Developing with Git

Oak codebase is backed by SVN, not git. The github location is a mirror that could lag hours behind.

Following an example on how to start on a feature named: FEATURE. Where you'll work and commit against your fork on github and eventually produce a patch to be attached to the jira issue or commit it straight to svn (assuming you have rights).

Initialising the local environment

First of all you need to fork the github repo.

# clone your fork (as origin) into ./jackrabbit-oak
git clone

cd jackrabbit-oak

# Adding the oak GH repo as upstream
git remote add upstream

# take the upstream trunk
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b upstream-trunk upstream/trunk

# take the latest Apache's authors file for git svn
curl -o .git/authors.txt
git config svn.authorsfile .git/authors.txt

# init git svn 
git svn init --prefix=upstream/ --tags=tags --trunk=trunk \
    --branches=branches \

Creating a new feature branch

Now it's possible to start working on a feature branch like this

# Ensure you're in upstream-trunk
git checkout upstream-trunk

# align with svn
git svn rebase

# create a new feature branch
git checkout -b FEATURE

# push it to your fork
git push --set-upstream origin FEATURE

Work on the feature branch

Now the work can be carried out easily on the feature branch by keeping it regularly aligned with svn and pushing it to the fork

# Merge the latest trunk from svn
git checkout upstream-trunk
git svn rebase
git checkout FEATURE
git merge upstream-trunk

# your normal work and commits in FEATURE

# sending the commits to github
git push

Producing a patch against trunk

Now the work is completed and you want to attach a patch to the jira issue for commit and/or review

git checkout upstream-trunk
git svn rebase
git checkout FEATURE
git merge upstream-trunk

# solve any conflicts

git push

# producing the patch file
git diff -w -p upstream-trunk > ~/FEATURE.patch

Committing to svn

As for the patch, the work is complete and you want to commmit to svn (assuming you have rights)

# getting the latest svn
git checkout upstream-trunk
git svn rebase
git checkout FEATURE
git merge upstream-trunk
git push

# taking all the branch commit into upstream as one big commit
git checkout upstream-trunk
git merge --squash --no-commit FEATURE

# committing all the changes as git
git commit -a

# committing all the changes to svn
git svn dcommit --username=goofy --no-rebase

# --username is needed only the first commit or if differs from
#   the currently logged in
# --no-rebase is useful if you're EU based as the apache svn EU
#   mirror lag behind some seconds.
# if in EU wait 10 seconds and give a `git svn rebase` to properly
#   align your upstream later on.
