
The DocumentNodeStore and the underlying DocumentStore expose a number of metrics that can be used to monitor a running system.

Depending on the StatisticsProvider in use by Oak, these metrics can then be accessed via JMX or bridged to Apache Sling Metrics.

There are different types of metrics used by the DocumentNodeStore and the DocumentStore:

  • Counter: a monotonically increasing number. Though, the value will be reset to zero when Oak is restarted.
  • Meter: measures the rate of an event or action per second.
  • Timer: measures the rate of an event or action per second and provides information on the distribution of the duration (percentiles).


The following DocumentNodeStore Counter metrics are available, independent of the underlying DocumentStore in use (MongoDB, RDB, etc.):

CacheStats.Document-Documents.elementThe number of elements (documents) in the Documents cache.
CacheStats.Document-Documents.evictionThe number of evictions from the Documents cache.
CacheStats.Document-Documents.hitThe number of cache hits for the Documents cache.
CacheStats.Document-Documents.loadTimeThe accumulated load time on a Documents cache miss.nanoseconds
CacheStats.Document-Documents.missThe number of cache misses for the Documents cache.
CacheStats.Document-Documents.requestThe number of lookup requests made on the Documents cache. This is the sum of cache hits and misses.
CacheStats.Document-LocalDiff.elementThe number of elements in the LocalDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-LocalDiff.evictionThe number of evictions from the LocalDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-LocalDiff.hitThe number of cache hits for the LocalDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-LocalDiff.loadTimeThe accumulated load time on the LocalDiff cache. Please note, the LocalDiff cache is pro-actively populated and never loads on a cache miss. This value will always be zero.nanoseconds
CacheStats.Document-LocalDiff.missThe number of cache misses for the LocalDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-LocalDiff.requestThe number of lookup requests made on the LocalDiff cache. This is the sum of cache hits and misses.
CacheStats.Document-MemoryDiff.elementThe number of elements in the MemoryDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-MemoryDiff.evictionThe number of evictions in the MemoryDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-MemoryDiff.hitThe number of hits for the MemoryDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-MemoryDiff.loadTimeThe accumulated load time on the MemoryDiff cache.nanoseconds
CacheStats.Document-MemoryDiff.missThe number of cache misses for the MemoryDiff cache.
CacheStats.Document-MemoryDiff.requestThe number of lookup requests made on the MemoryDiff cache. This is the sum of cache hits and misses.
CacheStats.Document-NodeChildren.elementThe number of elements in the NodeChildren cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeChildren.evictionThe number of evictions in the NodeChildren cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeChildren.hitThe number of hits for the NodeChildren cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeChildren.loadTimeThe accumulated load time on the NodeChildren cache.nanoseconds
CacheStats.Document-NodeChildren.missThe number of cache misses for the NodeChildren cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeChildren.requestThe number of lookup requests made on the NodeChildren cache. This is the sum of cache hits and misses.
CacheStats.Document-NodeState.elementThe number of elements in the NodeState cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeState.evictionThe number of evictions in the NodeState cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeState.hitThe number of hits for the NodeState cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeState.loadTimeThe accumulated load time on the NodeState cache.nanoseconds
CacheStats.Document-NodeState.missThe number of cache misses for the NodeState cache.
CacheStats.Document-NodeState.requestThe number of lookup requests made on the NodeState cache. This is the sum of cache hits and misses.
CacheStats.Document-PrevDocuments.elementThe number of elements (documents) in the PrevDocuments cache.
CacheStats.Document-PrevDocuments.evictionThe number of evictions in the PrevDocuments cache.
CacheStats.Document-PrevDocuments.hitThe number of hits for the PrevDocuments cache.
CacheStats.Document-PrevDocuments.loadTimeThe accumulated load time on the PrevDocuments cache.nanoseconds
CacheStats.Document-PrevDocuments.missThe number of cache misses for the PrevDocuments cache.
CacheStats.Document-PrevDocuments.requestThe number of lookup requests made on the PrevDocuments cache. This is the sum of cache hits and misses.

More information on CacheStats is also available in the CacheStatsMBean of the Oak API.

The following Meters are available, each exposing a cumulative count and various rates for the event (mean, one minute, five minute, fifteen minute):

NameDescriptionRate unit
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_LAGThe approximate lag in milliseconds of external changes the async background reader pulls in from other cluster nodes.average lag in milliseconds
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_NUM_CHANGES_RATEThe number of changes the async background reader pulls in from other cluster nodes. This does not necessarily mean a cluster node reads the documents for all those changes, but it must at least invalidate the affected documents in the cache.changes per second
DOCUMENT_NS_BGW_NUM_WRITE_RATEThe number of documents the async background writer updates and pushes to the DocumentStore.updates per second
DOCUMENT_NS_BRANCH_COMMIT_COUNTThe number of branch commits performed by this DocumentNodeStore.branch commits per second
DOCUMENT_NS_MERGE_BRANCH_COMMIT_COUNTThe number of branch commits merged. This count can be lower than the branch commit count because some branch commits have not yet been merged or never will be merged.branch commits merged per second
DOCUMENT_NS_MERGE_FAILED_EXCLUSIVEThe number of failed merges while holding the merge lock exclusively.failed merges per second
DOCUMENT_NS_MERGE_SUCCESS_COUNTThe number of successful mergesmerges per second
DOCUMENT_NS_MERGE_SUCCESS_EXCLUSIVEThe number of successful merges while holding the merge lock exclusively.merges per second
DOCUMENT_NS_MERGE_SUCCESS_SUSPENDEDThe number of successful merges that previously had to be suspended because of a not yet visible conflict from another cluster node.merges per second

Note: a merge operation on the DocumentNodeStore level is roughly equivalent to a JCR Session save() operation.

A DocumentNodeStore also exposes the following Timers with different percentiles for the duration of an operation. The timings include the latency between Oak and a backend store like MongoDB.

DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_CACHE_INVALIDATEThe time it takes to invalidate affected cache entries on a background read operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_DIFF_CACHEThe time it takes to populate the diff cache for external changes on a background read operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_DISPATCHThe time it takes the DocumentNodeStore to dispatch external changes on a background read operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_LOCKThe time it takes to acquire locks on a background read operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_READ_HEADThe time it takes to read the root document on a background read operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGR_TOTAL_TIMEThe total time of a background read operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGW_CLEANThe time it takes to clean up orphaned branches and collisions on a background write operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGW_LOCKThe time it takes to acquire locks on a background write operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGW_SPLITThe time it takes to split documents in a background write operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGW_SWEEPThe time it takes to sweep documents in a background write operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_BGW_TOTAL_TIMEThe total time of a background write operation.
DOCUMENT_NS_LEASE_UPDATEThe time it takes to update the lease.
DOCUMENT_NS_MERGE_SUCCESS_TIMEThe time it takes a successful merge to complete. This does not include merge attempts that failed.

Note: Oak tracks the duration for above timers at millisecond accuracy, but tools may translate the duration percentiles to different units.

If a DocumentNodeStore is configured with persistent caches, then the following Meters are available:

NameDescriptionRate unit
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.BROADCAST_RECVThe number of broadcast messages received by the children persistent cache.messages per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.CACHE_PUTThe number of entries put into the children persistent cache.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.HITSThe number of hits for the children persistent cache.hits per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.INVALIDATE_ALLThe number of invalidate all operations on the children persistent per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.INVALIDATE_ONEThe number of times an entry from the children persistent cache was explicitly invalidated.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.LOAD_EXCEPTIONSThe number of times a loader threw an exception on a cache miss for the children persistent cache.exceptions per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.PUT_REJECTED_SECONDARY_CACHEThe number of rejected put operations on the children persistent cache because the configuration excludes the key.rejects per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.children.REQUESTSThe number of lookup requests made on the children persistent cache. This does not include lookup operations for keys that have been excluded by configuration.requests per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.BROADCAST_RECVThe number of broadcast messages received by the diff persistent cache.messages per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.CACHE_PUTThe number of entries put into the diff persistent cache.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.HITSThe number of hits for the diff persistent cache.hits per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.INVALIDATE_ALLThe number of invalidate all operations on the diff persistent per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.INVALIDATE_ONEThe number of times an entry from the diff persistent cache was explicitly invalidated.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.LOAD_EXCEPTIONSThe number of times a loader threw an exception on a cache miss for the diff persistent cache.exceptions per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.PUT_REJECTED_SECONDARY_CACHEThe number of rejected put operations on the diff persistent cache because the configuration excludes the key.rejects per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.diff.REQUESTSThe number of lookup requests made on the diff persistent cache. This does not include lookup operations for keys that have been excluded by configuration.requests per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.BROADCAST_RECVThe number of broadcast messages received by the local_diff persistent cache.messages per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.CACHE_PUTThe number of entries put into the local_diff persistent cache.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.HITSThe number of hits for the local_diff persistent cache.hits per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.INVALIDATE_ALLThe number of invalidate all operations on the local_diff persistent per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.INVALIDATE_ONEThe number of times an entry from the local_diff persistent cache was explicitly invalidated.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.LOAD_EXCEPTIONSThe number of times a loader threw an exception on a cache miss for the local_diff persistent cache.exceptions per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.PUT_REJECTED_SECONDARY_CACHEThe number of rejected put operations on the local_diff persistent cache because the configuration excludes the key.rejects per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.local_diff.REQUESTSThe number of lookup requests made on the local_diff persistent cache. This does not include lookup operations for keys that have been excluded by configuration.requests per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.BROADCAST_RECVThe number of broadcast messages received by the node persistent cache.messages per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.CACHE_PUTThe number of entries put into the node persistent cache.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.HITSThe number of hits for the node persistent cache.hits per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.INVALIDATE_ALLThe number of invalidate all operations on the node persistent per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.INVALIDATE_ONEThe number of times an entry from the node persistent cache was explicitly invalidated.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.LOAD_EXCEPTIONSThe number of times a loader threw an exception on a cache miss for the node persistent cache.exceptions per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.PUT_REJECTED_SECONDARY_CACHEThe number of rejected put operations on the node persistent cache because the configuration excludes the key.rejects per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.node.REQUESTSThe number of lookup requests made on the node persistent cache. This does not include lookup operations for keys that have been excluded by configuration.requests per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.BROADCAST_RECVThe number of broadcast messages received by the prev_document persistent cache.messages per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.CACHE_PUTThe number of entries put into the prev_document persistent cache.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.HITSThe number of hits for the prev_document persistent cache.hits per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.INVALIDATE_ALLThe number of invalidate all operations on the prev_document persistent per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.INVALIDATE_ONEThe number of times an entry from the prev_document persistent cache was explicitly invalidated.entries per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.LOAD_EXCEPTIONSThe number of times a loader threw an exception on a cache miss for the prev_document persistent cache.exceptions per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.PUT_REJECTED_SECONDARY_CACHEThe number of rejected put operations on the prev_document persistent cache because the configuration excludes the key.rejects per second
PersistentCache.NodeCache.prev_document.REQUESTSThe number of lookup requests made on the prev_document persistent cache. This does not include lookup operations for keys that have been excluded by configuration.requests per second

Note: the broadcast feature of the persistent cache is disabled by default, which means the number of received broadcast messages will be zero in that case.

Revision GC

Basic Revision GC can be monitored with the following Counters:

RevisionGC.COUNTERThe number of Revision GC cycles performed by this DocumentNodeStore. In a cluster only one of the DocumentNodeStore instances will perform Revision GC and show an increasing value for this counter.
RevisionGC.FAILUREThe number of times the Revision GC failed.

More detailed insight is provided by these Meters, each exposing a cumulative count and various rates for the event (mean, one minute, five minute, fifteen minute):

RevisionGC.DELETE_DOCThe total number of documents deleted by the Revision GC on this DocumentNodeStore. This include all other types of documents deleted by the Revision GC.
RevisionGC.DELETE_INT_SPLIT_DOCThe number of intermediate split documents deleted by the Revision GC on this DocumentNodeStore.
RevisionGC.DELETE_LEAF_DOCThe number of leaf documents deleted by the Revision GC on this DocumentNodeStore.
RevisionGC.DELETE_SPLIT_DOCThe number of split/previous documents deleted by the Revision GC on this DocumentNodeStore.
RevisionGC.READ_DOCThe number of documents read by the Revision GC on this DocumentNodeStore.
RevisionGC.RESET_DELETED_FLAGThe number of documents where the Revision GC reset the _deletedOnce flag.

The following Timers are available for the Revision GC, with different percentiles for the duration of an operation. The timings include the latency between Oak and a backend store like MongoDB.

RevisionGC.ACTIVE_TIMERThe total time the Revision GC was active in one cycle.
RevisionGC.CHECK_DELETED_TIMERThe time it takes to check documents whether they can be deleted by the Revision GC in one cycle.
RevisionGC.DELETE_DOC_TIMERThe time it takes to delete documents in one Revision GC cycle. This includes all types of documents to delete.
RevisionGC.DELETE_SPLIT_DOC_TIMERThe time it takes to collect and delete split/previous documents in one Revision GC cycle.
RevisionGC.READ_DOC_TIMERThe time it takes to read candidate documents from the DocumentStore in one Revision GC cycle.
RevisionGC.RESET_DELETED_FLAG_TIMERThe time it takes to reset the _deletedOnce flag on documents in on Revision GC cycle.
RevisionGC.SORT_IDS_TIMERThe time it takes to sort _id values of documents to delete in one Revision GC cycle.

Note: Oak tracks the duration for above timers at microsecond accuracy, but many tools will translate the duration percentiles to milliseconds.


Every DocumentStore exposes the following Meters with a cumulative count and various rates for each of the operations (mean, one minute, five minute, fifteen minute):

NameDescriptionRate unit
DOCUMENT_JOURNAL_CREATEThe number of documents created in the journal collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_JOURNAL_QUERYThe number of documents read from the journal collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_CREATEThe number of documents created in the nodes collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_CREATE_SPLITThe number of split/previous documents created in the nodes collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_CREATE_UPSERTThe number of documents upserted in the nodes collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_FIND_CACHEDThe number of documents from the nodes collection served from the cache.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_FIND_MISSINGThe number of document reads from the nodes collection that did not return a document.reads per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_FIND_PRIMARYThe number of document reads from the nodes collection served by the primary.reads per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_FIND_SLAVEThe number of document reads from the nodes collection served by the slave/secondary.reads per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_FIND_SPLITThe number of split/previous document reads from the nodes collection.reads per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERY_FINDThe number of documents returned by queries on the nodes collection.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERY_LOCKThe number of times queries on the nodes collection had to acquire a lock in the DocumentStore.locks per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERY_PRIMARYThe number of queries on the nodes collection targeting the primary.queries per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERY_SLAVEThe number of queries on the nodes collection targeting the slave/secondary.queries per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_REMOVEThe number of documents removed from the nodes collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_UPDATEThe number of documents updated in the nodes collection by this DocumentStore.documents per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_UPDATE_FAILUREThe number of failed updates of a document in the nodes collection by this DocumentStore.failures per second
DOCUMENT_NODES_UPDATE_RETRYThe number of times an update of a document in the nodes collection was retried by this DocumentStore.retries per second

Note: the terms primary and slave are only relevant for a DocumentStore implementation that works with replicated data, like MongoDB. Implementations that do not make this distinction will report all calls for primary.

Note: update failures and retries are only relevant for the RDB DocumentStore. On a MongoDB DocumentStore, these values will always be zero.

In addition to above Meters, a DocumentStore also exposes the following Timers with different percentiles for the duration of an operation. The timings include the latency between Oak and a backend store like MongoDB.

DOCUMENT_JOURNAL_CREATE_TIMERThe time it takes to create an entry in the journal collection.
DOCUMENT_JOURNAL_QUERY_TIMERThe time it takes to perform a query on the journal collection.
DOCUMENT_NODES_CREATE_TIMERThe time it takes to create a document in the nodes collection.
DOCUMENT_NODES_CREATE_UPSERT_TIMERThe time it takes to upsert a document in the nodes collection.
DOCUMENT_NODES_FINDThe time it takes to lookup a document in the nodes collection. This does not include lookups for documents that do not exist.
DOCUMENT_NODES_FIND_MISSING_TIMERThe time it takes to lookup a document in the nodes collection that does not exist.
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERYThe time it takes to perform a query on the nodes collection without additional filters. These are queries that only put a constraint on the _id field.
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERY_FILTERThe time it takes to perform a query on the nodes collection with additional filters. Additional filters could e.g. include a constraint on the _modified field.
DOCUMENT_NODES_QUERY_LOCK_TIMERThe time a query spent in the DocumentStore waiting on a lock before it is executed.
DOCUMENT_NODES_REMOVE_TIMERThe time it takes to remove a document from the nodes collection.
DOCUMENT_NODES_UPDATE_TIMERThe time it takes to update a document in the nodes collection.

Note: Oak tracks the duration for above timers at nanosecond accuracy, but many tools will translate the duration percentiles to milliseconds.


In addition to the general metrics of a DocumentStore, a MongoDocumentStore also exposes the following Counters:

MongoDB.blobs.countThe number of documents in the blobs collection.
MongoDB.blobs.sizeThe total size of the documents in the blobs collection without indexes.bytes
MongoDB.blobs.storageSizeThe total amount of storage allocated to the blobs collection. This value may be smaller than size because MongoDB uses compression when it stores documents on disk.bytes
MongoDB.blobs.totalIndexSizeThe total size of all indexes in the blobs collection.bytes
MongoDB.clusterNodes.countThe number of documents in the clusterNodes collection.
MongoDB.clusterNodes.sizeThe total size of the documents in the clusterNodes collection without indexes.bytes
MongoDB.clusterNodes.storageSizeThe total amount of storage allocated to the clusterNodes collection. This value may be smaller than size because MongoDB uses compression when it stores documents on disk.bytes
MongoDB.clusterNodes.totalIndexSizeThe total size of all indexes in the clusterNodes collection.bytes
MongoDB.journal.countThe number of documents in the journal collection.
MongoDB.journal.sizeThe total size of the documents in the journal collection without indexes.bytes
MongoDB.journal.storageSizeThe total amount of storage allocated to the journal collection. This value may be smaller than size because MongoDB uses compression when it stores documents on disk.bytes
MongoDB.journal.totalIndexSizeThe total size of all indexes in the journal collection.bytes
MongoDB.nodes.countThe number of documents in the nodes collection.
MongoDB.nodes.sizeThe total size of the documents in the nodes collection without indexes.bytes
MongoDB.nodes.storageSizeThe total amount of storage allocated to the nodes collection. This value may be smaller than size because MongoDB uses compression when it stores documents on disk.bytes
MongoDB.nodes.totalIndexSizeThe total size of all indexes in the nodes collection.bytes
MongoDB.settings.countThe number of documents in the settings collection.
MongoDB.settings.sizeThe total size of the documents in the settings collection without indexes.bytes
MongoDB.settings.storageSizeThe total amount of storage allocated to the settings collection. This value may be smaller than size because MongoDB uses compression when it stores documents on disk.bytes
MongoDB.settings.totalIndexSizeThe total size of all indexes in the settings collection.bytes


While not all metrics described on this page are necessary to monitor a DocumentNodeStore, it is still advised to collect data for all metrics. In case of a problem, metrics can be a valuable source of historical data to analyze the problem and gain insight how the system behaved over time.

Some essential metrics that should be monitored are:

  • Background read and write operations. These operations are scheduled to run every second. If this interval gets too long, changes from other cluster nodes will get picked up with a delay, which can result in failed merges because of conflicts. As a general rule of thumb, background operations that take longer than ten seconds should be analyzed. Possible reasons for an unusually long background operation may be increased load on the system with many changes to write to or read from the DocumentStore, general slow down of the JVM because of increased Java GC activity or an overloaded backend store.
  • Background read lag rate. This is similar to the schedule of the background read and write operations. The one minute rate is usually below 1000 milliseconds and should be analyzed when this rate is higher than ten seconds.
  • Lease update rate and duration. The DocumentNodeStore updates the lease roughly every 10 seconds. A lease update is a lightweight operation and should usually complete quickly. An increased update time may indicate a network problem or an overloaded backend store. A system should be analyzed when the lease update rate drops below 3 updates per minute and requires immediate attention when the rate is at one update per minute or lower. Please note, the DocumentNodeStore will shut itself down when the lease expires (the default lease time is two minutes).
  • Revision GC rate and duration. Starting with Oak 1.8, Revision GC on MongoDB runs every five seconds. This is also known as Continuous Revision GC. This rate and the duration of a Revision GC cycle should be monitored and analyzed if the duration is more than five seconds for a couple of cycles.
  • Revision GC failure. These should not occur and require immediate attention. The log files should provide details in this case why the Revision GC failed.
  • Number of merges under an exclusive lock or that were suspended. Periods of increased merges with exclusive locks or suspended merges indicate conflicts usually caused by the application when multiple sessions try to write conflicting changes. The application should be analyzed to prevent such write patterns.