

The artifact org.apache.jackrabbit.vault:vault-validation provides both an API for validating FileVault packages as well as an SPI for implementing validators. In addition this JAR contains useful validators.

This validation framework is supposed to be used as

  1. dependency for custom validators (SPI)
  2. library for build tools which want to call validation on FileVault packages (API and Implementation)



It is possible to adjust every validator registered in the system (both default and external validators) via settings. Settings have a common section (which apply to every validator) but also support validator specific options.

ElementDescriptionDefault Value
defaultSeverityEach validation message has a severity. The default validation message severity of each validator can be influenced with this parameter. If a validator emits different types of validation messages the other types can be influenced via options.error
isDisabledA boolean flag defining whether validator is disabled or not.false
optionsA map (i.e. keys and values) of validator specific options. The supported options for the validators are outlined below.empty

Each validator settings are set for a specific validator id.

Standard Validators

jackrabbit-filterChecks for validity of the filter.xml (according to a predefined XML schema). In addition checks that every docview xml node is contained in the filter. It also makes sure that all filter root's ancestors are either known/valid roots or are contained in the package dependencies. For ancestor nodes which are not covered by a filter at least a warn is emitted. Also it makes sure that pattern values for includes/excludes as well as root values for each filter entry are valid. Orphaned filter rules (i.e. ones not being necessary) lead to validation issues as well.severityForUncoveredAncestorNodes: severity of validation messages for uncovered ancestor nodes.
severityForUncoveredFilterRootAncestors: severity of validation messages for uncovered filter root ancestors. (default = error, for package type=application or warn for all other package types)
severityForOrphanedFilterRules: severity of validation messages for orphaned filter rules (default = info)
validRoots: comma-separated list of valid roots (default = "/,/libs,/apps,/etc,/var,/tmp,/content")
jackrabbit-properties Checks for validity of the properties.xmlnone
jackrabbit-dependenciesChecks for overlapping filter roots of the referenced package dependencies as well as for valid package dependency references (i.e. references which can be resolved).severityForUnresolvedDependencies: severity of validation messages for unresolved dependencies (default = warn)
jackrabbit-docviewparserChecks if all docview files in the package are compliant with the (extended) Document View Format. This involves checking for XML validity as well as checking for correct property types.none
jackrabbit-emptyelementsCheck for empty elements within DocView files (used for ordering purposes, compare with (extended) Document View Format) which are included in the filter with import=replace as those are actually not replaced!none
jackrabbit-mergelimitationsChecks for the limitation of import mode=merge outlined at JCRVLT-255.none
jackrabbit-oakindexChecks if the package (potentially) modifies/creates an OakIndexDefinition. This is done by evaluating both the filter.xml for potential matches as well as the actual content for nodes with jcr:primaryType oak:indexDefinition.none
jackrabbit-packagetypeChecks if the package type is correctly set for this package, i.e. is compliant with all rules outlined at Package Types.jcrInstallerNodePathRegex: the regex of the node paths which all OSGi bundles and configurations within packages must match (JCR Installer) (default=`/([^/]*/){0,4}?(install
jackrabbit-nodetypesChecks if all non empty elements within DocView files have the mandatory property jcr:primaryType set and follow the node type definition of their given type.cnds: A URI pointing to one or multiple CNDs (separated by ,) which define the additional namespaces and nodetypes used apart from the default ones defined in JCR 2.0. If a URI is pointing to a JAR, the validator will leverage all the nodetypes being mentioned in the Sling-Nodetypes manifest header. Apart from the standard protocols the scheme tccl can be used to reference names from the Thread's context class loader. In the Maven plugin context this is the plugin classloader.
defaultNodeType: the node type in expanded or qualified form which is used for unknown ancestor nodes which are not given otherwise (default = nt:folder). Note Using the default is pretty conservative but the safest approach. It may lead to a lot of issues as nt:folder is heavily restricted. In general you cannot know with which type the parent node already exists in the resource and FileVault itself for a long time created nt:folder nodes as intermediates so this is the safest option. If you are sure that the intermediate node types are of the correct type, you should uise a type with no restrictions (nt:unstructured).
severityForUnknownNodetypes: The severity of issues being emitted due to an unknown primary/mixin type set on a node (default = WARN).
validNameSpaces: Configure list of namespaces that are known to be valid. Syntax: prefix1=http://uri1,prefix2=http://uri2,....
jackrabbit-accesscontrolChecks that access control list nodes (primary type rep:ACL, rep:CugPolicy and rep:PrincipalPolicy) are only used when the package property's acHandling is set to something but ignore or clear.none

Custom Validators

The SPI for implementing custom validators is provided in this package. The validators are registered via a ValidatorFactory which is supposed to be registered via the ServiceLoader.

The SPI is exported from the artifact org.apache.jackrabbit.vault:vault-validation as well.

The validator which is returned via the ValidatorFactory is one of the following types below package org.apache.jackrabbit.filevault.maven.packaging.validator

Validator ClassDescriptionMETA-INF or jcr_rootCalled from another validator
DocumentViewXmlValidatorCalled for each node serialized into a DocView elementjcr_rootno
NodePathValidatorCalled for each node path contained in the package (even for ones not listed in the filter.xml)jcr_rootno
JcrPathValidatorCalled for each file path contained in the packagejcr_rootno
GenericJcrDataValidatorCalled for all serialized nodes which are not DocViewXmljcr_rootno
FilterValidatorCalled for the vault/filter.xml fileMETA-INFyes (jackrabbit-filter)
PropertiesValidatorCalled for the vault/properties.xml fileMETA-INFyes (jackrabbit-properties)
GenericMetaInfDataValidatorCalled for all META-INF files (even vault/filter.xml nor vault/properties.xml). In general prefer the higher level validators (i.e. FilterValidator or PropertiesValidator if possible)META-INFno
MetaInfFilePathValidatorCalled for each file path contained in the package below META-INFMETA-INFno

Validation API

The API for calling validation on specific files is provided in this package.

First you need one instance of ValidationExecutorFactory. For each new ValidationContext (i.e. new package context) you create a new ValidationExecutor via ValidationExecutorFactory.createValidationExecutor(...). For each file you then call either

  • ValidationExecutor.validateJcrRoot(...) for input streams referring to files which are supposed to end up in the repository or
  • ValidationExecutor.validateMetaInf(...) for input streams representing metaInf data of the FileVault package

The Validation API is currently used by the FileVault Package Maven Plugin.