Permission Evaluation in Detail

In order to evaluate the permissions for a given item, the PermissionProvider lazily builds an iterator of PermissionsEntry representing the rep:Permission present in the permission store that take effect for the given set of principals at the given node (or property).

Each PermissionsEntry stores the privileges granted/denied together with any restrictions that may be defined with the original access control entry.

This iterator is a concatenation between all entries associated with user principals followed by the entries associated with group principals.

The order of precedence is as follows:

  • permissions are inherited throughout the item hierarchy
  • user principals always take precedence over group principals irrespective of
    • their order in the access control list
    • their position in the node hierarchy
  • within a given type of principal (user vs. group principal) the order of executing is
    • order of entries as specified originally (the index of the permission entry)
    • entries associated with the target tree take precedence over inherited entries
Simple Inheritance
    allow - everyone - READ permission


  • everyone is allowed to read the complete tree defined by /content
Simple Inheritance with Restrictions
    allow - everyone - READ permission
    deny - everyone - READ_PROPERTY permission - restriction rep:itemNames = ['prop1', 'prop2']


  • everyone is can read the complete tree defined by /content except for properties named ‘prop1’ or ‘prop2’ which are explicitly denied by the restricting entry.
Inheritance with Allow and Deny
    deny - everyone - READ permission

    allow - everyone - READ permission


  • everyone cannot read items at the tree defined by /content
  • except for tree defined by /content/public which is accessible.
Inheritance with Multiple Allows
    allow - everyone - READ permission

    allow - everyone - REMOVE permission


  • everyonce can read item at /content and the complete subtree
  • in addition everyone can remove items underneath /content/public
Inheritance with Different Principals
    allow - everyone - READ permission
    allow - authorGroup - REMOVE permission


  • a subject being member of everyone is allowed to read at /content and the complete subtree

  • a subject being member of authorGroup is only allowed to remove items at /content

  • a subject being member of both everyone and authorGroup has full read-access at /content and can also remove items.

    /content allow - everyone - READ permission

    /content/private deny - everyone - READ permission allow - powerfulGroup - ALL permission


  • a subject being member of everyone
    • is allowed to read at /content and the complete subtree
    • except for /content/private
  • a subject being member of powerfulGroup
    • has full permission at /content/private
  • a subject being member of both everyone and powerfulGroup
    • has full read-access at /content
    • has full permission underneath /content/private
Interaction of User and Group Principals
    allow - jackrabbit - ALL permission
    deny - everyone - ALL permission


  • a subject containing the ‘jackrabbit’ user principal has full permission at /home/jackrabbit irrespective of the presense of everyone group principal in the subject.

  • any other subject has not access at /home/jackrabbit

    /home/jackrabbit allow - jackrabbit - ALL permission

    /home/jackrabbit/private deny - everyone - ALL permission


  • a subject containing the ‘jackrabbit’ user principal has full permission at the tree defined by /home/jackrabbit irrespective of the presense of everyone group principal in the subject.
  • any other subject is explicitly denied access to /home/jackrabbit/private

Some Examples: Step by Step


Reading a Node

The following section describes what happens on Session.getNode("/foo").getProperty("jcr:title") in terms of permission evaluation:

  1. SessionImpl.getNode() internally calls SessionDelegate.getNode() which calls Root.getTree() which calls Tree.getTree() on the /foo tree. This creates a bunch of linked MutableTree objects.

  2. The session delegate then checks if the tree really exists, by calling Tree.exists() which then calls NodeBuilder.exists().

  3. If the session performing the operation is an admin session, then the node builder from the persistence layer is directly used. In all other cases, the original node builder is wrapped by a SecureNodeBuilder. The SecureNodeBuilder performs permission checks before delegating the calls to the delegated builder.

  4. For non admin sessions the SecureNodeBuilder fetches its tree permissions via getTreePermission().

  5. The TreePermission is responsible for evaluating the permissions granted or denied for a given Oak Tree and it's properties. In order to test if a the tree itself is accessible TreePermission#canRead() is called and checks the READ_NODE permission for normal trees (as in this example) or the READ_ACCESS_CONTROL permission on AC trees. The result is remembered in the ReadStatus kept with this TreePermission instance.

  6. The read status is based on the evaluation of the permission entries that are effective for this tree and the set of principals associated with the permission provider. They are retrieved internally by calling getEntryIterator().

  7. The permission entries are analyzed if they include the respective permission and if so, the read status is set accordingly. Note that the sequence of the permission entries from the iterator is already in the correct order for this kind of evaluation. This is ensured by the way how they are stored in the permission store and how they are feed into the iterator (see Order and Evaluation of Permission Entries above).

    The iteration also detects if the evaluated permission entries cover this node and all its properties. If this is the case, subsequent calls that evaluate the property read permissions would then not need to do the same iteration again. In order to detect this, the iteration checks if a non-matching permission entry or privilege was skipped and eventually sets the respective flag in the ReadStatus. This flag indicates if the present permission entries are sufficient to tell if the session is allowed to read this node and all its properties. If there are more entries present than the ones needed for evaluating the READ_NODE permission, then it's ambiguous to determine if all properties can be read.

  8. Once the ReadStatus is calculated (or was calculated earlier) the canRead() method returns ReadStatus.allowsThis() which specifies if this node is allowed to be read.

Reading a Property
  1. Node.getProperty() internally calls NodeDelegate.getPropertyOrNull() which first resolves the parent node as indicated by the relative path without testing for it's existence. Then a new PropertyDelegate is created from the parent node and the name of the property, which internal obtains the PropertyState from the Oak Tree, which may return null.

  2. The node delegate then checks if the property really exists (or is accessible to the reading session by calling PropertyDelegate.exists() asserting if the underlying PropertyState is not null.

  3. If the session performing the operation is an admin session, then the property state from the persistence layer is directly used. In all other cases, the original node builder is wrapped by a SecureNodeBuilder. The SecureNodeBuilder performs permission checks before delegating the calls to the delegated builder.

  4. For non admin sessions the SecureNodeBuilder fetches its tree permissions via getTreePermission().

  5. The TreePermission is responsible for evaluating the permissions granted or denied for a given Oak Tree and it's properties. In order to test if the property is accessible TreePermission#canRead(PropertyState) is called and checks the READ_PROPERTY permission for regular properties or the READ_ACCESS_CONTROL permission for properties defining access control related content. In case all properties defined with the parent tree are accessible to the editing session the result is remembered in the ReadStatus kept with this TreePermission instance; otherwise the permission entries are collected and evaluated as described above.

Session Write-Operations

Adding a Node
  1. Node.addNode(String) will internally call NodeDelegate.addChild which in term, adds a new child to the corresponding Oak Tree and generate all autocreated child items.

  2. Once is called all pending changes will be merged into the NodeStore present with the editing Oak Root. This is achieved by calling Root#commit.

  3. The permission evaluation is triggered by means of a specific Validator implementation that is passed over to the merge along with the complete set of validators and editors that are combined into a single CommitHook.

  4. The PermissionValidator will be notified about the new node being added.

  5. It again obtains the TreePermission object form the PermissionProvider and evaluates if ADD_NODE permission is being granted for the new target node. The evaluation follows the same principals as described above.

  6. If added the new node is granted the validation continues otherwise the commit will fail immediately with an CommitFailedException of type ACCESS.

Changing a Property
  1. Property.setValue will internally call PropertyDelegate.setState with an new PropertyState created from the new value (or the new set of values).

  2. Once is called all pending changes will be merged into the NodeStore present with the editing Oak Root. This is achieved by calling Root#commit.

  3. The permission evaluation is triggered by means of a specific Validator implementation that is passed over to the merge along with the complete set of validators and editors that are combined into a single CommitHook.

  4. The PermissionValidator will be notified about the modified property.

  5. It again obtains the TreePermission object form the PermissionProvider and evaluates if MODIFY_PROPERTY permission is being granted. The evaluation follows the same principals as described above.

  6. If changing this property is allowed the validation continues otherwise the commit will fail immediately with an CommitFailedException of type ACCESS.

Workspace Operations

Copying Nodes
  1. Workspac.copy will internally call WorkspaceDelegate.copy.

  2. After some preliminary validation the delegate will create a new WorkspaceCopy and call it's perform method passing in the separate Root instance obtained from ContentSession.getLatestRoot(); in other words the modifications made by the copy operation will not show up as transient changes on the editing session.

  3. Upon completion of the copy operation Root.commit is called on that latest root instance and the delegated will refresh the editing session to reflect the changes made by the copy.

  4. The permission evaluation is triggered upon committing the changes associated with the copy by the same Validator that handles transient operations.

  5. The PermissionValidator will be notified about the new items created by the copy and checks the corresponding permissions with the TreePermission associated with the individual new nodes. The evaluation follows the same principals as described above.

  6. If a permission violation is detected the commit will fail immediately with an CommitFailedException of type ACCESS.

Locking a Node
  1. LockManager.lock will internally call NodeDelegate.lock, which will obtain a new Root from the editing ContentSession and perform the required changes on that dedicated root such that the editing session is not affected.

  2. Once the lock operation is complete the delegate will call Root.commit on the latest root instance in order to persist the changes. Finally the lock manager will refresh the editing session to reflect the changes made.

  3. The permission evaluation is triggered upon committing the changes associated with the lock operation by the same Validator that handles transient operations.

  4. The PermissionValidator will be notified about the new items created by the lock and identify that they are associated with a lock specific operations. Consequently it will checks for LOCK_MANAGEMENT permissions being granted at the affected tree. The evaluation triggered by calling TreePermission.isGranted and follows the same principals as described above.

  5. If a permission violation is detected the commit will fail immediately with an CommitFailedException of type ACCESS.

Repository Operations

Registering a Privilege
  1. PrivilegeManager.registerPrivilege will obtain a new Root from the editing ContentSession and pass it to a new PrivilegeDefinitionWriter that is in charge of writing the repository content associated with a new privilege definition. Finally the writer will persist the changes by calling Root.commit.

  2. Validation of the new privilege definition if delegated to a dedicated PrivilegeValidator.

  3. The permission evaluation is triggered upon committing the changes associated by the same Validator that handles transient operations.

  4. The PermissionValidator will be notified about changes being made to the dedicated tree storing privilege information and will specifically verify that PRIVILEGE_MANAGEMENT permissions being granted at the repository level. This is achieved by obtaining the RepositoryPermission object from the PermissionProvider and calling RepositoryPermission.isGranted. The evaluation follows the same principals as described above.

  5. If a permission violation is detected the commit will fail immediately with an CommitFailedException of type ACCESS.

  6. Once the registration is successfully completed the manager will refresh the editing session.