Restriction Management


The concept of restriction has been created as extension to JCR access control management in order to refine the effect of individual access control entries.

Quoting from JSR 283 section 16.6.2 Permissions:

[...] the permissions encompass the restrictions imposed by privileges, but also include any additional policy-internal refinements with effects too fine-grained to be exposed through privilege discovery. A common case may be to provide finer-grained access restrictions to individual properties or child nodes of the node to which the policy applies.

Furthermore the restriction concept is aimed to allow for custom extensions of the default access control implementation to meet project specific needs without having to implement the common functionality provided by JCR.

Existing and potential examples of restrictions limiting the effect of a given access control entry during permission evaluation include:

  • set of node types
  • set of namespaces
  • name/path pattern
  • dedicated time frame
  • size of a value

The set of built-in restrictions present with Jackrabbit 2.x has extended as of Oak 1.0 along with some extensions of the Jackrabbit API. This covers the public facing usage of restrictions i.e. access control management.

In addition Oak provides it's own restriction API that adds support for internal validation and permission evaluation.

Jackrabbit API

The Jackrabbit API add the following extensions to JCR access control management to read and create entries with restrictions:

  • JackrabbitAccessControlList

    • getRestrictionNames() : returns the JCR names of the supported restrictions.
    • getRestrictionType(String restrictionName) : returns property type of a given restriction.
    • addEntry(Principal, Privilege[], boolean, Map<String, Value>): the map contain the restrictions.
    • addEntry(Principal, Privilege[], boolean, Map<String, Value>, Map<String, Value[]>): allows to specify both single and multivalue restrictions (since Oak 1.0, Jackrabbit API 2.8)
  • JackrabbitAccessControlEntry

    • getRestrictionNames(): returns the JCR names of the restrictions present with this entry.
    • getRestriction(String restrictionName): returns the restriction as JCR value.
    • getRestrictions(String restrictionName): returns the restriction as array of JCR values (since Oak 1.0, Jackrabbit API 2.8).

Oak Restriction API

The following public interfaces are provided by Oak in the package and provide support for pluggable restrictions both for access control management and the repository internal permission evaluation:

  • RestrictionProvider: interface to obtain restriction information needed for access control and permission management
  • Restriction: the restriction object as created using Jackrabbit access control API
  • RestrictionDefinition: the static definition of a supported restriction
  • RestrictionPattern: the processed restriction ready for permission evaluation

Default Implementation

Oak 1.0 provides the following base implementations:

  • AbstractRestrictionProvider: abstract base implementation of the provider interface.
  • RestrictionDefinitionImpl: default implementation of the RestrictionDefinition interface.
  • RestrictionImpl: default implementation of the Restriction interface.
  • CompositeRestrictionProvider: Allows to aggregate multiple provider implementations (see Pluggability below).
  • CompositePattern: Allows to aggregate multiple restriction patterns.

Changes wrt Jackrabbit 2.x

Apart from the fact that the internal Jackrabbit extension has been replaced by a public API, the restriction implementation in Oak differs from Jackrabbit 2.x as follows:

  • Separate restriction management API (see below) on the OAK level that allows to ease plugging custom restrictions.
  • Changed node type definition for storing restrictions in the default implementation.
    • as of OAK restrictions are collected underneath a separate child node “rep:restrictions”
    • backwards compatible behavior for restrictions stored underneath the ACE node directly
  • Support for multi-valued restrictions (see JCR-3637, JCR-3641)
  • Validation of the restrictions is delegated to a dedicated commit hook
  • Restriction rep:glob limits the number of wildcard characters to 20
  • New restrictions rep:ntNames, rep:prefixes and rep:itemNames

Built-in Restrictions

The default implementations of the Restriction interface are present with Oak 1.0 access control management:

  • rep:glob: single name, path or path pattern with ‘*’ wildcard(s).
  • rep:ntNames: multivalued restriction to limit the affected ACE to nodes of the specified primary node type(s) (no nt inheritence, since Oak 1.0)
  • rep:prefixes: multivalued restriction to limit the effect to item names that match the specified namespace prefixes (session level remapping not respected, since Oak 1.0)
  • rep:itemNames: multivalued restriction for property or node names (since Oak 1.3.8)
Using rep:glob

For a nodePath /foo the following results can be expected for the different values of rep:glob.

Please note that the pattern is based on simple path concatenation and equally applies to either type of item (both nodes and properties). Consequently the examples below need to be adjusted for the root node in order to produce the desired effect. In particular a path with two subsequent / is invalid and will never match any target item or path.

nulli.e. no restriction: matches /foo and all descendants
""matches node /foo only (no descendants, not even properties)

Examples including wildcard char:

*foo, siblings of foo and their descendants
/*catall descendants of /foo whose paths end with ‘cat’
*catall siblings and descendants of foo that have a name ending with ‘cat’
/*/catall non-direct descendants of /foo named ‘cat’
/cat*all descendant of /foo that have the direct foo-descendant segment starting with ‘cat’
*/catall descendants of /foo and foo's siblings that have a name segment ‘cat’
cat/*all descendants of ‘/foocat’
/cat/*all descendants of ‘/foo/cat’
/*cat/*all descendants of /foo that have an intermediate segment ending with ‘cat’

Examples without wildcard char:

/cat‘/foo/cat’ and all it's descendants
/cat/all descendants of ‘/foo/cat’
cat‘/foocat’ and all it's descendants
cat/all descendants of ‘/foocat’

See also GlobPattern for implementation details and the GlobRestrictionTest in the oak-exercise module for training material.

Representation in the Repository

All restrictions defined by default in a Oak repository are stored as properties in a dedicated rep:restriction child node of the target access control entry node. Similarly, they are represented with the corresponding permission entry. The node type definition used to represent restriction content is as follows:

  - rep:principalName (STRING) protected mandatory
  - rep:privileges (NAME) protected mandatory multiple
  - rep:nodePath (PATH) protected /* deprecated in favor of restrictions */
  - rep:glob (STRING) protected   /* deprecated in favor of restrictions */
  - * (UNDEFINED) protected       /* deprecated in favor of restrictions */
  + rep:restrictions (rep:Restrictions) = rep:Restrictions protected /* since oak 1.0 */

 * @since oak 1.0
  - * (UNDEFINED) protected
  - * (UNDEFINED) protected multiple


The default security setup as present with Oak 1.0 is able to provide custom RestrictionProvider implementations and will automatically combine the different implementations using the CompositeRestrictionProvider.

In an OSGi setup the following steps are required in order to add a action provider implementation:

  • implement RestrictionProvider interface exposing your custom restriction(s).
  • make the provider implementation an OSGi service and make it available to the Oak repository.
  • make sure the RestrictionProvider is listed as required service with the SecurityProvider (see also Introduction)

Please make sure to consider the following recommendations when implementing a custom RestrictionProvider:

  • restrictions are part of the overall permission evaluation and thus may heavily impact overall read/write performance
  • the hashCode generation of the base implementation (RestrictionImpl.hashCode) relies on PropertyStateValue.hashCode, which includes the internal String representation, which is not optimal for binaries (see also OAK-5784)
Example RestrictionProvider

Simple example of a RestrictionProvider that defines a single time-based Restriction, which is expected to have 2 values defining a start and end date, which can then be used to allow or deny access within the given time frame.

public class MyRestrictionProvider extends AbstractRestrictionProvider {

    public MyRestrictionProvider() {

    private static Map<String, RestrictionDefinition> supportedRestrictions() {
        RestrictionDefinition dates = new RestrictionDefinitionImpl("dates", Type.DATES, false);
        return Collections.singletonMap(dates.getName(), dates);

    //------------------------------------------------< RestrictionProvider >---

    public RestrictionPattern getPattern(String oakPath, Tree tree) {
        if (oakPath != null) {
            PropertyState property = tree.getProperty("dates");
            if (property != null) {
                return DatePattern.create(property);
        return RestrictionPattern.EMPTY;

    public RestrictionPattern getPattern(@Nullable String oakPath, @Nonnull Set<Restriction> restrictions) {
        if (oakPath != null) {
            for (Restriction r : restrictions) {
                String name = r.getDefinition().getName();
                if ("dates".equals(name)) {
                    return DatePattern.create(r.getProperty());
        return RestrictionPattern.EMPTY;

    // TODO: implementing 'validateRestrictions(String oakPath, Tree aceTree)' would allow to make sure the property contains 2 date values.
Example RestrictionPattern

The time-based RestrictionPattern used by the example provider above.

class DatePattern implements RestrictionPattern {

    private final Date start;
    private final Date end;

    private DatePattern(@Nonnull Calendar start, @Nonnull Calendar end) {
        this.start = start.getTime();
        this.end = end.getTime();

    static RestrictionPattern create(PropertyState timeProperty) {
        if (timeProperty.count() == 2) {
            return new DatePattern(
                    Conversions.convert(timeProperty.getValue(Type.DATE, 0), Type.DATE).toCalendar(),
                    Conversions.convert(timeProperty.getValue(Type.DATE, 1), Type.DATE).toCalendar()
        } else {
            return RestrictionPattern.EMPTY;

    public boolean matches(@Nonnull Tree tree, @Nullable PropertyState property) {
        return matches();

    public boolean matches(@Nonnull String path) {
        return matches();

    public boolean matches() {
        Date d = new Date();
        return d.after(start) && d.before(end);
Example Non-OSGI Setup
RestrictionProvider rProvider = CompositeRestrictionProvider.newInstance(new MyRestrictionProvider(), ...);
Map<String, RestrictionProvider> authorizMap = ImmutableMap.of(PARAM_RESTRICTION_PROVIDER, rProvider);
ConfigurationParameters config =  ConfigurationParameters.of(ImmutableMap.of(AuthorizationConfiguration.NAME, ConfigurationParameters.of(authorizMap)));
SecurityProvider securityProvider = SecurityProviderBuilder.newBuilder().with(config).build();
Repository repo = new Jcr(new Oak()).with(securityProvider).createRepository();