID, true);
updateOp.set(propName, val);
vgc.getDocumentStore().createOrUpdate(Collection.SETTINGS, updateOp);