Oak Run NodeStore Connection

@since Oak 1.7.6

This page provide details around various options supported by some of the oak-run commands to connect to NodeStore repository. By default most of these commands (unless documented) would connect in read only mode.

These options are supported by following command (See OAK-6210)

  • console
  • index
  • tika

Depending on your setup you would need to configure the NodeStore and BlobStore in use for commands to work. Some commands may not require the BlobStore details. Check the specific oak-run command help to see if access to BlobStore is required or not.

Read Write Mode

By default most commands would connect to NodeStore in read only mode. This ensure that oak-run commands can be safely used with productions setup and does not cause any side effect.

For some operations read-write access would be required. This can be done by passing --read-write option. In read-write mode it should be ensured that Oak version from oak-run is matching with Oak version used by application to create the repository.

A newer version of oak-run can read repository created by older version of Oak (as Oak is backward compatible) However if writes are done by newer version of oak-run (which is more recent than Oak version used by repository application) then it may cause issues due to change in storage format.



To connect to SegmentNodeStore just specify the path to folder used by SegmentNodeStore for storing the repository content

java -jar oak-run <command> /path/to/segmentstore

If --read-write option is enabled then it must be ensured that target repository is not in use. Otherwise oak-run would not be able access the NodeStore.

DocumentNodeStore - Mongo

To connect to Mongo specify the MongoURI

java -jar oak-run <command> mongodb://server:port

It support some other options like cache size, cache distribution etc. Refer to help output via -h to see supported options

DocumentNodeStore - RDB

To connect to a relational database specify the JDBC URL and add database user and password as optional arguments:

java -cp ... org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.run.Main <command> jdbc:... --rdbjdbcuser user --rdbjdbcpasswd password

Note that the oak-run JAR file lacks several RDB specific JAR files that need to be added to the classpath:

  1. tomcat-jdbc-8.5.*.jar (Apache Tomcat JDBC connection pool)
  2. juli-6.0.*.jar (Apache Tomcat Logger)
  3. Whatever JDBC driver is needed to connect to the database



Specify the path to directory used by FileDataStore via --fds-path option

java -jar oak-run <command> /path/to/segmentstore --fds-path=/path/to/fds


Specify the path to config file which contains connection details related to S3 bucket to be used via -s3ds option

java -jar oak-run <command> /path/to/segmentstore --s3ds=/path/to/S3DataStore.config

The file should be a valid config file as configured S3DataStore in OSGi setup for pid org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.blob.datastore.S3DataStore.config.

Do change the path property to location based on system from where command is being used. If you are running the command on the setup where the Oak application is running then ensure that path is set to a different location.